
Silver Ninja
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Posts posted by Persoona

  1. Hello,

    Make sure you did your stats correctly. Example: INT, FORT, CHAK for the elements.

    Do side missions.

    Example: Defeat the Champion - Guren in Takumi

    Do ARC Missions.

    Example: lv 20 Train Arc in Kage building

    At lv 21 it's best to start doing dailies for your main source of experience. Make sure you turn in all missions while there is a blessing for 1.5x increase. Also, do /raid to see additional bonuses.

  2. Hello Hayashi Gin,

    All of these game mechanics are here to stay. That being said, the current state of the game is not finalized. The Stamina, Mount, and even the new AFK update have already been tweaked. They will continue to be polished for an overall better game experience so, please bear with us.

    Regarding goals, Rory has stated the Stamina & Mount system is "a 'nerf' to unlimited running" and the AFK system was added because "noob killing or killing AFK players leads to instant gains but leads to frustration and people quitting which is less players to kill in the long term" and "you can't force people to PvP, if you try they logout". 

    Please continue to make respectful suggestions and give the new updates a chance. Thank you.

