
Gold Ninja
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Destructo last won the day on October 27 2014

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  1. Could we get some more Ibuki please ?
  2. Everything looks Magnificent. The Kazekage building is just OP'd.
  3. Is this in any way linked to Crosswise "measuring his capacity" and casting his Tsukuyomi ? I had a hunch he was a troublesome man.
  4. Survival, players are sent to a secluded map (having multiple maps could make reruns more fun) and they survive waves of shinobi mobs, until they either all die or people complete the final wave. Naturally the longer you survive the better your reward. History related events wouldn't be too bad either, like something where you take part in the massacre of the Uchiha, the onslaught of the Pain paths or face off against the Kage at the summit. It's an alternative from the Bijuu stuff. BLN had these challenge NPCs that you'd go to in order to play minigames. Can't exactly remember everything from the top of my head but the Sado challenge for example was this Space Invaders-like minigame where you'd just kill as many hollows as you can in order to get the best possible rewards. I'm sure tree climbing and jumping games featured in the first Ultimate Ninja Storm, just to give you ideas.
  5. I'll have one of those early access badges, thank you very much.
  6. 'Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.' - Bill Shankly

    1. TakudoOLD



  7. 'Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.'

  8. that moment when someone tells you that Toby from paranormal activity is the entity from the first and second movies.

    1. Creator


      Makes you wonder, I like those movies though

    2. Atrox


      "Toby" is the demonic entity from the Paranormal Activity movies, and the main antagonist of the series. Also those movies are shit <3

    3. Destructo


      I just watched all of them this week. Liked the concept of recording through shit cameras and love how each movie has a dumbass who wants to communicate with Toby.

  9. the teaser for Dawn of Justice tho !!! <3

  10. #Commonwealth Games

  11. Why do people argue so much that Biracials are Black, when theres a clear genetical distinction ?

  12. r.i.p Hannah Montana

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mart456
    3. Destructo


      Her contributions to children's entertainment will be remembered

    4. Satsugai


      She's alive..

  13. World cup done, Glasgow games next pls. Izuna we're coming for you.

  14. You considered adding a defense debuff as a penalty for charging whilst in combat ?