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  1. Hello fellow shinobi, as you may already know getting Ryo (game's currency) is difficult in early lvls. whether you need tools, weapons, blank scrolls or blood & chakra pills getting ryo is a must. But the drops don't sell for that much, missions don't pay enough and the grind is endless. Well rejoice cause I've found you a few tips that can help you gather a decent sum easily. keep in mind this is a guide for low lvl (<20). I - selling Honey ! Costs : 2 honey comb / Sells : 10ryo That's right selling honey can get u a small profit if done right! so to start selling Honey, you'll need to get your hands on Honey combs "sells for 3ryo each" , and to do so u either fight the scary Hornets & Bees (higher lvl than u and hit like a truck, you're welcome to kite them) but their drop chance is low. However there's the Bee Hives : doesn't hit back & guaranteed drop :!! Locations : you can find Hornets, Bees & Bee hives near Tanzaku Quarters, and past the Bounty Station near Takumi. After you get a fair sum of honey combs "make sure its an even number", head into Tanzaku Quarters in the Land of fire, and look for Ayako the bee keeper. This NPC will become your new friend, he can trade you 1 pot of Honey for each Honey comb, which u can sell for 10ryo at any shop (or for more to other player) making 4 extra ryo on each 2 combs. II - selling Antidote ! Costs : 4 dried herb / Sells : 18ryo Gotta be sneeky since this one is a bit risky if you're not from the sand village. To get an antidote first you need to gather loads of "dried herbs". you get those from Ripe herbs. sells: 5 ryo this little fella is the Ripe herb you'll be looking for! Locations : all around sand / desert territory land of wind. After you get a fair sum of dried herbs "make sure its an even number", head into Sand village in the Land of wind, and look for the antidote maker. This NPC can trade you 1 poison Antidote for each 4 dried herbs , which u can sell for 18ryo at any shop (or for more to other player) this one makes less selling to npc shop, but more to other players. III - selling Bandages ! Costs : 3 fresh fiber / Sells : 15ryo Gotta be very careful since this one is risky if you're not from the mist village or get caught by Rogue ninja & Bears. To get a Bandage first you need to gather loads of "Fresh Fiber". you get those from Fiber plant. sells: 2 ryo this little fella is the Fiber plant you'll be looking for! Locations : all around the forests in Lands of fire & water. After you get a fair sum of fresh fiber, head into Mist village in the Land of water, and look for the bandages maker near the shop. This NPC can trade you 1 Bandage for each 3 fresh fibers , which u can sell for 15ryo at any shop (or for more to other player) making 9 extra ryo on each 3 fibers. IV - selling scrolls! sells for 200-300 to other players whether you're selling Blank scrolls (200-300ryo) , or Jutsu scrolls lvl1(200-400ryo i think ), you're making huge profit as a low lvl shinobi. Don't forget to keep some for yourself before your start selling. V - Fishing! This one a bit advanced since you'll need to invest a huge sum at first, fishing is the only proficiency currently available in game, that allow you obtain items & materials to sell for (ryo). To start fishing you'll need to buy a fishing rod, the cheapest one is 2k ryo ( the investment i mentioned), then look for a body of water near your village and start fishing (little fun and sometimes frustrating mini game XD). at first you'll be getting nothing much but some old boots (4 ryo), twigs(1ryo) and seaweed(2ryo). but as you lvl your fishing skill you'll be able to catch more rare and pricier fish, ranging from(6ryo to 60ryo per fish) a great way to spend your BI (8 min battle injury) and earn some ryo. VI - Selling kills i know its not the best thing to do, but beggars can't be choosers, lots of shinobi out there are looking for blood, and some are willing to pay for it . whether you have a bounty on your head or not, your life has a price XD from what i've seen so far , many ninja (mostly rogues) have killing missions & bounty missions. they usually pay 100-200ryo for kill (without bounty), and much much more if you have a price on your head! keep in mind to get payed first, and be in a danger or war zone for the kill to count. Before i finish this guide, for those like me who can't find the fiber plants & ripe herbs, all you should do is look for these orange markers on your mini map. they make it 100 times easier to spot. These are some of the ways you can make decent ryo starting as a new player, wish i knew these when i first joined! hope this can be useful to someone out there. more than happy to know if there's other ways to earn ryo. and am sure the community will correct me if mentioned anything wrong here! Peace out
  2. This list will have majority of the mobs in game that gives guild experience and the amount. If you know what some bosses give experience wise, please feel free to share in comments below and I will update the list. 40 arc was skipped due to it being mainly bosses unless you all would like them to be added. Also skipped Guren/Gafuki and a lot of the mob mini bosses. 20 Arc Gangster Han - 30 exp Gangster Daimaru - 29 exp Gangster Senkoji - 20 exp Gang Brawler - 5 exp Gang Spearman - 5 exp Weird Frog - 5 exp 30 Arc Angry Hawk - 100 exp Bad Racoon Bandit - 52 exp Hawks - 6 exp Racoon Bandits - 6 exp 40 Arc leyasu - 92 exp Torii- 87 exp Hasuka - 60 exp Nelinel - 45 exp Kiemon - 35 exp Kariyuse - 32 exp Tause - 18 exp Takashi - 16 exp Koji - 14 exp (45 Arc) Cave Spirits - 11 exp 50 Arc Admiral Mitsuhide - TBD General Nobu - TBD Alpha Leopard - 87 exp Emperor Penguin - 78 exp Gold Horned Samurai - 13 exp Gold Samurai - 12 EXP Horned Samurai - 10 exp Samurai - 9 exp Leopards - 8 exp Penguin - 7 exp Danger Zones Big Cursed Host - 57 exp King Bear - 52 exp Glacier Bear - 10 exp Alpha Wolf - 7 exp Snow Wolves - 6 exp Cursed Host - 6 exp Brown Bears - 5 exp Level 32 Snakes - 5 exp Level 30 Snakes - 5 exp Hornet - 5 exp Bee - 5 exp White Tiger - 5 Exp Tiger - 5 exp Villages Leaf Village Monkey King - TBD Rat King - 42 exp Large Wolf - 13 exp Level 10 Spider - 8 exp Mutant Rat - 5 exp White Tiger - 5 Exp Tiger - 5 exp Wolf - 5 exp Larvae - 5 exp Sand Village Huge Scarab- 34 exp Mother Scarab - 19 exp Puppets - 8 exp Big scorpion - 8 exp Big Scarab - 5 Exp Desert Tunneler - 5 exp Stingers - 5 exp Baby Scarab - 5 exp Desert Coyote - 5 exp Scorpion - 5 exp Dark Weasel - 440 exp Mist Village Kuraken Tentacle - 42 exp Evil Black Boar - 25 exp Raging Boar - 19 exp Spirit Fox - 13 exp Fierce Dragonfly - 7 exp Big Red Ants - 5 exp Big Black Ant - 5 exp Evil Spirits in Temple - 5 exp Black Boar - 5 exp Red Boar - 5 exp Foxes - 5 exp Level 7 Fire Ant - 5 exp Level 3 Ant - 5 exp Dragonflies - 5 exp Kuraken Head - TBD Takumi TBD
  3. Ueda

    Controls Guide

    The Controls Guide has been moved to a page.
  4. hello everyone ! today i'd like to share with you the best zones for leveling as a new player, places to grind mobs safely and away from all those lurking around new player zones. These places are also great spots to upgrade your Jutsus. I've discovered these maps while wandering around out of cheer curiosity, and was surprised how empty they were and no one knew about them. (keep in mind these are all safe zones) so without further due let's get started!!! I - Leaf starting with leaf, a known hunting ground for new players, and the most targeted. just go ahead and open your map, should see these: At Leaf's village summit (the stairs near the academy) you'll find access to two maps filled with local mobs : larva, spider & wolfs. just head to the right of the temple and you'll find the road. just follow the stairs and go right from here ! you'll reach these two maps : mountain side & mountain peak II - Sand sand is pretty safe from what i've seen, since its always guarded with high lvl ninja. but they too have hidden zones, way behind their village , (south of the Kage's office). Opening your map you should look for these 3 zones. Sand village southern entrance, is the place you're looking for, its the head of the fork, leading to Crestfallen Tree & Howlling Canyon. These two map are also filled with local mobs: larva, scorpions & cayotes. III - Mist lastly we have mist , which they don't really need to worry about being attacked at early lvl thanks to their remote location. but just to be extra safe, you'll find a safe heaven to the right of the Kage's office. Opening your map you should look for these 3 zones: leaving the mist village through the eastern Entrance, the head of the fork again, leads to two zones Silky cater up north & the windy pond to the east. These two map are also filled with local mobs: larva , ants , dragonflies & foxes. Hope this guide is helpful, make sure to help all your fellow shinobi out there. be safe and happy gaming !
  5. Hello, my fellow Nin players and welcome to the post that everyone has been waiting on from me. Countless times I've been asked how do I level so fast or why do i reset so often? This guide will teach you how to level like me and hit level 36+ within a week's time all while playing other games, having a life, enjoying family and so on. I also remade this guide because the older post was deleted. Well, the questions will be answered in this guide I shall provide on how to level Like Jun AKA Ninja. This guide will give you the most quickest way to hit level 35 from level 1 in a short amount of time all while having a real life or doing other things besides no living Nin. **ALSO** Here are some helpful guides made by other players like prices on items, where to train, rp guides and etc. Beginner Guide By @Ori - Roleplay Guide By @Saku - Mastery Guide and Tier List By @Ninja - Item Tier List and Prices by @Niti - Side Missions for levels 20, 22,25, 27, 30-35, 38, and 40-45. Also, the leveling Arcs for levels 20, 30, 40, and 50 are listed on the Nin Wiki here - Nin Online Wiki | Fandom Stat Calculator, Nin Map, Where to grind, and Kage History by @Deviax - MetaNin | Home (These Side missions help ease the pain of leveling in certain level ranges) Level 1-10 **Please Note: When grinding in the below villages it's best to get a melee kunai if you are using the Intelligence stat as your main source of damage. If you are Strength based grab a Wooden Katana/Bubble Pipe and use it until you meet the requirements to get a stronger weapon, and if you are Agility based use your fist or tonfas once you meet the requirements. .** In each village I recommend doing the tutorial/starter missions that the game prompt you to do. You also view these by pressing M or clicking missions on the HUD and doing what it says. Sand Village Guide By @Antar - Sand is 1 of 2 easiest villages to grind in due to its training areas being in a great location and within its village areas. For levels 1-4 I typically stay at Larva and grind them till I get to level 4 or half way to level 5. You can also do the mission with the kids near the Sand Gourd Statue by giving them the Kazecola/Sand Up to help with the grind. After Larva I head to scorpions which I stay at until about level 8/9. After Scorpions I grind at Stingers until level 10 then proceed to Coyotes. Mist Village Guide By @Antar - Mist Village Guide - Player Guides - Nin Online Mist is the 2nd easiest village to grind in outside of Sand and it's reason is because of the distance it is from the other villages and the boat ride that takes 5 minutes to get to the village. For Levels 1-4 I stay at Larva just like I would as a Sand Ninja until almost level 5. You can also do the Gold Bars mission to help give some EXP early on so the grind isn't too toxic. I then proceed to dragonflies until level 8/9 Once level 8 or 9 I begin killing foxes until 10. Leaf Village Leaf is one of the harder places to grind due to the need to leave the village early on and grind in danger zones due to the lack of mobs when reaching higher levels. For Levels 1-4 stay at Larva like previous villages until almost 5. You can do the hide and seek mission with the kids at the playground to help give EXP so the grind isn't toxic. Proceed to spiders and remain their till levels 8/9 Then head to level 9 wolves until level 10. **Please note; I would not grab any daily as a low level ninja not until level 16 simply because at this level you get missions that give better exp that can help you level to 20 faster. ** **Also another Note: I recommend getting your hand on these items as soon as possible for missions/side missions - 200 Venom, 10 feathers, 38 Racoon Tails, 30 talons, 20 DNA, 23 Rat Tails, 23 Scorpion Tails, and as many bear paws as possible** Level 11-30 Sand Village Once you reach level 10 I normally do Sand Seals which is an easy level 11 and then proceed to do Leaf Seals which is an easy level 12. (Doing these seals in Leaf should be easy with Sand's passive 100% Cloak.) Once level 12 if there is an active Chuunin/Jonin and you have 2 other people with you; you can do RP I which should get you to level 13 if not close. if there is no active Chuunin/Jonin to host continue grinding until one is available. Depending on your masteries you may have to continue to grind at coyotes until level 15. This mainly applies to agility taijutsu/gentle fist strength users, Strength based weapon masters/Fan Users and Intelligence/Chakra based medics. Once stronger you can head to the small scarabs. if you are an Intelligence mastery user such as Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Int Weapon Master, or Wind yo can head to the small Scarabs. You will remain at the small scarabs until level 17/18. Some of you may feel more comfortable staying here until level 20 which is fine but if you wish to train like me you'd follow my path. If you follow my path then at levels 17 and 18 you should be killing big scarabs and you will remain to do so until level 25+. While still grinding here I normally take breaks and kill the bosses in Takumi with the aid of a medic or someone that is knowledgeable of how killing bosses together work. While killing the bosses be sure to grab the Guren Mission(Level 20 Req) and turn it in for an free level up. When you reach level 25+ you can either stay inside big scarabs grinding will occasionally killing bosses in Takumi or you can head to Snakes, Bees, and Hornets to grind on until level 30. Mist Village Just like I said for Sand, I would go and do Sand Seals and Leaf Seals for an easy levels 11 and 12. Be warned doing these at a low level are hard so have a group with you or become very stealthy by using cloak to sneak around and get them done. Some Leafies/Sandies are nice enough to let you do them as well or you can bribe them. Once level 12 if there is an active Chuunin/Jonin and you have 2 other people with you; you can do RP I which should get you to level 13 if not close. if there is no active Chuunin/Jonin to host continue grinding until one is available. Depending on your masteries you may have to continue to grind at foxes until level 15. This mainly applies to agility taijutsu/gentle fist strength users, Strength based weapon masters, and Intelligence/Chakra based medics. Once stronger you can head to the Ghost inside the Haunted Temple. if you are an Intelligence mastery user such as Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Int Weapon Master, or Wind yo can head to the Ghost inside the haunted temple. You will remain at the Ghost until level 17/18 unless you feel you can kite Giant Fire Ants well. If you can kite them I recommend going ahead an starting to grind on them. You should be killing Giant Fire Ants/Giant Ants until 25+. When you reach level 25+ you can either stay at Giant Ants grinding while occasionally killing bosses in Takumi or you can head to Snakes, Bees, and Hornets to grind on until level 30. You shouldn't have to leave Mist though for a while for grinding since most your mobs you need until level 30 are there. Leaf Village Just like I said for the other villages, I would go and do Sand Seals and Leaf Seals for an easy levels 11 and 12. Be warned doing these at a low level are hard so have a group with you or become very stealthy by using cloak to sneak around and get them done. Some Sandies are nice enough to let you do them as well or you can bribe them. Mist has no seals or no mission that another village can do so don't worry Once level 12 if there is an active Chuunin/Jonin and you have 2 other people with you; you can do RP I which should get you to level 13 if not close. if there is no active Chuunin/Jonin to host continue grinding until one is available. Depending on your masteries you may have to continue to grind at wolves until level 15. This mainly applies to agility taijutsu/gentle fist strength users, Strength based weapon masters, and Intelligence/Chakra based medics. Once a little stronger you can head to the white tigers and regular tigers. if you are an Intelligence mastery user such as Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Int Weapon Master, or Wind yo can head to the tigers/white tigers. You will remain at the tigers until level 20 I recommend unless you are Intelligence based and can kite really well. If you can kite then I recommend going ahead an starting to grind on Hornets/Bees near Tanzaku. You can grind here until level 25+ and just like the other villages if you feel confident enough you can head to Snakes/Bears and grind on them. You can occasionally take breaks and go kill Takumi bosses and turn in the Guren Mission while there. Be sure to be level 20 to get the mission and turn it in. *Once you unlock the level 20 Train Arc (Land of Waves) You can grind here inside the train. You gain exp from the mobs and bosses as well as getting rare drops that you can sell or wear for fashion. This applies to each village stated above. * *Once you reach level 40 you will unlock the Bandit Arc that will give you access to more side missions and a storyline to help you level from 40-50. This quest line should be done with a team to get done quickly. This quest line also gives items you can wear, buy, or sell depending on you. * BUILD GUIDE LEVEL 1-30 Water, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Intelligence Medic, and Intelligence Weapon Master here are some builds I used playing Int from low level to mid level which helped me be able to kill mobs stronger than me and grind efficiently. These builds are what I used as an Int user until level 30 and they worked out perfectly for a healthy balance between power to kill mobs, chakra/hp to sustain hits and be able to go longer without charging. **Also Note; Once you reach level 30 you can do the Land of Toad Missions and once done you should've reached level 34 from completing or higher depending if you do dailies while doing it.** Level 1-15 Fortitude/HP - 300 Chakra - 100 Intelligence - 45 Level 16-25 Fortitude/HP - 500 Chakra - 150 Intelligence - 65 Level 25-35 Fortitude/HP - 800 Chakra - 225 Intelligence - 70 For Strength, Agility, and Chakra based masteries I will post individual builds so Look closely. With these masteries you will be using melee and tool usage more than jutsus so your HP should be relatively higher than the Intelligence builds with your damaging stat being the 2nd highest then chakra. Level 31 and 32 is pretty much free levels in Toad which should put you to 70 strength so you can use swords like Twin Fangs, Stylish Sword, and Religious. (Strength Based Weapon Master/Gentle Fist) Level 1-15 *(If you go Gentle Fist you need to get 100 Chakra so you can use Pressure Point Needle.)* Fortitude/HP - 500(400 for Gentle Fist) Chakra - 75 (100 for Gentle Fist) Strength - 30(20 for Gentle Fist) Level 16-25 Fortitude/HP - 700 (600 for Gentle Fist) Chakra - 125 (175 for Gentle Fist) Strength - 50 Level 26-35 Fortitude/HP - 800 Chakra - 200 Strength - 65 For Agility Taijutsu users this build will focus high consistent DPS with tank HP and average chakra early on. if you have Tonfas also you can use them by level 30 which will increase your melee damage by 14. Agility Taijutsu Build Level 1-15 Fortitude/HP - 400 Chakra - 50 Agility - 45 Level 16-25 Fortitude/HP - 550 Chakra - 125 Agility - 65 Level 26-35 Fortitude/HP - 800 Chakra - 200 Agility - 75 Lastly we have Chakra Medics; they excel in healing abilities and using Chakra Scalpels/Senbon to help them Level. Typically most Chakra medics that go this route early on team with friends or other low levels to help them level until level 15 which is when they can be more offensive and train on there own. I personally invest a few points into agility to help early on or get 10 Intelligence to use a melee kunai until i get scalpels. You can also get poison senbon which down the road will be helpful in PVP. Chakra Medic Build Level 1-15 Fortitude/HP - 400 Chakra - 225 Intelligence - 10(For Melee Kunai/Poison Senbon) Level 16-25 Fortitude/HP - 600 Chakra - 375 Intelligence - 10 (Will Not Change from 10) Level 26-35 Fortitude/HP - 850 Chakra - 500 Any stats you invest into after 35 is up to the player as most of your core stats will have reached the minimum requirement needed for most your skills that will be viable for you in combat. Since i feel this way I will not make a build guide for 36-60 as it is up to you; what do you want at this point? More damage, sustainability, tank, or a balanced build
  6. For all who want to unlock the land of iron tower i made a video on all the missions and what the tower look from the inside .If you have any questions you can ask here ?
  7. A short introduction First of all, let's make sure things a clear so that there aren't any misconceptions regarding the state of RP (Roleplay) in NinOnline. The main focus of the game is on PvP, emphasized by several tournaments and an active community creating new builds and an existing meta. And while RP is encouraged, it is not the focus. But Nin has had a track record of attracting people that come for precisely that, which is why I want to help anyone that may struggle with this unique RP environment. Index The basics of RP The RP of NinOnline 2.1. How Gameplay and RP tie together 2.2. The current timeline Your very own shinobi 3.1. Where and how to start 3.2. Goals and ambitions 3.3. Organizations 3.4. Consistency 3.5. Preventing to become a Mary Sue Tips, tricks, and examples 4.1.1. Being part of a Conversation 4.1.2. Being part of a Conversation: Examples 4.2 How to properly use the /e and /emotes commands 4.3 The chunin exam 1. The basics or RP RP, or roleplaying, is the art of socially interacting with another, or multiple, participants through writing. While this seems simple enough, achieving an exciting and enjoyable experience is much harder in reality. Several factors come into play, starting with some "rules". Now, these are not set in stone, and more like guidelines that anyone who has some experience with it will agree are necessary to ensure a smooth experience, even if some of them seem mundane or obvious. But they are the basics after all. No. 1 - Ownership Probably the most important thing, you only get to decide about your character. More often than not, you will see RP that you can't wrap your head around. Maybe it's their backstory, their behaviour in a particular situation, or so on. But no matter how major or minor your complaint is, it is their character. Dictating what someone can and can't is an absolute no go. If you dislike someones RP, walk away from it. If that is not a possibility, keep interactions with that character limited. No one else gets to decide what kind of character, fitting for the setting obviously, you can play. But more on that later. No. 2 - Writing and grammar Obviously, this is important, but people often assume that just writing proper English is all. It isn't. While being able to understand what you wrote is mandatory, given the whole social interaction through the writing part, but there is more to it. What you write can be grammatically correct, but still wrong regarding context and setting, or create a specific image for your character. It will be tough for others to perceive you like a deep and emotional character if you only ever talk like Killer Bee. And sure some people find it fun or will use the universal excuse of "That's just how I RP!" but aren't willing to live with the consequences of others not treating them in a way they would like. So always remember, not only check how but what you write. No. 3 - Focus Another point often overlooked. You must take your time and commit to the session. Leaving in the middle or not responding in conversations are big killers for RP and can quickly ruin it for everyone. And while there is casual RP, if it is clear that time is needed you've got to be ready to offer it. No one will judge you if your connection interrupts or private reasons make your leave the PC. But being hungry and ditching to make a sandwich or leaving because of your ranked match that is starting in a different game is poor behaviour and will guarantee that you won't find many people that are willing to RP with you anytime soon. No. 4 - RP =/= Normal Gameplay The title may be a bit confusing, so let me go into detail. RP makes you go into a role, and within that role, you may have friends and enemies only tied to said RP. So if you have a grudge against someone based of RP, don't carry this out of RP. It, first of all, doesn't make any sense and can fuel toxic behaviour within a community. It is fine having a rival or something similar but knowing when to stop is essential to maintain healthy relationships. But at the same time, trying to befriend anyone can cause trouble as well. The different villages in NinOnline have unique rules on interactions with members from other villages. So always keep track of the current relations between villages, or you'll quickly end up with no allies. Besides, you can't use the information that you acquired outside of RP when interacting with others. But more about that later. Now if you follow these guidelines or at least keep them in mind, it should make the whole experience better for you and everyone involved. And with those out of the way, let's get in-depth about the hows and whys of NinOnlines unique RP. 2. The RP of NinOnline The setting of NinOnline, as before mentioned, is a world full of shinobi taking inspiration from the Naruto universe. That is what we will mainly go off since NinOnline has no set story by the developer or any specific lore in that sense and is entirely run by the community. Villages and official organizations are controlled by players. Now, what does that mean for RP? A lot of people are under the assumption that "if there is nothing set, I can be whatever I want!" which is not the case. Over the several years that I've been playing, I saw scientist creating clones, war heroes seeking revenge, mafia leaders and all of them just genin. The issue that comes with this is inconsistency and a weak character that doesn't fit and won't be taken seriously. Going after the standards set in Naruto is the only way to provide a fair environment for everyone. Now people make the argument of Sasuke being a prodigy from a young age, Orochimaru was a genius scientist, and so on. What a lot of people forget is all those characters where established within their universe and were able to prove those statements. Coming fresh out of the academy boasting level 1 and claiming you are anything like them is childish at best and pathetic at worst. The gameplay of NinOnline takes a crucial part in this and helps us to differentiate the good from the bad, literally. 2.1. How Gameplay and RP tie together NinOnline is a game, with stats and levels. It has rules and regulations on how things work and interact with each other. You can certainly have a solid RP character claiming he is "the greatest Tai user" for example. But if you lose to any run of the mill Tai user, your RP starts falling apart. This is where Nin vastly differentiates from regular RP since just writing isn't enough to solidify your character. Players will test your statements, all the time, and not being able to prove your claims results in no one taking you seriously. At the same time, this opens some doors for people that are uncertain about what kind of character they want to pursue. Instead of claiming to be the best, make it your goal to become it. Now your character has a set goal with no set time of completion, which allows for natural RP that will keep itself alive. You need to be able to tie your RP with the gameplay you provide since they go hand in hand. It may seem like a burden to some since they prefer to be the protagonist, the hero, the chosen one of their own story. But this isn't your story. It is your story within NinOnline, full of people with their personal stories and goals. And obviously, that means you may never be the best but at the very least gives a reason to try and become it. Now, of course, if your goal isn't to become the strongest in combat, the gameplay still affects your RP. Don't claim to be a hardened fighter and die to a few bites of wolves, and don't claim to have jutsu that can crush any enemy and barely scratch someone in a spar. Your actions are tied to your RP, which brings both good and bad. It limits what you can do but prevents people from just making up whatever they please. And if they still do you know who to avoid. Back to the topic of how the gameplay and RP are connected. NinOnline offers different commands on how to express emotions and actions, for both casual and RP. For casual use, you have the /emotes command which will list you with several options to express feelings by showing a little emoticon above your character, shown below. (Not including the emotes /clap, /slowclap, /321, /rock, /paper, /scissors) /! /? /<3 /n /r /... /go /y /' /cry /huh /wave /grr /!! /hi /gg /owo While these are valid to use, it always depends on the people you RP with and the situation you find yourself in. That's also why I refer to them as casual; additionally, they are used by the majority of the community for regular conversations and goofing around. Now the alternative and prefered way of showing emotions by dedicated RPers ist to use the /e command. Typing /e followed by a space and any message will look like this: (/e is daydreaming, /e is feeling immense pain, /e is worried, and so on) This way of expressing yourself is not only more engaging but also allows you to go deeper with emotions and states of mind that simply can't be done with the emoticon method. It is also a fantastic way to be part of a conversation without forcing yourself in or interrupting others, but more on that later. The final part would be RP missions. Those are unique missions hosted by a higher ranking shinobi of your village and provide you with tokens that can be turned in for experience points. The host of the missions has free reign over deciding who passed the task and thus, poor RP may result in a failure. It is also an excellent way for people to get into RP if they haven't had a chance to do it before and can be a great way of showing how the RP of NinOnline works. There are currently 4 RP missions, available at level 12, 17, 22, and 27 respectively. There are also the Chunin Exams or CE for short which are advertised to be heavily RP focused, but I will make a separate section just for those. 2.2. The current timeline Even though there is no defined storyline, NinOnline had its fair share of events, official and player-made that all contribute to an exciting environment for RPers. Wars happened between villages, uprisings, rebellions, corruption, and if someone takes time to dig deep in the forums they'll find a plethora of beads to build a character on and make something truly unique. But, as per usual, this brings a lot of challenges as well. While you may believe in the corruption of a council, it is not necessarily canon unless there is empirical evidence. So while you can still RP with the idea of a corrupt council, remember that it is purely your take on the situation around you and not fact. And thus we face another problem, going back to guideline number 4. What if you find out on discord or see screenshots that prove your point? Let's stick with the council example. If you find out that council members were bribed to vote for a specific candidate through any other means than RP, first and foremost has this information to be reported IF it is going against the rules of NinOnline, that's a given. Then you can use this information, mock them, and so on. Now, if it is an elaborate RP event planned and overlooked by the staff, rules change. If you somehow got wind of anything, outside of RP, you can not use it since your character didn't acquire this information. But we are going off-topic so more on that later. So, remember that you have several options on how to perceive the world, based on past or current events. Want to be careful around the Anbu because you believe they are corrupt? Go ahead, but don't make things up. Justify it by events you read about on the forums or witnessed yourself instead. You think that the Sand village is switching leaders way too often, showing political weakness in your eyes, go ahead. Besides, if you are capable and confident enough, why not make a post yourself? Make it clear that it is for RP purposes and maybe you lead the next chapter of the timeline? It is a very touchy subject and hard to fully grasp by just reading about it, but eventually, if you spend enough time in the community, you will get the hang of it. This concludes the section about the unique RP environment of NinOnline, so let's move on the most exciting but also often the most significant source of conflict in RP. Your Character. 3. Your very own shinobi Now that we know about the basics of RP and the specific situation in NinOnline, it is finally time to start making your character to throw out there! But where to start? This section goes into detail about the basics of character creation, their backstory, and common mistakes to avoid. 3.1. Where and how to start First of all, we need to remember what we learned in section 2 and 2.1. If you are a new player and start the game, you will be an academy student at level one. And while it is pretty simple to advance to the genin rank, the fact remains that you are a greenhorn. A beginner about to step foot into this new world. So what can we do for our character in terms of RP? First of all, the backstory is always an excellent way to start. If we visit our profile, we see a tab titled Ninja Bio. This is the perfect place for your backstory since it is easily accessible by everyone. In terms of design, there are no set of rules, and everyone has their style. Always check out the bios of other players to see how they did it and get inspired. A popular method of making ones bio more unique is creating ninja info cards. Their designs also vary and can be found on a lot of profiles, but let's continue with the main topic. So you have the ninja bio tab open, excited to create something and find yourself in one of those two scenarios. 1. I got so many ideas, where should I start? 2. I got no idea what to do whatsoever. We already established, as a beginner, there isn't much in terms of achievements that you could've possibly done. So refrain from making you look like the best of the bunch. We know that our abilities in-game tie to our RP, so more humble beginnings are recommended. If you prove yourself, you can start going down that route and start pursuing RP in that direction. But more importantly, and often overlooked, is your heritage. How did you grow up? What about your family? Any rivals or close friends? What made you go down the path of a shinobi? By answering all these questions, adding some character traits, things they like & dislike, it elevates your character far above the standard and is a solid base for future additions. Once again, though, remember section 2. If you claim that you come from a village that was raided by the neo-akatsuki and destroyed, this is not canonical nor has it happened as any sort of event. If you still want to stick with it, why not be from one of the main villages? They got raided multiple times throughout the timeline by a plethora of different people and groups. Not only is a backstory like that more believable, but it also solidifies your character as part of this world despite not have taken part in mentioned events. With everything set, let's go for some goals. 3.2. Goals and ambitions You wrote your backstory, created your character, and got some levels. What now? A lot of new players face this problem when playing, and it becomes even more of an issue for RPers. Having a goal becomes tough if the "story" of the game is everchanging and dynamic. We can avoid running into this roadblock by utilizing the features given to us by the game. As mentioned before, the simplest goal would be a combat orientated one. Trying to become a good PvPer and basing our goals of that. While it isn't the most unique nor incredibly exciting path to go for, it is a reliable option and something that will never fail due to the strong presence of PvP. If you like fighting but want to have more RP becoming a teacher may suit you. Using what you learned and training the new generation is not only a fantastic way to incorporate PvP with RP but also helps the community. Getting beaten by a random ??? that jumped them helps no one and discourages, especially new players. Being able to train and improve your skills in a controlled environment is especially alluring to newcomers, and a great way of making your mark as a teacher in terms of RP. Not into fighting others but enjoy grinding and collecting? The role of a merchant would suit you best. NinOnline has several cosmetics that you can farm and sell to interested buyers. Buy joining the official NinOnline discord you also get access to the trade channel, with constant offers to buy and sell a multitude of items. Not a fighter and prefer to support? Welcome to the world of medical-nin. Being able to heal others can be a significant edge in different situations, and the unique ability to revive someone prevents the infamous battle injuries status. And for anyone afraid that they won't be able to defend themselves from threats as a medic, NinOnline made sure that if you can heal a lot, you can hurt a lot. It may sound confusing at first, but you'll understand if you play the game. With some goals for the long-term set, there are a few more things you can do to flesh out your character. 3.3. Organizations NinOnline has several organizations in the game, official and player-made. These organizations are beneficial for RPers since they allow us to find a place of like-minded individuals to pursue common goals for all sorts of purposes. Can't find an organization that suits you? Create your own! It is a robust tool to emphasize what your character stands for and create a micro-community within the world. As I mentioned before, there are official organizations like the police force, for example. Adding a new layer of rules, these official organizations are perfect for people that are still desperately looking for any sort of "legitimate" reason to RP since now, sticking with the police force, you are enforcing the rules of the village. You have a unique role in the bigger picture of that villages community. And if you prefer the more evil side of things, the neo-akatsuki is something you can strive for. 3.4 Consistency So for this section, we assume our character has a pretty normal backstory. He grew up in the Sand village, a mom and dad with no other siblings. His backstory states that he never went out of the sand territory. Let's assume he managed to reach level 30 and became a chunin sticking to his backstory. He hosts an RP mission for some genin and decides to slay some tigers with them. In RP one of the genin asks him if it is safe to go there and our chunin replies "Of course, I know that place like the back of my hand". Now if he wasn't just coky in front of his team, he just caused an inconsistency. Describing your character in one way and acting completely different is exceptionally harmful to RP since, as we mentioned before, we have to go by a set of rules; otherwise anyone can be everything, which is not what RP is. A much simpler example is, someone states in their bio that they are terrified of blood and can't stand to see it, almost passing out at the sight of it. Now they pick either weapon master or medic as their masteries. This makes little sense in regards to his backstory since both of these roles are the closest to blood, with the weapon master causing open wounds using his swords and tools and medical-nin having to tend wounded allies. This would be less inconsistent if they justify it by saying they want to overcome their fear head-on. Otherwise, the character has no reliable backstory that others can use in RP. But this applies to all aspects of a character. The way they talk, behave, react, the more specific you define this, the more attention you have to pay. The best RPers are the ones that rarely, if ever, break character and stick with it no matter what. Being able to do and say anything turns you into a Mary Sue, which we will look at in the next section. 3.5 Preventing to become a Mary Sue. Taken from Wikipedia: "A Mary Sue is a generic name for any fictional character who is so competent or perfect that this appears absurd, even in the context of the fictional setting. Mary Sues are often an author's self-insertion or wish fulfilment. They may excel at tasks that should not be possible for them [...] They may disregard previously established aspects of the fiction such as characterization and natural laws." This is important to know since many beginners tend to create characters that fall under those criteria. They make shinobi that are both open and friendly but are also laid-back and shy. They love going out with friends but are introverts at the same time. Several different characteristics that contradict themselves and make for a terrible character. Also, they tend to give them too many abilities and strengths. We already established that in terms of PvP you couldn't make anything up since you have to prove yourself against others. However, people still manage to ruin their characters by adding all sorts of skills. Great at cooking, dancing, fantastic climber, fearless, immense willpower, the list goes on and on. A lot of people want to make a good character, and no one wants to be labelled as weak or useless but more often than not are weaknesses of a character what gives them depth. No one will care for the journey of a character that is already a master of all, and no one will cheer for them in a tournament, but rather the underdog that despite his obvious short-comings made it just as far. Weaknesses do not equate to a weak character, but a well-rounded one. Now we should have our character, presumably not a genetically modified shinobi, time traveller, or the lost descendant of god knows who, but a young shinobi setting out to carve his name into history with his ambitions and beliefs, with strengths and weaknesses. With a goal in mind and a potential organization in sight, you have your very own character and the all the basics to start RPing in NinOnline. The next section goes more into depth about some topics and provides some additional help by using made-up scenarios and interactions that can help everyone, not just newcomers. 4. Tips, tricks, and examples This part of the guide will focus on a more direct approach by showing you side by side comparisons of different RP encounters and extensions of the previous topics. There are many facets to it and, especially even for advanced RPers, it is often a struggle to perform right, no matter the preparation or dedication. I'll try my best to provide examples tailored to NinOnline. 4.1.1. Being part of a Conversation While I talked a lot about the relevance of actual skill concerning the gameplay, at the very start, we established that RP is the written interaction between individuals. And we do that mainly through dialogue. It is simple enough to talk with one person only and do RP, let them finish, they let you finish. Not much to do wrong here. The tricky part starts when there are multiple people involved. So let's lay down some ground rules necessary for a smooth experience and then go into the intricacies of it. As mentioned before, allowing someone to finish their sentence is key to proper dialogue. But now, with multiple people involved, it may become quite hard to join in or get your point across. We already established that your character is not a protagonist by default. So sometimes you may slide into the role of supporting or side character, and don't let that discourage you. And usually, if the people involved know what they are doing, they will let you have a say eventually. Keeping that in mind, you may find yourself in the spotlight of an RP session. The key is not to overdo it. If you already got in that position, it doesn't make sense to hog it and makes the whole experience boring for others. And always keep in mind, you won't always be in that position, so if you abuse it, you may receive the same treatment or will be exempted from future sessions altogether. Another big problem is almost abusing the (OOC) or (Out Of Character) clause. Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you would have to break RP, you would type in brackets (). We already established that we are all humans, mistakes are made, and sometimes things are just not clear enough. You can use this to indicate to others that the sentence on display is not from your character, but the player behind the screen. What do I mean when I say abusing? A lot of players, especially inexperienced ones, will constantly break character and type a lot of messages with the (Out Of Character) method. And just like most things, it should be used only if necessary. If you don't understand and order, don't break character to ask what you need to do, but do it in character. No one will judge you for asking a question, but they will if you keep interrupting the RP since that is what we are doing. We are out of character, meaning the RP was interrupted by something else. In most scenarios breaking character is not needed, but people assume it is fine since it is precisely that, out of character but can't see that they are still a major roadblock for a smooth experience. So unless absolutely necessary and unachievable by any other means, try to avoid it like the plague. Now if you find yourself in the position of a bystander, you can still contribute. We learned about using /emotes and /e earlier. This is an excellent opportunity to put them to use and make the session more exciting. Did someone say something exciting? Show it by using an emote! Your enemy said something infuriating, but is still in his monologue? Start fuming! Maybe your emotions will lead to attention from others, and thus you managed to be a passive part of the conversation and get an active role. Now, as with everything, don't overdo it. Not every quip needs an emotional response, and overusing /emotes and /e is a common beginners mistake. Use it sparingly at the right time, and you'll make any conversation much more lively. Let's look at some examples. 4.1.2 Being part of a Conversation: Examples So let's have a scenario of 4 people involved, a specialized jonin (Saku) with his assigned team (Flame, Iskarus, Hisa) doing a simple reconnaissance mission. Name: Text like this represents normal dialouge (Text like this represents events happening in-game) Text like this represents using the /e command Saku: Alright, we have arrived, Flame and Hisa, make sure no one was here before. Flame: Sure thing. Hisa: Will do. (Flame and Hisa start moving around, investigating the area) Saku: Iskarus, you'll follow me, we will check the surrounding area. Iskarus yawns Iskarus: That sounds boring as hell. Saku: Too bad, come on, follow me. Iskarus shrugs. (Iskarus and Saku move ahead, but can't find anything suspicious) Iskarus: Great, a waste of time. Saku: I know you'd rather be sparring now, but we have a mission to do. Iskarus: Wasn't there anything more exciting available? Saku frowns. Saku: It's not always about fighting, you know? Iskarus: Tell that to the neo-akatsuki. Flame: Complaining again, Iskarus? (Flame and Hisa joined up with Iskarus and Saku) Iskarus: Ah, shut up, nobody asked you. Flame starts laughing. Saku: Did you find anything? Hisa: No, nothing at all. Hisa stretches and yawns. Hisa: So can we go home now, I'm tired. Iskarus: Yeah, we are wasting our time here. Flame: As if you have anything better to do. Flame grins wide. Iskarus: I do, beating you in another sparring match. Flame: Ist that so? Well, let's go then! (Flame enables PvP, indicating he is ready to spar.) Iskarus: Sure, I get to beat you in a different setting. (Iskarus enables PvP as well) Hisa crosses her arms. Hisa: So immature. (Flame and Iskarus get in position, but Saku runs between them) Saku: Enough already, this is too dangerous. Flame: Ugh, fine. (Flame disables PvP) Iskarus: Oh, what, afraid? You should be. Saku starts grinning. Saku: If you want to spar that badly, let's head back to the village, and we have a go. Loser has to buy ramen for the team. Flame looks excited. Hisa: Nice, free ramen. Iskarus: Anytime Teach, get ready to pay up! Saku: We'll see. (The group heads back to the village) That was a lot; let's analyze the conversation and use of emotes. I wrote it deliberately with everyone being considerate of each other and assuming no one interrupted anyone. Notice how a majority of sentences are kept short. This is very important and something you should always pay attention to. Writing too much slows down the flow of the conversation, people will be too busy reading your wall of text, and the RP quickly withers away. This applies even more to the /e command. Writing too much is counterproductive since it is meant for emotions and not conversations. On the topic of using /e, notice how I used it in a way to connect it to the previous or upcoming sentence. This is a great way to give your dialogue more punch and make it feel alive. Sometimes the /e command has been used purely for reactions, which is a clear example of the earlier mentioned method of being part of a conversation without interrupting it. The amount of /e used is also in an acceptable range, but some could argue against it. This always comes back to preference, but since the things they wrote in /e were very short I doubt anyone would have a problem with it. So this is what we gathered. -Use sweet and short sentences unless you need to describe something of importance, or it just can't be done otherwise. -Use the /e command, but keep it short and don't overdo it. Now let's look at another example. This time, with a jonin (Reign) and his team of genin (Randi, Sepu, Dominic) doing a reconnaissance mission as well. Name: Text like this represents normal dialouge (Text like his represents events happening in-game) Text like this represents using the /e command Reign: We arrived at the destination mentioned in our mission documents. Let's scout out the nearby area and find any clues that may lead to enemy movement of any sort. Randi and Sepu, you check this sector while Dominic and I will check the next one. Sepu: Alright. Dominic: Understood. Randi: What the hell, no way. I will go with you Sensei, Dominic is not ready to handle a surprise attack like I am. Dominic: What makes you say that? Randi: Sensei, trust me, you are much better off with me on your side. Dominic: Hey, I'm talking to you! Dominic gets angry. (Randi runs ahead of the group) Reign: I guess Randi and I will go. You two stay together then. Dominic: ... Sepu pats him on the back. Sepu: Don't let it get to you. Dominic: You're right. (Meanwhile, Reign runs after Randi and meets up with him) Reign: Randi, this kind of behaviour goes against everything they teach you in the academy, and I won't have a genin disobey me and make up their own mind. It is simply unacceptable, and I hope you understand the consequences of your action. Randi: Look sensei, I found footprints. And from the looks of it, they must've been from the neo-akatsuki, and they are fresh too, maybe we can catch them off guard! Randi revels in the fact that he found something by himself, screaming out loud "Soon I will get my revenge on the neo-akatsuki for attacking our village." Reign: Now hold up how can you be sure that it is from the neo-akatsuki? We have no reports of them in our mission documentation, and they haven't been roaming this area for quite some time. (Reigns message was barely sent as another wall of text from Randi is posted) Randi: Take the others to the village and warn the Kage; I will go ahead and find more evidence. Don't worry; I'll manage on my own. Reign: Listen here; you are the genin; I am the jonin. You don't give orders. Randi: What the hell, I am clearly more competent than all of you. Why would you prevent me from pursuing my destiny, my NINJA WAY! You know what, maybe the neo-akatsuki is right after all. I don't need a village to hold me down. Screw you and these other morons. I'll be back even stronger and crush you. Randi gets furious about the fact that the jonin won't understand him and proceeds to flee into the wilderness by himself. (Randi runs off into a different map, not regarding Reign or his team in any way) We will end the convo here because I am sure the majority can tell that this was an example of how to do everything wrong. I purposefully wrote it with everyone staying in character despite the horrible RP going on, to make the errors more clear. So let's dissect and apply what we already know. First of all, both Reign and Randi are writing way too much. Their sentences are long, full of unnecessary information and overall poorly executed. The most significant problem child here is Randi. Not only does he continuously write excessively, but he ignores his teammates and his higher up. He is lost in monologues and forces himself into the position of leader. This also applies to the way he is using the /e command. That command is used to express emotions and actions one takes that aren't doable by gameplay means. We established that these should be used both sparingly and kept short. He overdoes it and makes his performance even more underwhelming. These mistakes become much more problematic since the chatbox used in NinOnline is already small, and long sentences like that make it impossible to have fluent RP for everyone involved. 4.2. How to properly use the /e and /emotes commands I have been mentioning it a lot, and we are going to use this section to elaborate on how exactly you should use it without hurting your RP instead of helping it. Said several times already, but something that can't be stressed enough. Don't overdo it!!! It is the biggest mistake of a lot of people and the downfall of their maybe otherwise completely fine RP. You should keep what you say in /e short and sweet. Here are some good examples. (Someone else said something to another person.) Saku is angry. (Someone stars yelling or screaming) Saku shrieks in surprise. (A friend or ally gets defeated in combat) Saku starts tearing up. To the point, clear, not disrupting the flow of conversation, and thus, the flow of the RP stays intact. Now for some terrible examples. (Someone else said something to another person.) Randi gets infuriated about what the hokage just said, he can't believe that he heard it with his own ears. (Someone stars yelling or screaming) Randi is struck with fear, causing him to stumble backwards and fall on to his rear, resulting in his pants getting dirty. (A friend or ally gets defeated in combat) Randi suddenly realizes a wet feeling on his eyes "Are those tears?" as he quickly wipes them away with his forearm. Now we have to make it clear that, objectively these sentences aren't wrong. Some may argue they provide more information than the short versions, but they aren't taking into consideration the context of a given situation. 90% of the time, short sentences are more appropriate and just work better. So what about the other 10%? This is where you go back to the topic of context. If several people are interacting with each other, we use the short versions, but in some unique cases, we can use the more extended versions that are similar to what Randi used. Below I will list possible scenarios that may be applicable. 1. As a way to initiate RP If there isn't already any RP going on and you don't just want to ask for it blatantly, you can use a longer /e message to indicate your intentions effectively. Saku gets excited seeing his friend Flame sparring and decides to join him Saku is happy to be greeted by Iskarus, and starts grinning wide. Saku is baffled that Hisa got so much stronger since the last time they met. This is a valid use and clear sign that you are currently RPing and thus totally acceptable to be wordier than average. 2. Doing a specific action in RP Maybe your team leader asked youto look for clues in the forest where a group of genin have been assaulted. Instead of simply walking around a bit and continuing the conversation, you can use a longer /e message. Saku gets frustrated since he can't find anything useful in the area. Saku shudders as he accidentally puts his onto a bloodstain. Saku rummages through a bush and manages to find a strange-looking kunai. Scenarios like these are probably the best for longer /e sentences since they paint a picture we can't achieve otherwise. The trick is not to use this all the time and is one of the most common mistakes during chunin exams. Standing in the waiting room and using a sentence like this: Randi pulls out a scroll with plans and strategies for the upcoming exams and shows it to his friends. Let's remember context. In our first example, Saku was given a task and used the /e command to emphasize his actions that he couldn't do otherwise. In the instance of Randi, it becomes trickier. If no one asked him and he just said it for the sake of RP, it is a poor choice and somewhat of an ass-pull. It is much more graceful to talk about a plan with your team and create it right then and there. Thus, after your entire team does some RP you could use a /e sentence like: Randi writes everything down that he has discussed with his team. Now it becomes much more understandable and more exciting since it is a reaction to a prior event. If you want to insist that you were prepared beforehand make that clear to the rest of the people involved. Mention it to your team in a conversation, brag about having studied prior exams, etc. You need a set-up, or otherwise, your RP will suffer. 3. Thoughts and Passive Interaction Sometimes, you don't want to say something directly but share certain information or feelings with your peers. This is where longer /e sentences can come in handy. But be careful since this is another big problem for a lot of people, overdoing it and technically never saying anything and being mute, in an RP sense. There are generally two methods we can approach to get our thoughts across. A direct and a more narrative one. The direct way would look like this: Flame starts thinking "Why won't anyone listen to the kage during the chunin exams?" In this case, we can see what the character in question is thinking about any given scenario. The narrative solution would look like this: Flame is confused; he didn't expect the chunin exams to be so unorganized. This way makes it seem, as the name suggests, that someone is narrating his thoughts and allows us to phrase things that would be otherwise not fitting your character (throwback to section 3.4) as long as it is within reason. We can also use longer sentences for situations where you simply can't interact with but don't want your character just to stand around and be silent. So let's assume we know for certain our character won't be getting any involvement for a set amount of time, and we don't to just spurt out random lines. Now lines like ... Flame stretches and lays down on the floor, trying to get himself into a comfortable position. ... become acceptable because you won't be doing much anyway, and is an excellent way to be a passive part of the RP, of course under the assumption you won't overdo it. So what have we learned? Using the /e command is a double-edged sword. While it provides your RP with a lot more depth and can make for some engaging scenarios and conversations, using it poorly or in excessive amounts can quickly make you look like a complete tool. So always remember, when you are about to type your next /e command, ask yourself "Is this really necessary?". It is regularly better to type less. We already know that we can't constantly be in the spotlight, but we can always make a fool out of ourselves. Use /e responsibly. 4.3 The chunin exam The without a doubt biggest RP event available for players is the Chunin Exam, or CE for short. This is a tournament hosted by the Kage of a village and the primary way to advance from the genin rank. I have been part of, and spectated, several CE over the four years and was the first person to receive a higher rank because of RP. So I want to use this opportunity to talk about this major RP event and why the outcome should not discourage you from doing RP or stop playing altogether. Let's get started! Since players in the form of the Kage and the higher ranking shinobi are in charge of handling the CE, they all vary greatly in execution. Some may go more smoothly than others, and the enforcement of RP is handled differently. Already we come to a big issue with the CE. At the time of creating this guide, I was fortunate enough that a CE was held within one of the villages. And witnessing the decision making of the Kage made it extremely clear that the player run communities are both a blessing and a curse. Let us look at some examples. "Kage A held a CE. He is overall considered ruthless and harsh for his strictness and enforcement of rules, both PvP and RP related. And not doing any RP at all restricts you from receiving a higher rank, even if you would've won the entire tournament. The higher ranking shinobi overwatching his CE act similarly." "Kage B held a CE. It has just begun, and the crowd is rowdy. He tells them to be quiet to explain the rules. One of the participants, entirely out of character, constantly interrupts him. The Kage, in RP, walks up to him and warns him for the last time. He continues though, met with an emoticon by the Kage. The Kage is overall very forgiving and doesn't punish at all. His higher ranking shinobi act similarly, breaking RP regularly and fooling around, even arguing with him, but not in an RP sense." Now we have two completely different Kage and how they handle their CE. Every RPer will of course side with Kage A, since in their eyes it is the proper way to host such an event. But we established that this is a PvP focused game and community. So while it is called an RP event, since it is in the hand of sometimes people that never did any RP, you can see how this becomes a huge problem. So a majority of people prefer Kage B, since he will pardon and give them second chances till the actual fighting portions of the tournament start. This is also why I mentioned it at the beginning, don't get discouraged by the CE since Kage change as do participants, so you have a chance to be part of a decent one eventually. And some may think now "But why participate if RP isn't enforced properly?" and I can only say you are right. The CE is a big turn off due to the false advertisement and inadequate regulations in most cases, but as stated, villages are run by players. And the examples given weren't made up, but things that happened in real CE tournaments. And again, some may think now "If even the higher ranks don't care, why should I?" and once again I can only say you are correct. You shouldn't, but it is the only official way to get a higher rank within the game by RP means or at least stated that way. And maybe you get lucky and have a Kage A hosting your tournament. I realize that it sounds underwhelming for everyone that wants to join because of the RP but still do it. You need a team, after all, so get some friends together, and if everyone is just not caring, at least your team will. CE are a great way to make memories, and even a Kage B may see your RP performance and gives you a rank. And if you think that is impossible with the current leadership, try to push for a vote, or change villages. As an RPer, we are the minority, so we have to bend a lot to get the experience we desire. Some may have been looking for actual advice, but following this guide is all you need. It is a glorified RP session after all, so the same rules apply. We talked about how to be part of a conversation, consistency, passive engagement, and the use of emotes. There isn't anything else you would need for the CE. So give it your best, and obviously, try to have fun with it. Don't get frustrated over other people failing miserably trying to string a coherent sentence together. RP with your team and be the best at it and trust me, if you give it your all, people will notice you. They always do. And this concludes my guide on NinOnline specific RP. I am always willing to help someone in terms of RP regarding their backstory or otherwise so just message me. I hope I could help someone with it and can't wait to see you in-game. Afterword If anyone wonders who I am and why I did this. I'm Saku, joined this game a little over 4 years ago, only ever had this account and been a big fan of RP way before that. As mentioned already, I was the first person to receive a rank because of RP, being promoted to the first specialized jonin of Nin. That's why I wanted to make this updated guide since there is an older version pinned, but I felt it didn't represent me or the Nin RP accurately, so I reworked it. I enjoy writing, so feedback is highly appreciated. Thanks for taking your time reading this far. You're the best.
  8. WORK IN PROGRESS - any suggestion/constructive criticism is welcome! Hello, my name is Origami Heart. As someone who looks up guides before starting a game, I had to use outdated ones for Nin, like Satsurie's. With more and more new players starting to play every day, I decided to make a more up-to-date one. I will use some Satsurei's guide as a base to work on. Also, make sure to join the game's discord server, to either ask questions, make friends or just chat with other players. Now, without further ado, I will get right into it. PART I. GENERAL INFORMATION Controls are the foundation of the entire game and make just about everything come together, they are keybinded macros which allow you to do various things with your character and other elements of the GUI. Keybindings can be changed to the user needs in the Client, by clicking settings, along with the resolution of the client/game. Navigation controls: You move your character by pressing the Arrow keys. You can move diagonally by pressing 2 arrows at the same time. You can toggle Running on and off by pressing Shift. You pick items by pressing C and speak to NPCs by pressing Z. You can also hide the UI by pressing the F1 key. Combat controls: You can set your jutsus on the Hotbar (shown in the UI legend at the beginning of the guide). It uses the keys from 1-0 and you can swap between hotbars by pressing the combination of Control + the keys from 1-9. Alt allows you to self-cast, it is extremely useful for medics. You target enemies by either clicking on them with your mouse or pressing X. Z is the default attacking key. You charge chakra by holding C. Shortcuts: You can open every menu in the game by just pressing the corresponding key. I - inventory M - Missions N - Ninja (character info) B - Bounty book F - Friendslist You can type in chat by either clicking on the chat bar or pressing Enter. ------------------ Using chat: You can toggle between chats by pressing on them. *General chat shows every message from every chat (except for Damage log). *Map chat shows the messages of everyone in the map you are currently at. *You can speak in Village chat by typing /V in the small bar on the left, it is seen only seen by people from your village and is used to communicate with them when they are far from you, or when you want the whole village to hear it. *Damage log shows the damage you've dealt to monsters or players, and the damage they've dealt to you. *You can send Private messages by typing the receiver's name in the small box. You can respond to messages quickly by typing /r there. I will show you more chat commands in the RP section of the guide. ------------------ You can change the hotkeys by going to Settings after opening the client. You change a key by pressing on it with the LMB and then pressing the key you want. You can also change the resolution and choose between fullscreen and windowed mode. ------------------ A way to open more than one client at the same time is by copying the .bin file from the main game directory and pasting it somewhere else. Then you rename Client.exe (e.g. client2). Before doing so, you shoulda familiarize yourself with the TOS and the Rules. I do not condone any rule breaking, use this at your own risk. ------------------ You can reduce your ping in-game by using a TCP Optimizer or one of the 2 approved 3rd party tunneling softwares: NoPing or PingZapper. PingZapper reduces my latency from 500-600 to a stable 200. It has a 7-day trial that you get by making a PingZapper account and then connecting it to a Steam account. To set it up, your settings should follow these steps: In the end, your settings should look like this: ------------------- Firstly, after downloading and installing the game, you will create your character. In the character creation, you get to choose the village you will spawn in and work for, aswell as the way your character will look (it can be changed afterwards, mostly with in-game clothing and Cash shop items - note that the game is absolutely free-to-play and the Cash shop is almost purely for cosmetics, I will talk about it more a bit later.). The isn't a whole lot of difference between the two villages. There are different mobs (usually with same exp and HP, but different drops and numbers), different clothes, etc., but there is nothing game changing and you will not regret picking either village. As I've only played on Leaf side, the guide will be from the POV of a Leaf ninja (may add Sand in the future) After creating your character, you will get a few (skippable) cutscenes. After finishing them, you will spawn in a classroom. Talking to Yori will give start to the tutorial. After the dialogue is over, exit the classroom and you will appear in a long hallway with 4 doors. Each door is a different part of the tutorial. -The first one will teach you the basics of each mastery and the stats (I will get to them later). -The second door will show you how to charge your chakra and use a jutsu. You will also learn your first jutsu - body flicker. -In the 3rd door, you will be able to practice using tools, like shurikens and kunais. They disappear after the tutorial, so just use them to practice for a bit. -The last challenge is combat. The first time you try, you will inevitably die, but don't worry, it is part of the training. It is to show you that after fainting in combat, you get the "Battle Injuries" effect. It reduces your HP, Chakra and damage with about 50% (I will correct the percentage when I'm sure about it). After completing all 4 challenges in the tutorial, you will have to take an exam in the form of test. It consists of 20 questions split in half. After failing to give the correct answer, you have to start from the beginning. After answering the first 10 questions correctly, you get a new "safe point". The questions cover most of the stuff you learned from the tutorial and is knowledge you will actually need. After passing the exam, you have to find Yori and talk to her again. She will give you the option to choose your bandana (which you can change afterwards if you want) and with that, you become a Genin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART II. LEVELING GUIDE AND PICKING YOUR MASTERIES 1. LEAF GUIDE I got @Rory's permission to use the minimaps that will soon be added to the game. You can use it to navigate in the village. After choosing your bandana, you are ready to start your Ninja training. [1] Academy - you graduate there and can change bandana [2] Hokage building - taking missions, resetting account, Hokage residence. [3] Bridge that splits the village in South and North parts. [4] Village square - all shops but one, gathered in the same place. You can find the Weapons (swords) shop to the left of the bridge [6]. [5] Village gates - entering and leaving the village. [7] Hospital - you respawn there after fainting in battle [8] Hotsprings - for low level mission I also made a simplistic map of Konoha, so you can navigate through it easily. Each square shows the most important places in the village that you will be visiting quite often, in relation to others. For example, the Academy [1] is located on the North-west part of the village. The Shopping area [4] (also called Square) is between the Hospital [7] and the Hotsprings [8], right above the village gates [5]. At first, you will only need the Hokage building and the Gates. After becoming Genin, you have to head over to the Hokage building and accept your first mission. You can take 3 missions a day and they get better with levels. Your first mission is most likely going to be to hunt Larvas. These are the weakest mobs in the game and you will be there for a while. Leveling from 1-10 is probably the most tedious part. It takes even experienced players hours to get there. *Map of the first few areas in Leaf village. Will add a full World Map, provided by @Definitely Not Luffy, further down in the guide. As I said, leveling from 1 to 10 takes a while and is pretty boring. It is going to change in the (hopefully) near future when the new engine is released and there is an actual questline, but for now, the best you can do is start by killing larvas. I'd suggest picking all the cocoons they drop and selling them. Elemental masteries can buy a kunai from the Weapons shop for 80 ryo (1 cocoon = 1 ryo), which makes leveling for them easier. Melee masteries get to 10 faster, since their basic attacks deal more damage and they can equip swords. As leveling differs for different masteries and to a point depends on personal preferences and experience, I'll try to give my recommendations for training spots. They may not be the most optimal, but hopefully it will give you an idea of what you have to be doing. From level 1 to 5 you should stick to killing larvas and picking up all cocoons and if lucky - blank scrolls, you will need a lot of them for Jutsus. You should know what blank scrolls do by now (from the tutorial), but just in case.. blank scrolls drop from monsters, they have a low drop rate which makes them very valuable. You can take your blank scrolls to the Scroll shop in the village and Enchant them into Sealable Scrolls (it consumes the scroll and has a set chance to succeed/fail). Different level jutsus require a different level blank scroll. For example: Level 1-19 jutsus require a Sealable Scroll I, which has 50% chance to succeed from a blank scroll. Level 20-29 jutsus require a Sealable Scroll II, with 30% chance. Level 30-35 jutsus require a Sealable Scroll III, with 10% success rate. Since January 17th 2018, there's now a limit to how many jutsus you can have. So you have to be careful which jutsus you pick. My advise is to check this page. It has all masteries and most of their jutsus, so you can choose for yourself which jutsus you will need. You should also plan ahead for your second mastery and all the jutsus that will come in the future. 1 - Max 5 Jutsus 5 - Max 6 Jutsus 10 - Max 7 Jutsus 15 - Max 8 Jutsus 30 - Max 11 Jutsus 50 - Max 15 Jutsus I decided to use @Satsurie's table of jutsus. It shows you the levels needed for each jutsu of each mastery. It may be incomplete, since it's an old table, so I will revise it eventually. If your Enchanting is successful, you can trade it for a jutsu scroll. You won't be using the blank scrolls until level 15 (or lv16 for Lightning mastery), so just save them. You get a free jutsu at level 10, which is the level you get to pick your first mastery (I will get to it shortly). Anyway, as I was saying, you stay at Larvas from 1-5 (you can stay there until 10 if you'd like, it will just take a lot of time). It's recommended to try and find other people to team up with. The teaming system in Nin isn't the greatest, but it helps early on and making new friends can make the grind a lot less tedious. After 5, when you have a weapon bought, you can go to Spiders. Again, don't forget to use your missions. I'd recommend staying there until level 10. After hours and hours of grinding (hopefully atleast a bit enjoyable), you get to pick your first mastery. As of right now, there are 8 masteries in the game - 5 elemental and 3 non-elemental masteries. Fire Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Fire techniques that allow ninjas to dish out large amounts of damage to multiple ninjas. Wind Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Wind techniques that are sharp, fast and deadly. Lightning Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Lightning techniques that are high in damage and immobilizing. Earth Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Earth techniques that have large area of effect and effectively control crowds. Water Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Water techniques. Water is a very balanced nature and as such can be useful in many situations. Medical Mastery allows the ninja to learn Medical techniques such as healing and reviving fainted ninjas, as well as harness the deadliness of poisons and toxins in combat. Weapon Mastery gives the ninja strong control over tools and blades, making them able to use things like Shurikens, Kunais, Swords in extraordinary ways. Taijutsu Mastery allows the ninja to master hand-to-hand combat and learn Taijutsu techniques, taking physical limitations to a new level. I will not go in detail for each mastery, I've instead linked the wiki articles to the names of each mastery. You can find everything about them there - jutsus, strenghts, weaknesses, etc. Elemental masteries' damage scales with intelligence, Wind making the one exception. Non-elemental masteries' builds however, are mostly up to preference. Medical ninjas can go for either Chakra or Int, or the combination of the two. Weapon masters can use Strenght for weapons or Int for tools/traps. Taijutsu masters can choose to go either Agility Tai or Leaf's special - Gentle fist. The former uses Agility for damage. The latter uses Strength. After a patch from the 25th January 2018, stat requirements were implemented, making hybrid builds not (as?) viable. In my opinion, Best PvE masteries (for leveling up) are Fire, Earth and Water, due to their AoE jutsus. Best PvP masteries are Water, GF, Earth; Water, Earth and Fire excel in teamfights. A generic elemental build (and my own, as a Water user) would be, ~100 int, ~1000 HP and ~250 chakra . This is just an example, as there are many combinations you could use, depending on how you want to play your game. HP has higher value than damage, since 1 point in Fortitude increases your Hit points by 10, while 1 point in Agi, Str or Int increases your damage by a lot less. For example, Water jutsus gain about 4 damage per 5 points (the amount you get from leveling up) in Int. 5 points in HP would increase your HP by 50. For more detailed information on masteries and builds, I'd suggest checking @Jun's guide here; and @Daishin's guide here. They will help you find the build that fits your own playstyle. If you feel like the mastery you've chosen isn't the right one for you, you can reset your progress in the Account Manager on the first floor of the Hokage building. Be careful with it, because you will lose everything, except for most Cash Shop items. Your levels, your items, your jutsus, your ryo, everything will be lost and you will start again from level 1. Be careful with your stat distribution aswell. Stats can only be reset by resetting your whole character, or by purchasing a Stat Reset Scroll from the Cash Shop. At level 10, you get to pick your first mater. A window will appear as you level up and you just have to choose the mastery you want. This is when you get your first mastery jutsu. You get a free scroll from the Scroll shop, for you to get your lv10 jutsu. After trading the scroll, it will appear in your inventory. You can learn the jutsu by using the scroll (double LMB click or right-click + use). The jutsu will then appear in your jutsus menu [J]. You then drag it onto your hotbar on the bottom of the screen. After level 10, You should try and do the Seals missions in both Leaf and Sand village (it will be hard to do them in Sand, because the two villages are in war). You start getting better Daily missions after this point, aswell. For monsters at this level, I'd recommend Wolves. They have 72 HP and deal 25 damage (so it's advised to invest a few points in fortitude). On kill, they reward 67 exp points. World blessing helps a lot here and will be quite helpful for the rest of your leveling. It is a Cash shop item that boosts the experience gain for all the players in the server by 1.5x (50%) for 1 hour. @Itachi Uchiha reminded me of something I had forgotten to mention. The Blessings work on missions aswell as farming. Some of the daily missions, especially the ones in the higher levels that give hundreds of thousands of exp, are better done in Blessing. For example a level 30 mission, called Docs for short, gives about 200k base experience, with World Blessing buff, the exp goes up to 300k. It is up to preference if you would like to wait for a blessing when turning a mission in. On the other hand, for the special missions (like Venoms mission, Seals, Toad missions, Bandit mission, etc.), waiting for a Blessing is a must. They can only be done once and some of them give you a whole level if you do them in Blessing. The one thing you need to know about Blessings is, you don't ask for one. If somebody wants to buy one and use it, good. Again, as Larvas (and same goes for Spiders), try and pick up everything that drops. I've had a lot of luck with Blank scrolls at Wolves, so now may be a good time to collect some scrolls. I'd stay at Wolves until level 15 ish, which is when you get your 2nd jutsu (unless you're lightning). After Wolves, you should head to Tigers. If you are a melee mastery, I'd stay at Wolves longer, since basic attacks stop being as efficient at this point and elemental masteries start leveling a lot faster than melees, due to their high damage ranged attacks. I have a very limited knowledge about melee masteries' leveling methods, so I will continue with just the Elemental masteries. Tigers are the first aggressive mobs that you will encounter. They will try to attack you when you go close to them, and they will actually chase you down. A team is recommended, since they have quite a bit of HP (104 for the normal tigers and 146 for White tigers). Their attacks hurt a lot more, too, so you will need to have atleast 200 HP by this point. On kill they give 97 and 127 exp points respectively for normal and White tigers. You'll stay at tigers until level 20 ish. An important thing I have to mention is, you stop getting experience from monsters when you reach a level 10 levels higher than theirs. For example, if the normal tigers are level 13, you stop getting exp from them at level 23. So you could technically stay there until then. Afterwards, you can try to go to the Sewers in village. It's where the Rats dwell. They are aggressive, just like Tigers, have 193 HP and damage you for 53 damage. They give 172 experience points on kill and have a chance to drop a rare item - a sword called Twin Fangs (ADD A SCREENSHOT!) and is worth quite a bit of Ryo. You should be able to get to level 25 quite easily here. Just walk around, aggro all Rats and try to kill them with AoE jutsus (if you have any). It is also a good time to do the Venoms mission. It takes 100 Snake venoms and as Snakes are too strong for you at this level, you have to try and get the Ryo to buy them. Right now, 1 venom costs 15-20 ryo, so 100 venoms would cost between 1.5 and 2k ryo. It really depends on the mastery and your knowledge of the game. A lucky drop of Twin Fangs (considering you won't be using it) can make you more than enough Ryo to afford it, as it sells for roughly 5k ryo. You should also try and find a high level player to help you with defeating Guren, a boss in Takumi - the village of the missing ninjas. That is right, there is a 3rd Village. You can become a missing Ninja by betraying your village or a Hermit, by asking the Kage of your village to exile you, so you don't have to be sided with either of the original Villages. It is not recommended to become missing, especially if you are new, since they are enemies to everyone and are being hunted. After lv 25, you should try and go to the Snakes' lair, which is filled with Snakes (duh..). There's a lot of snakes and they hurt a lot, so a team is recommended. You can make a lot of ryo here, since their Venoms are very sought after. If they are too hard for you or you don't have a team, I'd REAAAAALLY recommend going to Big Scarabs in the Sand Village. This is literally the best map in the game for grinding. Trust me, if you are an elemental mastery and deal enough damage, you won't want to ever leave that map. There's a big map in which you can aggro 10+ mobs and kill them with AoE jutsus. They have the same stats as rats and drop another rare item - Seji no Hani (also known as Double Fan). Only downside to this map is the close proximity to Sand Village and the risk of being found and killed. You should also not forget to do your missions. Guard Duty aswell as Parcel Delivery give a very nice exp and should be done as much as possible. Until a while ago, missions were sharable, so they could be done daily, even a few times a day, but now you can only get missions from the Missions desk. At level 30, a new NPC appears in the Missions room. By talking to Hitsutomo, you can start the missions leading to the newly released Toad Village. I will not get in details about it, but it is kind of hard. If you do manage to do them, aswell as the missions in the Toad Village, you will get quite a bit of exp and levels. After level 30, there aren't many options. Leveling becomes slow, grinding feels unnecessary and pointless, so you mostly do daily missions. At this point you start getting missions that give you 2-3 hours worth of grind experience, which are your main source of exp. You can always go and grind monsters for some extra exp, but it just doesn't feel very rewarding. You can use this time to level up your jutsus. You'd probably realise it by this point, but your jutsus level up when you use them on monsters (or players). Each level makes the jutsu slightly better (extra damage, lower cooldown, bigger range, etc.). Levels 30-50 (which is the level cap) take a lot of time and patience. Just do your dailies everyday. You can grind mobs solo up until level 46 (Bears being level 36 and higher leveled mobs being too hard for soloing). After the long (I'd say about month and a half to 2 months) and mostly boring grind, you hit 50 and it is time to choose your 2nd mastery. Again, it's only a recommendation, not the optimal way to train, and it'd probably be a lot different for elements and melee users, as I haven't really played the latter, but to summerize the Leveling part of the guide: Level 1-5 - Larva Level 5-10 - Spiders Level 10-15 - Wolves Level 15-20 - Tigers Level 20 - 25 - Rats (Path to Sewers opens after doing Leaf Seal mission) Level 25 - 30 - Snakes or Big scarabs Level 30-35 - Toad Village Missions, Bears and the high level Missions like Docs, WW, etc. Level 35-46 - Bears and Daily missions Level 46-50 - Daily missions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SAND GUIDE Both Sand and Leaf villages are a good place to be. You will not gain any particular advantage by choosing any of the two. The main difference between the two is the mobs, the clothing, the exclusive masteries (Gentle fist for Leaf, Fan style for Sand). After creating your character in Sand, you will appear in a big training room. The first thing you need to do is speak to Saita. He will guide you through what you have to do. After finishing the dialogue, arrows will appear and you have to go to the right. You will then head to the rooms in the north side of the room. Just like in Leaf, you will have to complete all 4 parts of the tutorial and they will give you the basics you need to start your adventure. The first room will introduce you to masteries, stats and different types of zones (PvP wise). In the second room you will learn your first jutsu - Cloak of Invisibility. Speak to the scroll on the table, after the dialogue, open your Inventory (I) and double click on the scroll. Then open your Jutsus menu (J) and drag the jutsu on your hotbar (by hovering over it and dragging it down, while holding your LMB). To cast jutsus you need Chakra. It appears on the bottom of the screen in blue colour (right of HP bar [red]). You charge chakra by holding C. When you charge your chakra, press the hotkey on which you put the cloak (or just double click on it in your Jutsus menu), and pass the scorpions. You have to be invisible to make it through, they will kill you otherwise. Then speak to Tama. The third room is target practice. You will learn how to use tools. Break the boxes on the right by hitting them (Z), then pick up the tools by pressing C once. Assign them to your hotbar by dragging them from your inventory. PSA: The tools will disappear after you leave the room, so you shouldn't be picking more than 5. In the last room, you will be introduced to combat. After speaking to the NPC, activate the scroll on the left. A few scorpions will spawn and you will have to hit them. You will inevitably die and respawn on a bed. It is to teach you of Battle injuries. Go to the right and back in the room, interact with the scroll and it will spawn a different type of mobs - ducklings. They are easy to kill and you only need to kill one. Then talk to the NPC again and your tutorial is over. Leave the room and an arrow will appear. Follow it and you will enter a room with scorpions in it. You have to kill 10 scorpions and collect their tails to be able to proceed. After you have them, talk to the NPC, then to the wall circled in red in the screenshot below. After interacting with it, you should be able to enter and interact with the scroll on the table. A 20 questions exam will begin. It is split in 2 parts with 10 questions and you have to answer all questions correctly. After completing the exam, you will speak to the mentor and recieve your first rank - genin, and a headband. Here begins your real journey. After becoming a Genin, you will want to head north and leave the village, the map you will enter is called GD (from a mission called Guard Duty), I will use it for a reference point. Then go north-west until you reach your first mobs - larvas. You want to stay at larvas until you reach level 5. Pick all the cocoons and sell them in the shops in village. You have a chance to get blank scrolls, aswell. Keep those! After hitting level 4 (for int masteries) or 5 (for str masteries), if you have enough money or if you can find someone to give it to you, you can equip a weapon. Check leaf part of the guide for the weapons you need, aswell as the village map for the location of the shops. After this, you should head of the GD map. This is where scorpions are. You will be staying here until level 7. Again, pick everything they drop, you can even sell their drops to players, since they are needed for a mission. From level 7 to level 9, you will be killing stingers. You want to head to the map to the left of larvas. They drop the same item as scorpions, so you should keep those and sell to players, or you can sell in the shops again if you need the ryo fast. You then want to go to the left of the stingers map, where coyotes are. You will stay there from level 9 to level 13. At Level 10 you can pick your first mastery, so you can stay at stingers until you get to it. If you are unsure of what mastery you want or how it works, check the leaf part of the guide and/or the masteries wiki page. It is also a good time to do Seals missions in both Sand, and with some help, Leaf villages. It is important to do them during a blessing (explained in the Leaf part). From levels 13-17, you should go to Scarabs. They are located above the stingers map. They are the first aggressive mobs you will face, and they are many, so you should be extremely careful and if possible, find a team. After level 17, you should go to the Tunnelers. There are 2 maps where you can find them. One of them is left of Coyotes. The other is a bit further away, but it's easier, since there is more space to run around and kite. Go right of the scorpions map, then go all the way up. You will find them there. You should stay there until around level 23. From 23 to around 25, you should go to Big Scarabs cave, located on the north side of the Scarabs map. You need to have completeled the Sand seals mission for it to open. After that you can go to Snakes (use the world map below to navigate) until you no longer get exp from them and then to Bears until level 46. After level 30, your main source of exp are missions, but you should still grind monsters for extra exp. At level 30 you can start the Toad Village questline by speaking to the Frog in the missions room. Completing the whole questline will give you a lot of exp. To summerize: 1 - 5 Larva 5 - 7 Scorps 7 - 9 Stingers 9 - 13 Coyotes 13 - 17 Scarabs 17 - 23 Tunnelers 23 - 25 Big scarabs 25+ - Snakes * - 46 - Bears I'm not at all experienced or knowledgable with leveling in sand, so I had to use @Hotaru's help for it. I'd advise reading the Leaf part of the guide, since it has more information for each level. In conclusion, the most important thing in leveling and for playing the game in general, is to try and make friends. Be nice to people, join an organization or a clan (I will talk about them later), be a part of something big. Or find a goal (Being a Hokage, in the ANBU, etc.) to work for. The grind feels a lot more fun and rewarding. *Underneath is the full World Map with all the current areas and maps (except for Toad, as it's a different instance). Big thanks to @Definitely Not Luffy for showing it to me. The map will be very useful for you and I will be using it to pinpoint locations in the guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART III. GAME KNOWLEDGE. 1. Roleplay The game is very RP oriented, we create our own organizations and clans. We have Akatsuki, ANBU, Village Leaders, Chunins, et cetera. It is very important to be able to stay in character. If you are new to Roleplaying, I'd suggest checking Saku's guide. A big part of roleplaying is using the chat correctly. You can use "/e" in chat to express emotions or describe an action. For example "/e is sleeping" would appear as Origami Heart is sleeping. Other chat commands that can be used in RP are: /y - /r - /n - /<3 - /go - /... - /! - /? - /huh - /clap - /slowclap - /' - /cry - /wave - /wave (changed) - /grr - /!! - /321 - (3 2 1 GO! animation) (they appear ontop of your character) To speak out-of-character use parentheses, for example - (I need to afk for a bit). ------- There are also RP missions, which Ranked ninja (Chunin and above) can host for other players in their village. RP Missions are player-ran missions that reward players for role-playing. The rewards for each mission are not substantial to the point where it is unfair if you just want to play the game without RPing, but is designed to encourage players to take a break from grinding and reward them for role-playing if they're already acquainted with the magic of it. For players who don't know the magic yet, it provides an incentive for them to give it a try. They way they work is: All players can take RP Missions from the 2nd NPC at the Mission Assignment Desk (Koda for Leaf / Basho for Sand) You can take RP Missions at Levels 12, 17, 22 and 27. Each of which is a tier higher than the next. Ranked ninja (Chunin and Above) will announce their availability for an RP Mission in village chat. Ninja who want to attempt an RP Mission should form a team of 3 and find a Ranked ninja (Chunin and above) to be their team leader and host their RP Mission. The Ranked ninja will assign an appropriate task, training or RP scenario which should take estimatedly 30 minutes, or longer (with prior notice) On completing the task, they will be handed RP Tokens to claim their rewards from the Mission Assignment Desk. Currently there are 7 ranks in a village (they are almost purely for RP purposes): Academy Students is the rank you start with when you start the game. Genin is the first obtainable rank, after you graduate from the academy. Specialized Jonin is a title rewarded to those who've proven worthy of it by showing unmatched skills in something. Chunin is the title you obtain after successfully pass the Chunin exam, which is hosted every few months. You become a Jonin by leading a team of Genins to the Chunin exam and host a set number of RP missions. You have to help others daily. Chunin rank is required for promotion to Jonin. Council members are chosen by the village in the council election. They work closely with the Hokage and help them make important decisions. The Kage is elected by the council members. They are the most important ninja in the village and make all the final decisions for the village's future. They have the power to exile people (the Missing ninjas I've mentioned before). There are 2 ranks that are obtained by completely other means and have different purpose. Gold Ninja is given to those who've decided to purchase premium membership and support the game. Silver Ninja is given to people who've contributed to the development of the game. ---- There are also clans nad Organizations that you can join. They are created by players and for now, they are purely for RP. They are not a part of the game, for now. You can check the current organizations here. The clans you can see in the Village forums. 2. Shopping for clothes (WIP) As I mentioned at the beginning of this guide, there are a few ways to customize your character, after it's been created. The most common and accessible way is buying in-game clothing from the stores in villages. As I already mentioned, currently there are 3 villages. Each Village has different clothing to offer. (images and prices are taken from Wiki as the game as it would take too long to go to each village, credits to the creators) PSA: New items are being added in the shops all the time, so make sure you check them out if I haven't added them here. LEAF SAND TAKUMI Other shops to buy clothing and accessories from are: ((ADD SCREENSHOTS)) Event HQ in Takumi Leaf's Optic Store Sand's Utility Store There is another way to customize your character - the Cash shop. You can buy costumes, accessories, or get a new hairstyle. *Example of my character with a premium hairstyle, armor and a back scroll. On a side note, there are shops in every village that sell food (for RP purposes, I suppose, it doesn't actually heal you), like ramen, sushi, even a famous brand of soda. There are, however, shops that sell health and chakra regenerating "potions". You can buy Blood Pills and Chakra Pills in every village, and Toad Oil in the Toad Village. I will not go into them too much, because I don't really use them. 3. Items obtained from drops (WIP) Gas mask, cigarette, double fan, twin fangs, gafuki sword ((ADD MORE AND INCLUDE SCREENSHOTS)) Twin fangs - dropped by Rats in the sewers in Leaf village. No Hani (also known as double fan) - dropped by Big Scarabs near Sand village. Gas mask - dropped by one of the bandits on the Snow mointain (after Snow wolves). 4. Ryo making guide (WIP) venom, rares, other quest items ((TO ADD MORE)) For ryo, at early levels, you want to pick up everything that mobs drop and sell in the shops in village. You should keep some of them, like cocoons, spider eggs, big scarab shells, etc., since they are needed for missions. You can sell those to players. At higher levels, best items to farm for selling are: Snake venoms - in the snake lair, right of the 2nd bear map (from Leaf). Snow Wolf fur - from Snow wolves, left of the 2nd bear map, in a cave past Koji. Blank scrolls - after getting all of your jutsus, they drop from any mob. Rare items - Rats, Big Scarabs, Bandits in both Takumi and Snow mountain. @Niti made it easier for me by creating a price list. You can check the price of every item there and choose the item you want to farm for ryo, based on what's easy and/or most profitable for you. ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you for checking my guide. I hope it will help you in your journey! TO DO: -Add more information -Make the guide more presentable - FAQ
  9. Hey everyone, Saku here. Since this game encourages Role-playing, and it being a rather big part of the game, I decided to make a Guide for everyone who struggles to do it. The first thing before the actual Guide starts I will clear something up. RP stands for Role-play! Many people get confused when they ask "What are you doing?" and you answer with "RP". So yeah, now you know. So if someone says he is doing RP, you know what it means. So now, on to the actual Guide. The Basics Role-playing means that you change your behavior and play your "Role" in certain situations. The things you do or say are based and your backstory and/or on the "Role" you took. There are a few things you should keep in mind if you want to start with RP. Using the Chat The Chat is probably the most important part since it allows you to communicate and use Emotes. By using the right Emotes and things to say in certain Situations, you can make every Conversation exciting and engaging. Your Role Depending on the given scenario, you need to realize what your part, or Role, in the story is. Keep in mind that not everyone can be the protagonist, and sometimes you maybe just play a side character, but even so, you are an important part of the story that is about to be written. Focus! RP requires your attention. You can't play Hearthstone on the side or something like that because you won't be able to keep up with the Story. Also, don't get distracted by other people who are not involved. They will probably ask a lot of question, but don't break your role for it. If you really need to answer them use brackets ( more on that on the Tips Section ) You are Part of something bigger Unless you Role-play with a tree, other people will be influencing the Story. Don't get down when one of your ideas gets drown in the conversation, but also, don't ignore others. The best Stories are made by many players together, so try to adapt. Talk about someone in the group, give your opinion about his Idea, or use an emote to agree/disagree. Tips There are many tips and tricks you can use to improve your RP. In this section I will list all kinds of advice too, so you can get started right away. Don't break Character! As I mentioned before, focus is key. So if you really need to break Character use Brackets ( ) Bad Example Player 1 : Something is not right here... Player 2 : yo, 1 mom need to pee Player 1 : ... Good Example Player 1 : Something is not right here... Player 2 : ( I'll be right back, because ... ) Player 1 : ( Alright ) You will ruin the Experience for others, so please use Brackets ( ) Please Care what you Type Keep in mind what you write, since it's important. At least try to have decent grammar. Of course, no one expects perfect sentences from you either, so here's another example. Bad Example Player 1 : I think someone is following us... Player 2 : i thnk his beyond tha tree Good Example Player 1 : I think someone is following us... Player 2 : Maybe he is behind one of these Trees... You maybe think I am exaggerating, but it already saw stuff like that. Just try to your best, no one will judge simple mistakes. Using Emotes Being able to use the emotes makes your RP more believable. The most important thing you need is without a doubt /e /e is used if you want to imply that your character is doing something. With this emote you can give the story more Detail and make it more believable. So if you type in the Chat /e is daydreaming it will look like this It is a very easy way to give your Character personality and a tool to make a good story. Use it appropriately and everybody will have a Great Time. There are many other things you can use, a list of them is available In-Game, just type /emotes Well, this is the end. I hope this guide can help someone. It's the first time I made something like this, so please tell me what you think. I want to Improve.
  10. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Hello Everyone Sukki Kurama Here I would like to introduce you my Guide for New players and Lazy People So at the start I want to say that I also used another guide like @Ori Sasayaki guide or just guides from other games like World of Warcraft eventually Rune Scape. I want to present it thow I see this because there are many people who ask me about the basics every day, yes I am always willing to help but let's be honest everyone can be tire. So I am here today to present to you my work all opinions mistakes and other, please report in the comments I will gladly hear and correct them. (And I know my English level isnt best but I think everyone will get what I will write there) Base At the beginning, I will present to you and explain the activities of keybinds at NinOnline 1) So basically we have 10 buttons that we can use to cast our skills(Jutsu in game) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0) 2) The next buttons like F1 are used to hide our UI. Shift left or right is used to start running or to switch on walking mode. Basically "Z" is our autoatack "X" is used to Target our opponents and friends, "C" is used to pick up items when we click and to charge Chakra if we hold it. 3) The "I" button is used to open the equipment. The "M" button to open the mission window. The "N" button to open information about our character. The "B" button to open the Bounty Book. The "F" button to open the friends list. If we click enter, we can write on the chat by repeating the Enter button, we close the chat and send a message. How Chat Work's So basically we have 6 chat windows. 1) The first mode is a general chat where we have almost all combat labs. 2) The second mode is a chat map that means we only see chat commonly called / say on a given world cluster 3) The third mode is a village chat which we use with / v can be used once every 30 seconds (we do not have to be in the village to use it) 4) The fourth mode is the chat group of the so-called party chat, only people in your group see it 5) The fifth mode is Combat Log, we see in it the damage we have been given or received, as well as who killed us or whom we killed. 6) The sixth mode is a private chat so-called whisper we have to enter in the window next to the name of the player to whom we write or / r and then send a message to the last person with whom we wrote or wrote to us Before i go further, I mark the ninonline servery are not the most stable thing that you have ever seen in my opinion, I recommend downloading an exitlag or ping zapper because if your internet just suck your ping can reach up to 600 :). I do not use it myself because I have 120/200 ping, I think this ping is good for me. INTERFACE The most important thing in this interface game So now we're going to create character. In fact, there is no greater significance which village you choose (unless roleplay is important to you). Whether you choose Leaf or Sand you will not get any profits from it. Well, maybe one: D the leaf village has hot springs. So think about choosing whether you want to play roleplay or you do not care and choose a village. The choice of sex does not matter either. After you have chosen a village and sex, choose the eyes and hair color. Then you have 3 different outfits, 3 pairs of shirts and 3 pairs of trousers depends on your taste After creating the character there will be a nice short cutscene. You can skip it personally, how many times I create a new character, I always watch it: D. We will start from the Sand village because my travels started there and I have a fondness for it Sand Village And here is your first view of the scenes. You have to go to this jonin and talk to him and then you will see arrows that you follow. Then you will see 4 rooms with arrow marks will be under them enter one of them the order is meaningless, we will start from the Lesson of Knowledge. In the game as well as in the anime or manga we have 8 basic mastery. - Fire Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Fire techniques that allow ninjas to dish out large amounts of damage to multiple ninjas - Earth Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Earth techniques that have large area of effect and effectively control crowds. - Lightning Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Lightning techniques that are high in damage and immobilizing. - Water Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Water techniques. Water is a very balanced nature and as such can be useful in many situations - Wind Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Wind techniques that are sharp, fast and deadly. - Medical Mastery allows the ninja to learn Medical techniques such as healing and reviving fainted ninjas, as well as harness the deadliness of poisons and toxins in combat. - Weapon Mastery gives the ninja strong control over tools and blades, making them able to use equipment like shurikens, kunais, explosive tags and swords, in extraordinary ways. - Taijutsu Mastery allows the ninja to master hand-to-hand combat and learn Taijutsu techniques, taking physical limitations to a new level. If you want to know more about these mastery, I recommend you check our wikipedia which we create as players where you will find a lot of information needed to survive and many more. This lesson is followed by the explain of the statistics system in the game. Gre start as a ninja who has passive statistics, i.e. 5 points in strength 5 points in agility 5 points in intelligence 5 points in the chakra 5 points in fortitude If we load, we learn that: -Strength gives us the power of tools (kunais) and the power of weapons (swords or fans) -Intelligence gives us something like the power of skills (improves our damage from jutsu) and the power of tools (shurikens) and better hiding after using the jutsu Cloak -Chakra improves the detection capabilities of ninja in Cloak, and adds power in using medical jutsu. In addition, the power of the tools they are (senbons) (1 point gives us 5 chakras) -Dexterity gives us the speed of cast (it is not profitable if someone would ask) and effectiveness in tai jutsu -Fortitude gives us more life (1 point gives us 10 hp). And finally, the last information we learn from this lesson. Lesson about Zone. Safe zone a place where we are not nearly threatened, that is, we can not lose our Bounty (usually there are villages and maps 2 in each side of the village (excluding the village of missings takumi) Danger zone are places where during death we lose our bounty and can attack our friends from the village if we have pvp on (if someone kills us, we get 1 of 3 strike 3strike = leaving the village without anyone's supervision) War zone are dangerous places but really nothing different from the Danger zone (remember an opponent from another village, regardless of the zone, you can attack even in the village) Bounty Lesson Unfortunately, there come moments when we die and do not die from the monster's hand but from the hand of another player. If we killed someone earlier in the Danger zone, we have bounty. If we die, they are divided by half and donated to the player who killed us On the other hand, there are moments when, however, we spiting on these players and we kill them then we get their bounty which they have When we die, we will appear in the hospital depending on the village or leaf or sand or takumi. We then get a debuff of the Battle injuries which we can not otherwise download as we just wait. If we have this debuff and we will die once again. Bounty will not be taken away or granted to an opponent, nor can we pick him up. Tool Lesson The next test will be Tools lesson. It will rely on the fact that after talking to npc we have to attack boxes against her and grab shurikens from them then use X to target dummy and then use them either from our inventory or from the belt if we put them on (do not collect them 3000 because anyway they disappear when you leave the room) you only need 5 shurikens Combat Lesson Then we will approach the Combat Lesson test. It involves attacking the scroll after talking to the NPC. He will summon mob scorpion. You have to come and attack. Oh yes, your first death, do not be afraid, there will be thousands of them and not millions. You will get your first debuff called BI, which was mentioned above. So we go back to the same room, talk to the NPC again and use the scroll once again, then the duck will be called. Kill her quickly, talk to the NPC and finish. Technique Lesson The final lesson will be Technique lesson. It is based on the fact that after talking with the scroll which will be in front of us, we must open our equipment and learn the cloak scroll YAY our first jutsu and it's free. We charge the chakra if we do not have it (keep C) we put the jutsu on the belt press BOOM, we are not invisible to us. We pass through the scorpions to the NPC on the opposite side of the room. We talk to him and now is the most durable choice. Wait 20 seconds for Cooldown cloaka or just go and get killed by mob (that choice I leave to you) Genin Exam And now the happiest part of the tutorial (this is the tutorial before you really start the real struggle with monsters). So we have the Genin exam left. We enter the room which the arrow on the ground pointed us. We see the NPC we talk with him, he orders us to collect 10 tails from scorpions. Do not worry, those just do not even attack you (or at least do not deal damage). Everyone has a 100% chance that the tail will fall out, so you just have to kill 10 and get picked up then approach this "wall" on the right side of the map attack it shows us that we can go on and now the moment of rehearsal comes. We approach the scroll and talk to him (attack) and a test of 20 questions begins. (if you get through 10 questions including 10 you can even fail it, then you start with 10th questions) I will not give you an answer because it would be a scam to see what you learned during this tutorial. For real you have it is for VERY perceptive people. Do not tell rory because he can murder me for iD) C) A) C) C)A)B)A)B)A)B)D)B)A)B)D)D)A)C)C) D) (another effects) Congratulations, you have been geninami back from the place of our first spawn where we receive our protector. Now I will add you 2 maps of the village which will be very useful for you The first map shows you the spatial style of the map. up left bottom right etc. The second map is a map of all of Sand. It is very useful to look at it a little. Then it is understandable this is the appearance of the basic buildings in the village of Sand We can, of course, in the Kazekage Building, reset our character and start from scratch (as well as change the village). How and also stop our development and stay on the level where we are (you can on the exp once again) When setting the level, I recommend that you collect 1 missions even on the 1st or 2nd level to get money for it (you may need them on level 4 when it comes to int weapons or 5 when it comes to swordsmen). We take this mission in the kazekage building(dont forget you have daily limit 3 missions per day) Earlier I would recommend to press on information to learn a little about it MOBS Here I will give you mobs links with descriptions I have added them myself on the wiki so I will use them LARVA So at the start we have larves. They are mobs that are not too difficult to kill personally, I recommend spending time on them from 1-5 lvl, but let's be honest no one can defend you there until 10. But it will be monotonous and irritating warn me. I recommend collecting everything and selling it either in the store or someone for the mission, so this is the subject of the mission, I recommend to leave at least 40 pieces. Link if you are interested in more I leave here SCORPIONS Scorpion is a monster a little more difficult but if you reach this level 4/5 and buy yourself a weapon will be very easy. Three ordinary attacks are enough and after the scorpion case dies. I also recommend collecting tails from them because they are needed for the mission and you can simply sell them. Link for more info here STINGERS Stingers monster who is a more difficult party than a scorpion. He drops the same scorpion tail, I recommend going there on lvl 7-9. He does not have any skills just beats more and has more hp. DESERT COYOTES Coyote, I recommend going there on level 9-13, you have 2 roads shown on the map much higher. They do not drop anything valuable so any drop just sell. They are slightly stronger than stingers but I do not recommend the escape attack style. Link here These are the basic mobs about which you should concept then the list below: Scarab 13-17lvl Tunnellers 17-20 / 21 Big Scrabs 20 / 21-25 / 26 Snake - 25 / 26- 40 Bears - 40-45 rest dailies or Hosts and Snow Wolfs (if you need more info about mobs up just enter wiki) At the end, remember you will get a mission that will require you to get to Takumi or Konohagure is not easy but you can handle it cloak is your friend later in the post after I finish the leaf side I will add missions that everyone should do because they are they are free big exp for this lvl LEAF VILLAGE Being honest I play this game for a long time and I really outfitted many characters even my main was exp at the beginning in sand. But if I have to be honest the leaf side is a lot nicer and easier it is for sure. If you are not a hardcore player, I recommend choosing this village. I will repeat the basic information if someone accidentally did not read the Sand village's tutorial And here is your first view of the scenes. You have to go to this jonin and talk to him and then you will see arrows that you follow. Then you will see 4 rooms with arrow marks will be under them enter one of them the order is meaningless, we will start from the Lesson of Knowledge. In the game as well as in the anime or manga we have 8 basic mastery. - Fire Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Fire techniques that allow ninjas to dish out large amounts of damage to multiple ninjas - Earth Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Earth techniques that have large area of effect and effectively control crowds. - Lightning Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Lightning techniques that are high in damage and immobilizing. - Water Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Water techniques. Water is a very balanced nature and as such can be useful in many situations - Wind Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Wind techniques that are sharp, fast and deadly. - Medical Mastery allows the ninja to learn Medical techniques such as healing and reviving fainted ninjas, as well as harness the deadliness of poisons and toxins in combat. - Weapon Mastery gives the ninja strong control over tools and blades, making them able to use equipment like shurikens, kunais, explosive tags and swords, in extraordinary ways. - Taijutsu Mastery allows the ninja to master hand-to-hand combat and learn Taijutsu techniques, taking physical limitations to a new level. If you want to know more about these mastery, I recommend you check our wikipedia which we create as players where you will find a lot of information needed to survive and many more. This lesson is followed by the explain of the statistics system in the game. Gre start as a ninja who has passive statistics, i.e. 5 points in strength 5 points in agility 5 points in intelligence 5 points in the chakra 5 points in fortitude If we load, we learn that: -Strength gives us the power of tools (kunais) and the power of weapons (swords or fans) -Intelligence gives us something like the power of skills (improves our damage from jutsu) and the power of tools (shurikens) and better hiding after using the jutsu Cloak -Chakra improves the detection capabilities of ninja in Cloak, and adds power in using medical jutsu. In addition, the power of the tools they are (senbons) (1 point gives us 5 chakras) -Dexterity gives us the speed of cast (it is not profitable if someone would ask) and effectiveness in tai jutsu -Fortitude gives us more life (1 point gives us 10 hp). And finally, the last information we learn from this lesson. Lesson about Zone. Safe zone a place where we are not nearly threatened, that is, we can not lose our Bounty (usually there are villages and maps 2 in each side of the village (excluding the village of missings takumi) Danger zone are places where during death we lose our bounty and can attack our friends from the village if we have pvp on (if someone kills us, we get 1 of 3 strike 3strike = leaving the village without anyone's supervision) War zone are dangerous places but really nothing different from the Danger zone (remember an opponent from another village, regardless of the zone, you can attack even in the village) Bounty Lesson Unfortunately, there come moments when we die and do not die from the monster's hand but from the hand of another player. If we killed someone earlier in the Danger zone, we have bounty. If we die, they are divided by half and donated to the player who killed us On the other hand, there are moments when, however, we spiting on these players and we kill them then we get their bounty which they have When we die, we will appear in the hospital depending on the village or leaf or sand or takumi. We then get a debuff of the Battle injuries which we can not otherwise download as we just wait. If we have this debuff and we will die once again. Bounty will not be taken away or granted to an opponent, nor can we pick him up. Tool Lesson The next test will be Tools lesson. It will rely on the fact that after talking to npc we have to attack boxes next to her and grab shurikenys from them. Then use X to target dummy and then use them either from our inventory or from the belt if we put them on (do not collect them 3000 because anyway they disappear when you leave the room) you only need 5 shurikens Combat Lesson Then we will approach the Combat Lesson test. It involves attacking the scroll after talking to the NPC. He will summon mob shadow clone. You have to come and attack. Oh yes, your first death, do not be afraid, there will be thousands of them and not millions. You will get your first debuff called BI, which was mentioned above. So we go back to the same room, talk to the NPC again and use the scroll once again, then the shadow clone but weaker will be called. Kill it quickly, talk to the NPC and finish Technique Lesson The final lesson will be Technique lesson. It is based on the fact that after talking with the scroll which will be in front of us, we must open our equipment and learn the body flicker jutsu scroll YAY our first jutsu and it's free. We charge the chakra if we do not have it (keep C) we put the jutsu on the belt go near the hole then target shisune click jutsu BOOM. We pass through hole to the NPC on the opposite side of the room. We atack him and after her issues we leaving room. Genin Exam And now the happiest part of the tutorial (this is the tutorial before you really start the real struggle with monsters). So we have the Genin exam left. We enter the room which the arrow on the ground pointed us. We see a scroll on board we talk with it and our exam has started a test of 20 questions begins. (if you get through 10 questions including 10 you can even fail it, then you start with 10th questions) I will not give you an answer because it would be a scam to see what you learned during this tutorial. For real you have it is for VERY perceptive people. Do not tell rory because he can murder me for iD) C) A) C) C)A)B)A)B)A)B)D)B)A)B)D)D)A)C)C) D) (another effects) Congratulations, you have been genin back from the place of our 4 lessons room and you will see on middle of room a npc go to him and talk. Yay we receive our protector. Now I will add you 2 maps of the village which will be very useful for you The first map shows you the spatial style of the map. gora left bottom right etc. The second map is a map of all of Sand. It is very useful to look at it a little. Then it is understandable this is the appearance of the basic buildings in the village of Leaf We can, of course, in the Kazekage Building, reset our character and start from scratch (as well as change the village). How and also stop our development and stay on the level where we are (you can on the exp once again) When setting the level, I recommend that you collect 1 missions even on the 1st or 2nd level to get money for it (you may need them on level 4 when it comes to int weapons or 5 when it comes to swordsmen). We take this mission in the kazekage building(dont forget you have daily limit 3 missions per day) Earlier I would recommend to press on information to learn a little about it MOBS Here I will give you mobs links with descriptions I have added them myself on the wiki so I will use them LARVA So at the start we have larves. They are mobs that are not too difficult to kill personally, I recommend spending time on them from 1-5 lvl, but let's be honest no one can defend you there until 10. But it will be monotonous and irritating warn me. I recommend collecting everything and selling it either in the store or someone for the mission, so this is the subject of the mission, I recommend to leave at least 40 pieces. Link if you are interested in more I leave here Spiderling Spiderling is a monster a little more difficult but if you reach this level 4/5 sit here till 9 and buy yourself a weapon will be very easy. Three ordinary attacks are enough and after the scorpion case dies. I also recommend collecting tails from them because they are needed for the mission and you can simply sell them. Link for more info here Wolf Coyote, I recommend going there on level 9-13, you have just 1 spawn you can see it on the map much higher. They do not drop anything valuable so any drop just sell. They are slightly stronger than stingers but I do not recommend the escape attack style. Link here These are the basic mobs about which you should concept then the list below: Tigers 13-17lvl Bee's 17-20 / 21 Rats 20 / 21-25 / 26 Snake - 25 / 26- 40 Bears - 40-45 rest dailies or Hosts and Snow Wolfs (if you need more info about mobs up just enter wiki) At the end, remember you will get a mission that will require you to get to Takumi or Konohagure is not easy but you can handle it cloak is your friend later in the post after I finish the leaf side I will add missions that everyone should do because they are they are free big exp for this lvl Jutsu and their levels As it was mentioned before, we have 8 mastery so the 8 mastery has its own jutsu here, and the list of screenshots from tier 1 to tier 3 as well as to hidden jutsu. And Scrolls Mandatory missions for everyone What can I say, as I mentioned earlier, these are the most important missions we have, they give a large amount of experience and are not difficult at all, just know how to do them, so let's start. Benkei's Tools lvl 10 The first mission will be benki's tools it is a mission that is located in the takumi you need to find tools for the beneath quest worthy of fast and efficient candles. His tools can be found on the akatsuki base map. l Thats Benki's house its on the left corner of map in takumi This is Benkei This is mission and this is place you just need to talk with tools map name is Mysterious Rock Wall its after River Bank map. HIDE & SEEK lvl 4 Next mission unfortunately just for leaf's so after the kids are gone we're going to the hokage building. We go to the left we have academies and we go upstairs at the top on the ground will be a black sign we go in it we go to the bottom of the gate we will look to the left stands the child we talk with him we go back there the same way the second is to the left of the police checkpoints near the houses and the third is in the hot springs on the left under the roof Hidden Seals Missions Since then, I have only 300kb of space to put anything in, so the pictures can be small: D (very small) Sand lvl 10 We take missions from the scroll in Sand village to the right of the theater. I recommend starting from the left side of the map to collect the seal I do not know, I always did it. The first one is on the stone on the left from the bottom on the Desert Oasis map. The second one is on Sand Hive Grounds on the lower cliff. The third one is in the upper left corner of the Desert Warzone in the shell. The fourth is in the lower right corner of Desert Warzone. Piata is a desert road on a cactus map in front of the big desert. we are going back to the village of Sandu and we are giving the quest and we are 10k without bless 15k with a forward blessing mission from 10 lvl Leaf Seals lvl 10 When it comes to Seal missions in the village of Leaf. It is very easy to go first to the tavern or another not important. We talk to the guy who sits there telling stories and talking about seals. leaving the building immediately, we turn right after the market is 1 seal (you may need a relog because a buggnieta is a bake). The second seal is located at the weapon shop (you have it on the map) is exactly above the seller you have to go through the house and unlock it (again you will need a relog). The third one is on the river from a weapon soldier, we go left and enter the bridge (the anime resembles the one on which Sasuke practiced his first jutsu clan uchiha great fireball jutsu) and going to the river we go right to the bridge on the wall is taking off and go to the hospital . At the hospital, we have a house with "closed doors", we attack them then the knock "knock" emoticon comes out, we end up entering the center and there is a seal there. We're going back to another, we're picking up the next 10 free quest with the k exp. seal unlocks you rats in the sewers. You will find the entrance where the last seal. I leave a link if someone does not feel something Snake Quest lvl 20 Snake mission is a mission that allows us to enter the 2nd level of snakes. This is a mission worth doing because let's be honest 1 floor snakes is tedious even for the best by a small space while floor 2 has a lot of space and mobs 2 lvl higher that the kit less beating. So, we go through Floor 1 and go to the top and left we meet an NPC called KO, we talk to him, he gives us missions to bring 100 venoms. The situation seems unrealistic how to get 100 venoms if we do not even have a way to farm it. As of today, I do not do it 1 venom is 10 ryo or 15 ryo. Just collect enough and buy these 100 pieces and this can be obtained in 2 3 days after you have 20 in the missions themselves. Finally, we got these venoms and give them to the NPC and if we have Jutsu Body flicker we can go to floor 2, we get enough reward free 20 / 30k expa and we are happy. And today it will be the end, unfortunately, if most probably even the most will not read it all but well. If there is any constructive criticism here, he will gladly confront you. I am asking for advice if I made a mistake somewhere, no one is perfect and the gold is those who want to help, not those who only complain. I really owe this screen knowledge to my clan, thank you that they spent a little time getting tired and helping me it took me 4 days to make screenshots, etc + 5h of writing and thinking how glue it together. and I can not even put it all because the ninja forum does not allows through too little space. Thank you again and look forward to your comments. (I forgot to mention the first person who will find here a easter egg and send me a screen and he will be the right one to win 1k ryo Have fun)(screens please send under post ) ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************************************************************
  11. Introduction We are looking for skilled individuals that are willing to dedicate themselves in getting better and working on astounding projects at an indie level. While we want people who are talented and experienced, something that is so much more important is dedication and passion, so don't hesitate if you have these characteristics. We believe in making games for fun and getting better over making a paycheck. This job should not be taken as a paycheck, but if we work hard enough someday it could become one. You may submit your application in this topic, or create a ticket if you wish for it to be private. We don't mind if you send one of us a personal message either, but it is very preferred if you create a ticket, so that we all can see it. Benefits You may possibly be working on the project of your dreams. You can expand your portfolio as a game developer to get your foot into the door. We're not professional game developers, but we listen and learn from our failed experiences which drive us forward and get better. Our projects are aimed to be commercial, but we do not pay people at the moment since our projects are volunteer until they are finished. The people that contributed the most to the project will be kept and rewarded for their dedication. We work on our project daily, here to chat if you are struggling on something you are assigned, and always showing ourselves better ways to do things. We’re friendly to work with, don’t force you to contribute any amount of hours, and like to have fun. Positions If your position is not listed you may still apply. We're always looking for more talented people to work with, but our standards for you will be higher than a position we desperately need. One programmer that excels in HTML, CSS, and PHP. You will be responsible for the website programming and must be able to do WordPress and Invision Power Board including combining the two together/turning a PSD into a theme. One programmer that excels in C# and/or Visual Basic 6 programming. You must be able to adapt to new technologies, languages, and engines without much help from us. One video editor which is able to highlight Twitch broadcasts, moderate them (not mandatory), and create videos to go on our YouTube channel. You must be able to come up with an introduction with the limited resources we provide you. One concept artist that is able to do illustration art which either matches or is the same level of quality of our current concept art. One pixel artist that is able to do pixel art that matches our game art. Guide Name: Contact: Examples of your work: Why you want to join: Past experiences: Level of education: You may use more than the guide has, but please provide at-least what it has.
  12. Alright so as a user, I found it quite frustrating the first few minutes trying to figure things out whilst admittedly spamming the chat to get someone to notice me. Once you delve in, sometimes you just forget there are others around you. Understandable. The game is a work of art. I will thus, post a few quick tips to getting around the game, thus far, that I have discovered, and hopefully, others will post their quick tips to navigating around the world of Nin Online. Movement: - Utilize either W,A,S,D or the Arrow Keys on your keyboard to move your character. Equipping Items in Inventory: - Double-Click on the specific item to equip it onto your character Picking up items: - Stand on top of said item and tap the Spacebar to pick up items. Dropping Items: - Right-Click items within your inventory to drop them. Running: - Hold down Shift + Direction keys to run in the game. Attacking: - The Ctrl key commands your character to attack. Hold it down for continuous attack. Interaction (NPC's): - The Ctrl key also enables interaction in the game. Chatting: - Hit the Enter/Return key to enable chat input. Hit the same key again to send your message to those within proximity. Note: After sending your message with Enter/Return, the focus it automatically reassigned to the map Global Chat: - Enter "/g" within the left section of the chat to speak to the world. Whispering: - Enter a player's name in the left section of the chat to direct your chat message specifically to them. Selling (Courtesy of S00N): - Since the selling system is currently unavailable, there is currently no way to go about this. Trading: - Whilst targeting the Player you wish to trade with, enter /trade within the chat box to initialize trading. Character Rotation (Courtesy of Ju-Hee): - Hit the Home key to face North - The End key to face South... - The Delete key to face West.. - And the Page Down key to face East! Note: Use these to get into those sweet spots and pretend you can actually sit on the swing near the Konoha Academy training grounds . Tip: Remember to pick up items dropped no matter how meaningless as they could be sold for Ryo (Selling System - Currently not in...) to purchase better items. Important Security Tip: - Basically, keep your game files to yourself. Follow link above for more information... Please post further tips to help players get around easier until an official guide is crafted. Thanks.