
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Fenyx

  1. I was hoping it was 15 each to keep certain scrubs out but it is what it is.
  2. It's 5k each member so a grand total of 15k Sadly.
  3. What's on the schedule for tonight?
  4. Hmmm I just double checked the time. Why so early? That's a pretty prime time for both east and west coast on a Friday night. @Rory
  5. Krysten Ritter is pretty much bae.
  6. You have to see Daredevil! It's where it all started and it's really good.
  7. I actually wanted to check Legion out. And if you're going to watch Jessica Jones, you have to watch all the other Marvel shows, Iron Fist wasn't that great, buuuuuuutt you should familiar yourself with every character so when The Defenders comes out you can follow along better.
  8. Okay well my bad, it could be that it was a visual bug that everyone saw I guess. But I apologize for the implication that you were still Missing.
  9. Well others said it and when saw you in game your tag showed as missing so unless you were recently Pardoned, I guess it doesn't matter, you're back in the village.
  10. Last I saw you, you were missing so meh.
  11. Just wanted to let you all know that Man is no longer in the village. I think you can change your vote and still have it counted.
  12. I tried to like it but I used all mine up for the day. Thanks for sharing though so we can see what they look like in game. Kind of feeling that Shaved look. Looking forward to more cash shop items. If more free hairstyles will be added are we expecting a Cosmetologist NPC?
  13. Well myself, but if I can't vote for myself I would actually like Indra. In a perfect Council you would have opposing sides and he would be the PvP Warminded side but still wants the good of the Leaf.
  14. We're fighting over the mobs already so it's already an implemented system. And peace won't exist with only two villages. We need to get over it already.
  15. When you're getting reports of Sand attacking Leaf on discord and yet we have a truce? Hmmm suspicious
  16. https://www.ninonline.org/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/5054-sand-ninja-disobeying-treaty-as-alwaysrp/ New teaty? Guess that's out already. And Saku is a traitor to the Leaf so don't even listen to him @Indra
  17. To be fair we were attacked first at Snakes, we killed the attacking Sand ninja as is our right and then they brought like 3 others to come and kill us. After that we went back to level and they were just camping outside waiting for us to come back. We then asked for help and we killed, they came back with the whole 10 Sand Ninja on and attacked us again. Once that was said and done, @Artwork had gathered an invading force to retaliate on what the Sand started when myself and @Tsubaki Senju were just trying to grind. So what we did was completely in line within the truce. Non-RP: The war was actually really really fun, even a lot of Sandies messaged me about it and it was a great relief from the grind. 400k to next level.
  18. Thanks for everything that you do @Rory it must be exhausting and you definitely deserve some R&R.
  19. Open Beta! Welcome All Ninja!

    1. Satsugai


      What village we repping boo?

    2. Fenyx


      You know me, always Leaf! Leafie at heart.

    3. Hijikata
  20. Why didn't anyone tell me Fate of the Furious was out today?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hijikata


      i need to watch it:D

    3. Fenyx
    4. Niti


      Cause I don't want to share Camila Cabello with anyone. :(

      No, but seriously. It varies from place to place, doesn't it? I mean, it came out 2 days ago over here.

  21. I was actually thinking yesterday about how I want to do more in the world than just a few missions and PvP. I'm glad you're now looking more into expanding the ninja world and ninja life. I'm looking forward to what's to come and if I think of anything beneficial I'll surely post a suggestion.
  22. Finally fixed the Forums for my Organization. Lol this whole time I thought they worked.

  23. I don't think they ever said that. If I remember correctly there was an issue where if you switched servers too fast it wouldn't save your data and would reset you from the last "save point".
  24. @Seth health is above the worries and frustration of some members of this community. He shouldn't push himself to please a couple of players. It was a Beta and though you said we wouldn't wipe, things happen and some people should just expect for our characters not to carry over. I for one am still looking forward to open beta and will still be buying World Blessings to help out the community as well. @Seth rest up dude. You more than deserve it and should put yourself first for a change. Feel better.