Kuraen Wilkor

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Kuraen Wilkor last won the day on August 19 2018

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About Kuraen Wilkor


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    Leaf Village

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  1. Time for this old wolf to sign up as well, count me in
  2. No such thing as missing clan, Rory said so already in this topic
  3. If you have problem with the name you could talk with our leader about it and not ignore him
  4. And where have you said that in starting topic all i can see is 6 months limit that resets if you get the leader
  5. Other players spots? Or maybe just not every other noob is suppose to join? "I finally gotten in to ANBU I am lvl 20 just because everyone else already used up their time there" Cos that's what it will end up being people will join just to fill the spots and not cause they will deserve it
  6. Like @King Crotic said, removing v say or changing it in that way will only make people use discord more for this kind of situation
  7. Not out fault Sand leadership did better job at killing their own village than Leaf
  8. In opening post there is nothing about metaphor per person limit
  9. Here's autograph to No. 1 Kuraen fanboy from Kuraen Wilkor 

    1. MrChubb


      nope im best kuraen git gud

    2. Kuraen Wilkor

      Kuraen Wilkor

      Okay so autograph for best Kuraen fan from Kuraen Wilkor ;)

    3. MrChubb


      nub git gud u little pussy nub no balls git gud nub ur mom g0y ur dad lesbi0n rn les fite nub git gud

  10. Pretty sure someone was banned made new account and got banned again
  11. Nice joke XD He ain't even in Akatsuki anymore
  12. They dont have to share at all acording to Rory rules about them
  13. I am pretty sure this is not place for talk about missing orgs @Booty Gang Captain @Kokuryu @Magatama if you want to talk about it make a new topic or something