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  1. I think he meant kinds of team missions. Like dailies but you need a chunin-joinin to start one. So there cannot be any abuses. The mission needs to be completed before being able to turn it in. @Konahri
  2. Batman

    Fody Blicker

    why? Isnt it super well balanced?
  3. Batman

    Fody Blicker

    The almighy Body Flicker...more known as flicker, is a jutsu that INSTANTLY teleport the user in front of his target. It is a legendary jutsu accessible at lvl 1. Some say it is over powered but the level requirement kinda make sure that not every players will get it, therefore you dont see it used too often. It is a jutus that require no cast, has a very good range and no self stun. Making it very predictable and avoidable when comboed with another instant jutsu like poison scalpel. The cooldown is very mediocre because it comesback before most of the offensive jutsus. You will have to wait before attacking again. Its chakra cost is very low so you will have to charge chakra for longer than usual. Until then, we can agree that the jutsu is pretty slow and costy. But do not panic because I am here to teach you guys how to use it! When you are about to use it, smack your skull full of water on the keyboard so you can teleport and minigun your jutsus like there is no tomorow to do a maximum of free damage. It is a technique that require skills and timing. This is why I am telling you guys to use your head. You have to go very fast and strong so the teleportation combined with the attacks goes harder on the enemy target. A good indication of when you used the perfect strength is when you have the numbers of the keyboard printed on the forehead. It will need time before you guys can combo anything from body flicker because it is really a matter of timing. But do not give up. Your headaches are coming soon!
  4. Batman


    This was requested about 10 years ago. Rory sais genjutsu would be over used. Hes right.
  5. Its actually good. Keep on the good work. The improvement from your very first rap song to this one is HUGE.
  6. Nin dailies idea was based on the fact there would be other ways to gain XP such as RP based missions, events lead by game masters and if i recall a kind of social/time connected online. We got RP missions lead by chunin+ but those are very limited and you cannot do them more than once. The rest was thrown into oblivion and the dailies became the main way to gain XP. While I agree nin should stay a hard grind, I think we should be able to do more dailies than 3 per days. There are lots of players that doesnt have the kit to kill efficiently mobs past bears and higher. Those will instantly abandon quest that needs you to kill mobs. In addition, quest like survey sand/kage office is just an impossible task given the circumpstance you cannot die and shout that you survey the map that everyone chill in. Were at war. Another abandon. The only good quests are the bounty and player kill ones and people tend to abandon quest until they get those. My idea is that the more you play during the day, the more you can do missions. You do your 3 dailies then must wait 3 hours IN GAME to get another daily. (still reset at midnight) It forces you to play, socialize, grind or whatever. I think players will stick to the game and wont connect to do dailies then leave until the next day. There is of course a mini problem about my idea and its that players would go afk into the hospital and comeback after the CD. An anti AFK system would do the trick. In other words players would stick longer and more to the game, which will increase the number of players per days but also the in game activity. It become a less boring grinding and you get rewarded for playing the game.
  7. 1 : I dont like this idea. The problem with it is that people will start targeting players with rare items so THEY can buy them after they finally get their target to say or do something reportable. Aslo, if the item was made or gained with an exploit, the item should remain ''banned'' 2 : Event Items should remain binded to your inventory because people can go for stuff that is currently broken, win everything they want, then reset for what they truly wanted. So 'LETS SAY' That there is a pvp event with the first place price being the monkey stick as event binded item. The chances that a full elements wins are lower than a GF-WM/Tai Med/ Full WM, etc. Those dont need it but could want it so they can reset to a full ele combo with a melee potential. I do not think that this is fair at all. My exemple sure is heavier than a simple oni mask but I think it explains well my reasoning.
  8. Wind had 1 jutsu nerfed. This jutsu was more than over the top over powered. Wm NEEDED nerfs. They have VERY heavy melee attacks. Their jutsu needed balancing. When most people chose a mastery, they go for what is strong over what they would have wanted to be as a ninja living into the naruto verse. There isnt a single person on earth who told to himself he would be a medical hyuga weilding a sword if he was in naruto. This is just incompatible in the manga and anime. Sadly its a thing in Nin. If GFs were to change in a way wielding a sword wasnt a thing anymore,(expemple if mastery gets locked and both tai and gf path were to be agi based), should we give them a mastery reset because those who abused the game mechanics felt bad about their unlikely mastery combo no working well anymore? I do not think so. They went for something they knew was more than likely impossible in the universe nin is based of and abused of the situation. they knew the risks. Another good exemple are those who went WM then medic. They knew their choices wouldnt have a future advanced mastery. They still went for it. There isnt a single player who achieve lvl 50 and doesnt know those facts. But people still does it. At this point its their fault. Its not the game designer ruining their mastery. Its the player ruining his character in the long term run. Its sabotage and none should have a mastery reset for it. The only possible way i see someone could get a mastery reset in a fair way is for those who would have wanted a double mastery as advanced in the future. You currently cannot have lets say TAI TAI. You must be TAI + something else. Advanced are gonna have Tai Tai so those who went tai + somehting else should be able not to change their second mastery but go for double tai. Same goes for any double mastery as long as the second one is the same as the first you went for. (I hope thise makes sense to you lol)
  9. Oh im sorry i really was sure you used to be GF win. Whats your mastery?
  10. On a logic rp and naruto based, it makes no sense at all. Its close of offending to both fighting styles. In term of Nin Online mechanic and stats utility, this is the best and logic option. In my opinion, GENTLE FIST should be based off agi and its tai sub path should be locked once you are GF. I am saying agi based because Gentle fist. You finger pressure points. It also fixes them thinking they are Weapon masters.
  11. Well the game certainly IS easy while spamming flicker. But thats another debate. those cheezy ways you talk about are just ways everyone come up to win and gain access to the stuff they want. You used to spam flicker gf wind as much as I used to spam flicker wild slashes. Both were ultra unfair and undodgable combo. Tai has the perfect kit to survive the longest while having a super good aggro. Every of their jutsu techniques are usefull in PVP AND in PVE. There isnt a single mastery that has the perk of having about 6 jutsu worth in its kit. Investing points in agi also isnt as bad as people say it is. Agi gives many unique passives based on how much points you invested. Attack speed, cast time speed, crit and dodge chances (and damage). Tell me if i forgot anything more. They dont have any real counters. Now that Tai weapons makes its progression into the trades by farmers, Taijutsu is becoming as deadly as weapon masters in terms of melee damage without talking about the fact that every of their ability cancels casts or literally evade hits. (sub) In other terms, You have a high damage, you are the fastest, your aggro is the best and every of your abilities denny other masteries without any real down sides. Yup. Tai is broken.
  12. Taijutsu is broken along side medic, gf and WM. Those 4 masteries are just too easy to play and are too much rewarding for the 0 efforts you have to put in. Adding dots like burning to tai who already has everything it needs feels off.
  13. People go for what is strong over what they wanted/liked in naruto. People went GF-WM, GF-Medic, WM-Medic, Fan-Wind-Medic etc. Those players went for the current meta knowing their mastery had no future with advanced. Those players achieved greatness with their broken meta masteries and now that advanced are cancelled, their masteries are even more meta. Imagine how much damage a mastery reset would do. We already see way too many Medics, WMs, Tai users and GF. All of those always happen to be mixed with each others because they are way too strong. Each of them have a blatant advantage on elements called sub path. Now that advances are cancelled, it is more than normal to go for what is strong and ignore the consequences of them not working in the future because there is currently no future for any mastery combo. No one should ever get a mastery reset.
  14. Batman


    The old me would have wrote a 657484 pages book on why you are right. @Aesthetic. Sadly, I am sorry to tell you that the devs want it to be this way. A 100 of posts like this have been made over the years and all of them were rejected. It gave confidence into them calling this the ''meta'' and everyone went medic/gf/tai/fan/pipe. Dont waste your energy on this even if you are right. From someone who truly despite flicker.