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Everything posted by Wolfblade

  1. The Bio is finally finished, even if it is hard to read, because of how small the text is.

  2. The weed is a good deed, only when in pizza it buries its seed. I am the secret DEA agent
  3. It ain't dead til I'm dead

  4. Yes... I would feel the same. You speak about imbalance yet you keep being headstrong about making sure the population is imbalanced by allowing everyone to be everything immediately upon entering the game. In my eyes I'm not bashing on the clan's, I'm actually their ally, as allowing everybody to be everything would remove what makes them special, or at least a large part of it. It isn't only a question of canon, in my eyes working hard to become a part of something makes it cooler than just clicking a button and becoming a part of it. You fail to give me a reason why clan's couldn't be locked to villages, and why clan's shouldn't be limited, or hard to get.
  5. And it would be canon for everybody to be one? What you said is equivalent to me saying " It wouldn't be canon to have to create your character" or "It wouldn't be canon to start as an 16 year old" . The idea is same for every clan, to join one you have to do the "grind". It isn't a mess really, everybody being an Uchiha would be the real mess in my eyes. @GAm3CrAzY Well the other clan's could have their own ability to balance them out, they could be just plain stronger in their fighting capability. Also, if what you said applies than it doesn't only apply to villages, like you say it does. It affects the whole PVP part of the game.
  6. If some clan's are stronger like you listed Hyuuga and Uchiha then the game is already unbalanced, also if alot of people people become Uchiha they are already locking themselves out of stories.
  7. The point is that they are exclusive, and the game is based on the anime and manga, so in my eyes it should follow their cannon at-least up to a point. If everybody can become one, than becoming one isn't such a big deal which it should be since Uchiha are a very "Naruto" thing so to say, they are probably the most known thing about Naruto. It being a reward should be fine, since it will turn away people and only the ones who really, really want to be an Uchiha will become one. Making it so you have to level up one character to the max, be playing for 3 months and than delete that character to become a clan member would make it special and let you know that the person who achieved this really commit-ed. Of-course being a clan member wouldn't make you "better" just different, every clan should have its own disadvantages. Leaf having the most detailed clan's could be easily solved by adding releases into the mix, and if not enough is know about them making up juts us could also be done.There are plenty of clan's and unique releases in the Naruto canon. @Keezus So are you saying that if everybody has them they are somehow easier to balance? Why exactly?
  8. The point about the "exclusive" appeal is that there is none if everybody can be one. The concept of Naruto being ninjas from different clans and villages fighting each other. If one could just go ahead and create their own clan, what would be the purpose? Hmm... i wonder.
  9. So if I can expect the Konoha people to be either Uchiha, Hyuuga, Akamichi or non-clan for instance, that would make it easier for me to expect what's coming at me? Well that is quite the claim, everybody should be able to pick things except their bloodline abilities, and not to mention that the game should have a limited amount of what you can learn, so that you have to go a certain direction. All that should provide more than enough diversity. Saying that locking clan's makes it easy for the others to predict your skillsets, is a flimsy claim at best.
  10. So what you are saying is that having clan's be locked to villages, will result in everybody knowing what the other people are? By that implying that everybody will go the clan route, which is something you tried to dispute.... I also hope that non-clan and abilities other than clan restricted ability's will allow for more than a few options. How is it unorthodox if its cannon? Also how exactly would making all the villages same, ability wise allow for more diversity?
  11. The important thing to note is that players, even if they are a majority don't really know what they want every time. There are plenty of examples out there where listening to players has completely ruined games. That is also why game companies tend to carefully weigh player opinions. If there is an option for everybody to be an Uchiha from the get-go, I am willing to bet that people will bitch about it later. It could simply be limited to 3 months after registration, or certain level achieved with a character, or even having to sacrifice a character to be able to start over as an Uchiha, that wouldn't create any conflict since its all nice and impartial. @Keezus, @Tydon As for clans not being locked to villages, I'm not sure thats a very good thing, Uchiha and Hyuuga have always been Leaf , and unique to the Leaf. Suna has its own clan and so do the other villages. Locking clans in would make villages more diverse. Also, how are Namikaze and Orochimaru in anyway related to what clan somebody prefers? They are characters, not clans.
  12. I have yet to see people on the forum who have Hyuuga or Akamichi, or anything except Uchiha for that matter. I'm not saying leave it to luck either, it could simply be a matter of reward for loyal players and such. Being balanced is fine " IF" the clan's are balanced, and that includes non-clan as-well, since most of the time they get left out. We seem to have a different view on beauty, since "unlimited customization" as you call it will water the whole clan thing down, in my opinion at least. Keeping it special would be a better course of action, and as Atrox kindly mentioned, the clan's can just be different, not stronger therefor removing the balance issue you worry about. I'm sure everybody can customize their own character as they see fit without clans, if anything I feel that being a part of a clan limits your customization. Its surely more likely that 50 players all being non-clan for instance will differ more than 50 players all being Uchiha, Hyuuga and so on..
  13. The appeal of clans is that they aren't something seen all the time, they are "special" so to say. That's why everybody is "shit, sharingan" when they see it in the actual series. If you take that away and make it so that everybody is a clan member then it just becomes usual and boring, and less of a naruto game than a uchiha simulator.
  14. I love you both so very much for this, and ofcourse I agree. The Uchiha are chosen by most people because of some belief that they are superior, or cooler than the rest of the nin. In my eyes, non-clan people can be much more interesting to RP, and play with.
  15. I expect pizza in-game, as a compensation.
  16. Hello my good sir, welcome. Just a quicktip, if you write like this its really annoying to read. -The Pizza Master Of Destiny and The Orchestra-tor of the Great Attack That Will Come In Heavy Jackets.
  17. Fair enough. I can't really say anything else until I feel the game out abit. I'll make my final conclusion then.
  18. I agree on the player controlled part, though you must pardon my skepticism in the issue, like I said everybody wants to be the head honcho. In a game like this where the community isn't a giant thing members are oh so precious, so even if 30-40% percent of them go make their own stuff with 1-2 members it leaves quite the impact. I think the best way bout it would be to make sure that founding an organisation is hard, but that the members get benefits of some kind(XP boosts, Special quests and so on). And then there could be a -neutral- missing nin organization, that is admin managed for players who want to be lone wolf's, it could be anything from a bar where outlaws meet up and overhear things to a company that want's to influence things to their benefit. It might not be totally realistic, but i think it would fit into the game better, since if you look at the difference in missing nin in naruto and soon-to-be missing nin here the difference is in the numbers. <1% of shinobi in naruto are missing, but here it will be more like 50% or so.
  19. Wolfblade


    I shall allow it then. Eat more pizza in the future.
  20. Wolfblade


    Think carefully and answer: <khmm> Dost thou enjoy the orchestra of taste that pizza bieth?
  21. This, along with your previous post is pretty much my thinking having a big ass gang is needed and players usually just make their own shit cause everybody wants to be the Big Bad. Something made by admins should probably work. Making elite and less elite criminal organizations would probably be smart, so there is that " Jesus, this guy is from Assatsuki" moment every now and then. There is only one true big bad, and It is I the pizza emperor. Isn't that the Uchiha Clan?
  22. Takeshi Shiroyama(Black Edition) Takeshi Shiroyama(Pizza slice in hand) Takeshi Shiroyama(Turban Edition) Takeshi Shiroyama(Original) Takeshi Shiroyama(Remastered Edition)
  23. There is only one true character and he is in my avatar.