Stylish Ninja

Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Stylish Ninja

  1. True kiri nin are cold blooded, none of you are my friends.
  2. Stylish Ninja


    Summonings should be random so its not an issue of picking a certain one because it looks cooler.
  3. This also happens on entering doors, whether they take you anywhere or not.
  4. pressing ctrl a numerous amount of time stops your ability to send messages until you relog.
  5. Considering its a bug problem and not a release, it could be from an hour to never.
  6. lol thats hardly a solution, people with a resolution of 1366x768 and under wont be able to talk
  7. Download crystalshire and run setup that will update ninonline.
  8. yeah this is a big problem for laptop users like me, fixed resolution needs to be fixed, with a way to also minimize the game, pronto
  9. i might add that its a fixed resolution and you wont be able to see all of it with a smaller pc
  10. You can make your own programming topic.
  11. Made an infocard, you can customize it in anyway you'd like. The symbol at the top means shinobi and the gray letters at the bottom means ninonline in japanese, datebayo
  12. versus andriod 17 was a solid man, but coudn't take what the butler was servin' win 1 2
  13. Ju-Hee was an amazing opponent, but i came out with 2 wins and a new found definition of beauty. 1st win 2nd win
  14. slender game was alright but not the best horror game. Playing the more scarier games you gotta watch out for because some you cant exit out of :!
  15. You guys are following under the media as puppets bros, they want you to make it out to be an issue of racism when in reality the cop is just trying to fuck your shit up, yeah that's our govt.