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  • Leaf NPCs


    Leaf Village NPCs

    Yori will be the first NPC you see as a Leaf ninja. She rewards you with a headband protector for completing the Genin Exam.

    The Leaf Jonin will automatically attack any enemy ninja from a certain amount of tiles.

    [Not to be confused with Leaf Jonin]
    Jonin NPCs in certain areas around the village will give you information about the area they are in. [This goes for Sand, and Mist Village]

    The Monk sells you a World Blessing for 10k ryo.

    Himura is the only medicine seller in the land of fire, he currently sells: Blood Pill [25 ryo], and Chakra Pill [25 ryo]. He's also an NPC you help gather ingredients for when doing the Medicine Supplies missions.

    Kagane is the only weapon seller in the leaf village, he currently sells: Kunai Dagger [80 Ryo], Wooden Katana [125 Ryo], Broad Sword [250 Ryo], Butcher Sword [1000 Ryo], and Nikuya [5000 Ryo].

    Gorou sells the following items: Shuriken [2 ryo each], Senbon [2 ryo each], Kunai [2 ryo each], Explosive Tag [2 ryo each], Barrier Tag [10 ryo each]

    Samisami sells Round Sunglasses [3k ryo], Round Glasses [3k ryo], and Green Goggles [300 ryo]. He also sells Black, White, Red, Green, Blue, and Pink Glasses for 4k ryo.

    The Account Manager can do 3 things. Reset Character [Level Reset, but you'll keep your cash items, but not your ryo, and clothing bought with ryo.], Rank [Is for those that have the Items Chunin Papers, and Jonin Papers. They can be found in your cash shop stash near the bottom right of your screen.], and Pause/Resume Leveling Up.

    Nemu (Top) currently doesn't give you any missions to do. Koda (Bottom) on the other hand gives you RP Missions. There are 4 RP Missions in total. You have to be a certain level for these: Lv 12 [RP 1], Lv 17 [RP 2], Lv 22 [RP 3], Lv 27 [RP 4].

    Tengu is the man to go to for your daily missions. You only get 3 Missions per day. [Missions aka Dalies Reset around Midnight EST]

    Daiki currently doesn't say anything to you or give you missions.

    Lv. 30 Arc gives you the questline for Land of Toads. Lv. 50 Arc gives you the questline for Land of Iron. The Summoning Toad is the only NPC that can Teleport you to those 2 places, it can also spawn supply crates around the village.
    [Land of Toads Teleport is 50 ryo. Land of Iron is 100 ryo, and Supply Crates are 100 ryo to spawn.]


    The Token Seller will sell you a Festival Token for 25 ryo. These tokens are able to buy the following snacks from their respective NPCs: Plain Dango, Flavored Dango, Maki Sushi, Egg Sushi, Prawn Sushi, Salmon Sushi, Rice Ball, Candied Apple, and Takoyaki.

    Kimi, Miki, and Oku will give you a mission to find them. Finding all 3 of them will grant you the Cloak of Invisibility Manual.

    The Mission Desk will give you a mission to find Tora for Ginko, she will give you a hint to where Tora was last seen.

    Toyozo tells you about the Chunin Exams. He also is an NPC for a mission to deliver a package to Takumi Village.

    The Innkeeper will give you a mission to find his 4 sealing notes around the village.

    Rachi (Left), and Sachi (Right) sell multiple pieces of clothing to the player for 50 ryo - 35k ryo.
    Gumi (Middle)
     Gives you a preview of some cash shop items, and holds them in a stash for you also!


    Yasuo can enchant Blank Scrolls for a chance to become Sealable scrolls. Sealable Scroll 1 chance is 50%, Sealable Scroll 2 chance is 30%, Sealable Scroll 3 chance is 10%. Summoning Contracts have the same chance as Sealable Scroll 3.
    [Many people call Sealable Scroll 1, 2, and 3. T1, T2, and T3. Wanted to note this here just in case new players get confused.]


    Kaimaru sells Leaf equipment for Chunins, and Jonins, and also gives out rp tokens for ranked ninja to finish off their RP Missions.

    Tanzaku NPCs

    Ayako is an NPC that after finishing her two missions, she sells you Honey for 2 Honey Comb.

    Mori Kai sells you the same stuff as Gorou.

    Mori Ko sells the same stuff as Kagane with the exception being the Stylish Sword for 10k ryo.

    The Bartender only sells Sake for 30 ryo.

    Okada, and Yozo give you a Gambling Mission each.

    Kasai is the Lord of the Land of Fire. You also get a mission to deliver a scroll to her.

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