Hello, I would like to formally introduce myself. My name is Streetz/Marquice if you have me on Skype. Going to just throw out some general Information about me. Today is actually my birthday I have been lurking on the forums for a while now and decided that today would be a good day to introduce myself. I originally found this game by referral of Roki from NFF and actually quit eager for this game to come out. I plan on meeting all of you in due time and exploring the game. I have already met Rory and he seems pretty cool, I love the progress the game has made from start to finish. I have popped in and out of random topics and I find them interesting at times. So far from what I can tell people have high expectations for what they want from the game and I find it thrilling to see what happens. I probably wont be able to reply to most people who reply but nice to meet you all Thank you, Streetz~ P.S.