Jack The Ripper

Gold Ninja
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Jack The Ripper last won the day on January 31 2017

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About Jack The Ripper


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    Missing Ninja Brotherhood

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  1. @Rory http://mmorpg.org.pl/news/zobacz/ruszyla-closed-beta-nin-online-to-fanowski-naruto-mmorpg here you go
  2. Finally something. See you soon guys ^.^
  3. Yo. You going to watch it? 


    1. Siluk


      I don't like how the Joker looks in the movie, but I'll probably watch it.

    2. Jack The Ripper

      Jack The Ripper

      Cool mate ;) Yeah I also don't really enjoy his looks but hey. It atleast proves that we are not gay, right? :>

    3. Siluk


      LOL. We can talk about this on Skype, answer me boi.

  4. Hi my fuckboi /o/

    1. Siluk


      Hello darkness, my old friend.




  5. In my opinion other players names and even our own teammates names shouldnt be visible during Forest. That would make it more interesting since we could dress our character in the same way as our enemy looks which would case a lot of confusion during fights
  6. For a sec I thought my internet connection is fucked but thank god that is just a server crash.

  7. Grats! I am waiting for that nude event Kappa. 

    1. Argo


      In your dreams. 

  8. 445 users online in 24h???? Did the bots take over ?

    1. Antares


      A guy who play this game shared the Alpha on a Facebook Brazillian group named "Ilha da Macacada" (Monkey's Island). And the most of the group members are liking the game.

    2. evoliiX


      on which brazilian page?

  9. Tornado and water prison fixed finally ez pvp
  10. South Korea Top 50 mmo: Tales Runner rank 15 <3

  11. That was an amazing event! Mennomax gets me every single time. His combination with the name was soo good and funny.
  12. Why some good looking clothes can't be a drop from mobs? Isn't that not fair if only Weapon Master has to grind for gear and also for other players who don't play WM since they won't be able to grind for items at all?
  13. Guys don't trust Violence! He is wearing robe! So no wonder he says that...