Arashi Himitsu

Silver Ninja
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About Arashi Himitsu


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    Birmingham, UK

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  1. One every 8 hours might be best to accommodate the most people, then gm's can host odd events and stuff in-between these times which would cover the most area (area being time).
  2. lmfao man really said fck leaf idk xD
  3. The White Stag (Photo dump for best quality)
  4. Agree with this, the mastery is meant to be poison focussed so in return for nerfing scalpel you should buff poison debuff across the board.
  5. A boomer jutsu from nin, the Clone jutsu was retired and it was single-handedly the worst day of my existence... Lets change this! If the bugs/errors it had could be fixed (not sure how many/how big it was) this jutsu could actually make the meta/watching fights much more entertaining! Confusion is always a fun tactic to use, so why not give an alternative to the Cloak of Invisibility jutsu? Reasons to bring back this legendary jutsu: It would switch up combat tactics through use of confusion, evasion and tactical placement. It's a nice way to try and take people's mind off advanced jutsu ;p More jutsu = @Ueda doesn't get unfair villain treatment Who doesn't want to do 4 way ERP with yourself??? #BringBackClones
    The amount of effort put into this is amazing!!! Extraordinary photo I can't wait to see what's next!!!
  6. Went through the same issue. To fix: Settings > System > Display > Scale and Layout > Change the size of text, apps and other items = 100% If not this then good luck
  7. So the Bell Event Map (along with the other village's equivalent) have essentially been abandoned in recent years which is quite sad to see as it was a really nice feature. To bring these back to life I had the idea of making these maps proper sparring grounds for the village, not just a useless map for lowbies and ranked ninja. Remove the lowbie level cap on the map - I'm honestly not too sure why it was there in the first place but if it's a worry of running into these maps whilst fighting enemies, my second suggestion fixes that perfectly. Make entrance similar to land of toad/iron teleport - This will help with the running issues so people can't get away using the map. They would be the two easiest/necessary things that would make these maps useful again, however if the dev team felt like it they could add additional features to help with training and sparring (I believe sand has a team fighting mechanic?). Please write any other ideas here too would love to see what people can come up with!
  8. Cosmetics worn: Blue Furred Armor - Kanku Paint Blue- Face Mask - Tobirama Protector - Jonin Headband (Leaf village) White Sashed Kimono - Takumi Event Prize Shop (20 Coupons) Leg Bandage - Takumi Clothing Shop Black Baggy Pants - Leaf Clothing Shop Twin Fangs - Mutant Rat Drop
  9. Cosmetics worn: Flytrap hat - Kanku Paint Green - Bandage Face Mask - Green War Armor - Discontinued (In-game trade only) White Sashed Kimono - Takumi Event Prize Shop (20 Coupons) Leg Bandage - Takumi Clothing Shop Black Baggy Pants - Leaf Clothing Shop Twin Fangs - Mutant Rat Drop