Stylish Ninja

Gold Ninja
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Stylish Ninja last won the day on October 15 2014

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  1. Here for my biyearly visit :). Every time I come back I always see so much improvement. Branding and community is important and you seem to be doing a good job. Keep adding that good content and the players will follow. Continue to follow that passion Rory, Seth, and others; you will be rewarded. Hope life has gotten better since you couldn't afford a chair! Just my 2 cents on the collective growth of Nin-Online over the years as an observer. Keep at it!
  2. Stylish Ninja


    Claus#1678 Whenever i play, i play for a long time — almost always competitively.
  3. Well lets better hope alpha 3 is already hyping enough to cause a chain hype for beta.
  4. You see I'm an innovator, and I can see the foresight of what this can do for not just the community, but for the business as well. To further explain what I'm trying to get into, I'm not introducing a product.. but a masterpiece of art. ~ ~ But before we look at the visuals, I'd like to get in deeper details what motivated me to make this art and how I believe it can help not only the Naruto world, but Ninonline to build a solid foundation for success. ~ ~ Explaining the challenges I had to go through is easier said than done as I have a patent still pending so I'm releasing this art in hopes that it will not be stolen. The main motivation for doing this fine art can be relocated with 3 words. Competition, people, and support. Now to the art. Ever since I could remember I've always had a sand fetish. It's hard for me to tell people in person but It's been a subtle problem I've been dealing with as a kid, so in hopes of talking with you guys I want to get out of the sand shield. However I still support, and sniff different qualities of sand. With that being said, I figured I'd make my art relevant to the sand village, and then the idea came to me. ~ ~ As an innovator you can always try to find a suitable product for the marketplace which helped me in this case find a vulnerability for art in the Sand Village. Because of my personality and connections to art I always feel like I need to create something new that also can be linked to my past. For everything I do, I have a story behind it. So in this case I would link back to my sand fetish and target the women who seek pleasure as well as having the same sand fetish as me. So I said to myself, how could a woman pleasure herself as well as keeping her fetish with sand?It can be as easy as putting sand in your va****, however it turns out messy with that method so I took one step higher and found an opportunity for the art to be efficient and successive in providing its services. I'll finally spare my small talk and show you what I have created. Behold. However if you do decide to accept this entry, I wouldn't be surprised as everything I do is a masterpiece. But if you do not, I can accept it and reasonably assume that my fine professional expertise is too great for this style of art.
  5. By leaving English on, the opportunity cost will be changed, decreasing the value of the other languages. English is already used for the game so it's not a translator. Like others have said, Spanish and Portuguese would probably be the most common.
  6. If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me when im a phaggot

  7. That's why forums controlled by Oligarchy always fail. You brag about the government abusing its power/spying on people etc, then realize on a Naruto fan based game, you guys are doing the exact same thing.
  8. Tuna smells yummy in my tummy. I love saying yummy ^.^ Yummm.

  9. Rule #1 Becoming an Alpha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bubbles


      kill every single living being

    3. Destructo


      Take Betas with potential under your wing.

    4. SushiOLD


      u r a wolf in all but physical

  10. I don't see the issue here. I'd rather see a bot gain levels than an attention seeking 12 year old like Ling running around and spamming the chat for the whole day.
  11. Was bored one day. Didn't feel like doing anymore. Failed experiments --
  12. Haha, no need, no need to get protective over it, It's art it can look anything you want it to be. My post as well as others were just an opinion, I just thought it was funny looking. If you don't think it is then it isn't, it's just our opinions. p.s. Those fingers though (;