Arashi Himitsu

Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Arashi Himitsu

  1. Living for the shade Rory you're a gay icon
  2. The Leaf Village: A compilation of the various images I have acquired throughout my time in the Leaf Village. Love, respect and credit goes to everyone in these photos!
  3. No point in people arguing about it, it's going to happen if you like it or not.
  4. The Chunin Exams were a bottle of toxicity, all the angry genin claiming the game sucks 'cause of lag. p.s can the nin community please learn what a metaphor is, my eyes are stinging looking at this topic
  5. I guess I'll give it a shot then too Good luck to everyone participating!
  6. That's what the test server will be for, unless plans have changed.
  7. I believe this many were promoted as it was the final unique exam, subsequent exams will have less awarded I think.
  8. Arashi Himitsu


    Now that the jutsu limit is in place, will this still be true? Before it wouldn't have been balanced but I was just wondering if this was still the plan.
  9. @Yukimura for future reference: We're = We are Were = second person past E.g. We're going to play now. E.g. You were at the shop an hour ago. (not being a dick lol genuinely helping)
  10. I like the idea of restricting clothing however it does remove an RP element to the game. An idea I thought of was that if you are "concealed" you are able to wear anything you like as no-one can tell who you are at first glance
  11. Name: Arashi Age: 17 Mastery(-ies): Lightning (eventually Earth in a couple weeks) Activeness: Weekdays I am on here for around 4/5 hours every day, and on weekends I probably spend all day here. Why do I wish to join? I wish to join as I wholy believe in the ethics you guys believe in and I resonate with the qualities that this clan possesses. Every single member of this clan is a pillar of the Leaf village and without their kindness, strength and leadership the leaf would not be the flourishing village that it is today. I would like to join these efforts to make the village better as I am a proud to be apart of the leaf I also am inspired by the nara clan as they have such high amounts of intellect and wit which can mold any situation into their hands (and if shadow style was in the game right now I would 100% be neck-binding our enemies). Brief roleplay segment: Here is my character profile, fit with my roleplay segment - Arashi Thanks for even reading this application, see ya!
  12. So I am gonna be leaf for my entire life and I am not allowed to keep the title I earned? I don't see the point. I shouldn't have to go through this twice Can I not just choose to be leaf now and not be able to be in sand? You said all ranks will be kept as sand unless they took the seperate sand chunin exams however I did not take them so am I not allowed to choose leaf? I don't see why other people get the choice and I don't. Please clarify this @Rory
  13. Ikr XD, Im just really glad that this game is developing so fast Keep it up guys!!!
  14. hey, ive been getting this error message -