
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Bakari

  1. Hello! My name is Bakari but you can call me Baka!

  2. #Sipher4Admin (Part I)

  3. The same thing that's on your mind!

  4. She wanna lick the molly on me nigga! B)

  5. I don't agree with the bounty thing, bountys should only be required from other players not an NPC. But yeah apart from that i like it ^_^ same thing dipic did in GOA
  6. LOOL take your time bro ^_^ the longer you take the better for the server (Only saying this because i enjoyed my time on Nin Online, so i can wait longer for it now!)
  7. Will someone notify me when server is up for Gold Members <3 #BannedFromShoutbox

  8. Smh still banned from shoutbox -.- sup guys anyways ^_^

  9. @Izuna didnt know putting a "<3" to someone was being an arsehole?

  10. Bet I Got Some Weed ^_^ #StayHigh

  11. Lol Fernando's Hairstyle is going to be overused i can just tell but yh rory gg looking forward to this shit ^_^
  12. PM'ed! Ma englesh skils our pro ;o + goodluck to whoeva is in thes competetion wiv meh!
  13. Hit Bongs, Not Bitches ^_^ #StayHigh

  14. back from AFK ;o finished baking my cake!

  15. AFK for while, going to bake a cake ^_^