Peace to the Gods of Nin,
Yo, I made a mistake with my name change. I tried to go with an old name I used in other mmorpgs previously. Then I realized/ remembered there was a Sin ingame already( I always spelled Sinn with 2 n's). But I had already went through with the name change. I don't want to confuse new players or seem like I'm trying to copy another players name.
But, I was thinking it would be cool to have a name change option purchasable either in the cash shop/ or add a pay now option into the normal name changing method. Don't get me wrong, I think its dope that Nin allows 1 free name change annually. Most MMOs don't even give 1 free name change at all. But... Nin is a business so having a purchasable name change option seems to be inline with the MMO market. And I think it would be a great addition into Nin's (non pay to win) cash shops.