
Silver Ninja
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Marino last won the day on November 6 2023

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  • Cartographer-nin

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  1. My clothing's layering becomes weird when I equip a weapon. This is how my character looks without the item. The arm bandages go above the vest, because accessories are above vests. Makes sense. The mask is above the vest. Looks clean. BUT! When I equip my weapon... All of a sudden, my vest slot goes up a couple layers and gets put above both my accessory and my mask, making the bandages dissapear (yes they're far enough up the arm that they should be showing.) , and the ves cuts through my mask when I look sideways. Is this an easy layering bug that could be fixed? Cheers if so.
  2. If you have both Silver & Gold Ninja on your account, your chat-bubble when typing turns out gold, although in the chat, you're grey. Is it a bug or intended? Because I'd rather showcase my Silver rank than my Gold one!
  3. Why is this even a thing? The clothing seem to have been made for both Male & Female sprites, because you can preview it as a male character. Please, make this clothing wearable by both genders. (Blue Short Jacket, Kunoichi Blouse.) Thank you women bias pls no i like the shirts
  4. There's nothing like working up a good sweat in the fields to counteract the cold.
  5. That looks so cool 

  6. Just another day helping Nogi out in the shop!
  7. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

  8. Look at this handsome boy uwu

  9. That screenshot with the colorful people under the sign is gonna win. I like it a lot, good job on that.
  10. I feel as though to balance the whole thing, only Sand STR Wind users should be able to wield a fan. Because if the whole Sand village can, it's quite an unfair advantage towards the whole Leaf village. (Coming from a sand ninja). But making it only available Sand STR Wind users would make it more unique, and also balance out the advantage. IMO
  11. That's a good guide my guy. Solid work!