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Everything posted by Deathmall

  1. Hello everyone, The Academy Event Series has been concluded. Most of the ninjas who participated graduated and were given the forest outfit. They completed the necessary trials and maintained composure and showed exemplary behavior throughout. For future events such as the Academy Event Series, please make sure to visit the forum for announcements!
  2. The Ninja Academy Event Introduction Hey everyone, I'm excited to announce that the Ninja Academy Event introduction is scheduled for July 27th at 1:00 PM EST. For those who have applied to the Ninja Academy Event series, please let me know if you are unable to attend. For those who haven't applied yet but would like to, you're in luck! Due to increased interest, I will still be accepting applications until July 26th. During the introduction event, I will be assigning ninjas to their teams based on the submitted applications. There will be time for teams to meet and familiarize themselves with the other ninjas participating in this event series. I will also assist in ensuring that teams set up communication channels among themselves, as this will be crucial for the events in the coming weeks. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
  3. The Ninja Academy Event Series Get ready for a series of events coming your way over the next few weeks! I’ll be experimenting with teams, inspired by the classic Chunin Exams experience. To participate in these events, you must be open to being randomly assigned to a team! Each team will consist of: 3 Genins 1 Chunin/Special Jonin There will also be platoons led by 1 Jonin. Jonins without a team placement may be assigned to a team or designated as helpers throughout the events. This event is open only to players from the Leaf, Sand, and Mist villages. I'll be hosting these events separately for each village. As we move forward, we'll gradually transition into some final joint events to conclude. (There will be other events for Rogues.) If you’d like to participate, please message me either in-game, on Discord (Deathmall), or via the Nin Online forum with the following information: Submission Deadline: 7/13/2024 Username: Village: Time zone: Rank: Level: Mastery/Masteries: Language(s): Other details (optional but highly recommended): Interests, combat style, and a brief introduction.
  4. Deathmall


    From the album: Screenshots

  5. Sasayaki | 囁き|"Whisper" Logo: Brief Description: The land of fire serves as the primary residence for the kinsmen of the Sasayaki clan. Peering from the outside in, these shinobi can often mislead others into thinking they are the utmost lazy and most boring individuals listed in the bingo book(s). This, however, isn't the case at all. This unit is very active whenever their skills are applicable. Given the fact young shinobi are exposed to "rigged" shoji boards at early ages, the brain has already begun training in the arts of critical thinking. Typically an individual would spend one's lifetime figuring out how to win this unbeatable game of shoji. When the correct answer is finally figured out, the kinsmen are no longer required to play the game however in most cases, even though the game is won these shinobi typically continue to play it in addiction thus furthering their tactical capabilities which prove resourceful in the long run both on and off the board. In addition to their intellect, shinobi of Sasayaki bloodline are born with naturally developed keen vision and inhumane flash-like speeds. The combination of these attributes pose the Sasayaki kinsmen as ironical figures having to be so gifted yet "lazy". Even so, it is within these skills that these shinobi have developed a comfortable reputation not just around the leaf but around the shinobi world. History: The Sasayaki bloodline runs deep with ties of a lot of the newly spawned clans in our modern shinobi world. In fact, the Sasayaki were one of the eldest clans to contribute to the leafs construction and/or development. All the forests north beyond the jungle belonged to the Sasayaki clan. These grounds were primarily the hunting areas in which they'd occupy. Typically the Sasayaki would hunt creatures through natural bio aids such as birds. With bird calls, the birds would return melodic whistled responses detailing where the nearest herds of prey were. It was in these actions the name, "Sasayaki" would be assigned to these shinobi which translates to "Whisper" from its Japanese origin. This name would serve as a metaphor detailing how the shinobi would "whisper" to the birds to aid them through targeting their foes. Gradually over time, these shinobi would encounter other shinobi that had ambitions for peace. The clan would then contribute to the cause thus spawning the era of youth for the modern day leaf village. It is in this the First Hokage holds the Sasayaki in favor of the noble deeds of their recent ancestors and has awarded them with the identity of nobility to commend them for their hard work. Clothes: (White, Green, and Dark Navy Blue as well. Cool breeze clothing style.) Members: Deathmall Corgee Ishyn Leevi Konahri Ori Hawt Dairuto Hoseki Fritzo Achievements: (3rd, 4th, & 5th Hokage, 6 Jonins, 8 Chunins, 1 Specialized Jonin, & 8 Council Members). The Sasayaki Clan members have individually and as a family has dedicated a lot of time to the well being of the Hidden Leaf Village. Clan Post: 囁き/
  6. Jōnin Council The Jōnin Council is a council made up of high-ranked ninjas (Jonins) of the Hidden Leaf Village. It is the second highest branch of advisement below the official council. Jonins will be highly regarded in decision making, as their opinions are valued due to their reputation and standing within the Hidden Leaf Village. Jonin council meetings will be held by the Kage and official council, the meetings will be based on the Leaf Village status.
  7. Chunin Exam IV Chunin Exam V Chunin Exam VI
  8. (As of May 26, 2018 this system no longer exists. Thank you to those who've participated, it was a good test-run and we've managed to learn something for the future. So instead the information in the reply below was replaced with team rosters obtained from all Chunin Exams within my term) All Genins must submit a Team Request application to me (before Chunin Exam V) and respond to the following questions in the application: Username - Timezone - Level - Masteries - Language(s) - Other details: Interests, combat style and brief introduction (Optional but highly recommended) - Preferred teammates and why (Optional) - (Again you can reach me in-game, on forums and discord Via PM).
  9. (As of May 26, 2018 this system no longer exists. Thank you to those who've participated, it was a good test-run and we've managed to learn somethings for the future) The Hidden Leaf Village will initiate a rank-based system with permanent teams after the Chunin Exam V in April. After meetings with the Higher-up of the Hidden Leaf Village, I've decided to implement permanent Genin teams for Chunin Ranked individuals. The way this will work is, Chunins will be asked to lead a team of 3 Genins, and the Chunins are expected to lead all three past the Chunin Exams. I will be forming teams after Chunin Exam V using all the listed names I received prior to the exam. This plan will ask for the following ranks to... Jonins - The Jonins of the Hidden Leaf Village will not only be required to fulfill their basic duties such as serve as commanders in the battlefield but will also be asked to oversee the Chunins and ensure everything goes as planned. (Also important to note Jonins would be priority to be picked as leaders of official organizations, and Specialized Jonins would ideally assist as Co-Leaders. Specializied Jonins - Specialized Jonins will be asked to assist Jonins, but their main duties will fall into official organizations within Leaf (Leaf Military Police Force, Medical Elite Division & Leaf's Intelligence Division). (Note Specialized Jonins are unable to lead a team) Chunins - Chunins will be required to lead a permanent team of 3 members (By permanent I mean till all 3 of their assigned Genins pass the exam). Genins - Genins are to submit team requests to me (Via Forums, In-game or Discord) before the Chunin Exam V. (As we work our way up with more ranked people RP Titles like Council and high-positions in organizations will be soon requiring ranks) Hidden Leaf's Official Organizations: Medical Elite Division - Leaf Military Police Force - (Soon) If you wish to know more about Ranks & Titles make sure to review the post inserted below - More information about this Team System will be on this post in form of a reply below. It'll include Team Swap requests, Team Replacements (due to inactivity) etc.. Compatibility will be a priority when deciding teams things such as language, levels, masteries, activitiy, and timezone will all be accounted for. Best Regards, Third Hokage and The Hidden Leaf's Council™
  10. It was an honor to serve the Council of the Hidden Leaf. To the future council, I've been writing the Council's Handbook (75% done) which I'll personally pass down to the next council. It'll be very important for each member to get informed of the current systems in place, also hoping it'd be continued. The Council's Handbook contains history (w/dates), Leaf's foreign relations, Laws passed by the 1st Council (Transcript of Council Meetings), rules you are to abide as a council member and whats expected of the council. Seeing this was the 1st Council of the Hidden Leaf there were some mistakes but there was plenty of things we did to ensure the following councils have the blueprint to maintain a stable village that supports its villagers to thrive.
  11. Sasayaki | 囁き Brief Description: The land of fire serves as the primary residence for the kinsmen of the Sasayaki clan. Peering from the outside in, these shinobi can often mislead others into thinking they are the utmost lazy and most boring individuals listed in the bingo book(s). This, however, isn't the case at all. This unit is very active whenever their skills are applicable. Given the fact young shinobi are exposed to "rigged" shoji boards at early ages, the brain has already begun training in the arts of critical thinking. Typically an individual would spend one's lifetime figuring out how to win this unbeatable game of shoji. When the correct answer is finally figured out, the kinsmen are no longer required to play the game however in most cases, even though the game is won these shinobi typically continue to play it in addiction thus furthering their tactical capabilities which prove resourceful in the long run both on and off the board. In addition to their intellect, shinobi of Sasayaki bloodline are born with naturally developed keen vision and inhumane flash-like speeds. The combination of these attributes pose the Sasayaki kinsmen as ironical figures having to be so gifted yet "lazy". Even so, it is within these skills that these shinobi have developed a comfortable reputation not just around the leaf but around the shinobi world. History: The Sasayaki bloodline runs deep with ties of a lot of the newly spawned clans in our modern shinobi world. In fact, the Sasayak were one of the eldest clans to contribute to the leafs construction and/or development. All the forests north beyond the jungle belonged to the Sasayaki clan. These grounds were primarily the hunting areas in which they'd occupy. Typically the Sasayaki would hunt creatures through natural bio aids such as birds. With bird calls, the birds would return melodic whistled responses detailing where the nearest herds of prey were. It was in these actions the name, "Sasayaki" would be assigned to these shinobi which translates to "Whisper" from its Japanese origin. This name would serve as a metaphor detailing how the shinobi would "whisper" to the birds to aid them through targeting their foes. Gradually over time, these shinobi would encounter other shinobi that had ambitions for peace. The clan would then contribute to the cause thus spawning the era of youth for the modern day leaf village. It is in this the First Hokage holds the Sasayaki in favor of the noble deeds of their recent ancestors and has awarded them with the identity of nobility to commend them for their hard work. Physical Characteristics: Narrow Eyes (restless look) Nara/Hatake Hair Textures (To resemble the cannon series character origins) Headband Evident! (Though these shinobi are somewhat lazy they are proud of their village) Clan Colors Pallete (optional) White, Green, and Dark Navy Blue (attire based) Charismatic Characteristics: Kinsmen of the Sasayaki are to be- Laid back/ come across as lazy or just very chill Good sportsmanship ought to be evident (We do not promote any foul play/ verbal abuse) Willing to engage in new challenges/always looking to better ones self Have the utmost loyalty to the leaf. Willing to roleplay!! (We're constantly trying to develop a new plotline for the NinO community. If you like roleplaying, being creative, or just wish to shroud yourself in an engaged environment then join us. We will make a Sasayaki out of you ) Criteria (Optional): The clan's surname is to be EVIDENT after your forename. i.e. Deathmall Sasayaki; (note* for those of you who are unaware, every account may perform one free name change in a 30 day time period. Those who wish to join and have already consumed their 30 day time period name change may, however, will be instructed to change it whenever the opportunity presents itself) That's all, we aren't too strict. Just log on whenever you can and have fun Ohana (Thank you @Yousei Izanagi for helping with clan details)
  12. Lack of enforcement in-game and on discord, and favoritism along the lines when enforcing. Rules are being selectively enforced and the fact that punishments instead of making people afraid of breaking rules are doing the opposite. Perm Ban has to be a thing, I don't know if it is right now but it doesn't look like it.
  13. Hey Hey, I was left out the picture consider me present in spirit. Just photoshop me in there (joking)
  14. Well they are being punished, thank you Rory.
  15. Deathmall


    From the album: Screenshots

  16. Deathmall


    From the album: Screenshots