Logic Chinome

Gold Ninja
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  1. I couldn't agree anymore~ that or slide me a mask -wink-
  2. Because that how Leaf ninjas think....Only about them self and believe what ever actions they do is deem right for they are always right. Sand ninja at tigers? Kill them for tigers belong to leaf Sand ninja at wolfs? Kill them this is leafs Sand ninja not shareing caya mobs? Kill them and call them scum for not sharing map Leaf nothing but a blood thirsty village always looking for more war. This truce just a political stunt to try to mask whats really happening and to make it seem like eveyone all nice and all but really, their raids back to back and people still stuck in in the mind set of war. Its a pitty really to watch this.
  3. Also expecting Leaf nins to level at wolfs since its best xp map for them other then cay :^)
  4. Agree with what Keyui said , increase to bounty Rewards would be sweet....stuff like that would get people to Hire missings to do villages dirty work with out the village losing face know what i mean? Missens being buged not even a "Its your choice for being a missing" kinda thing ...its a issue in the game thats hurting missing nins and allowes those in village to pull ahead....we can't even team up with other missing nins (Leaf missings can't team with Sand missing but can team with other leaf missing) I can understand its our choice to go missing path but throw us a bone so we can grow just as fast as village ninjas but have more targets on us.
  5. So.....Missing nins Dailys still broken and now we locked away from more content...... And ontop of that because you decided to create a RP like truce with Sand, Missing nins are even more hunted then they was before @.@
  6. You're a noob, get a life