
Gold Ninja
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Inosuke last won the day on May 18 2016

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  1. His best offer will be the $600 he offered to get unbanned from the Discord
  2. You need to open a support ticket using the "Help" button
  3. That's a very rare circumstance xD Not many RP that way but you are right, it is possible. I was just letting others know in case they didn't know they could just type "/e" as this is a beginner guide so I doubt we'd get in-depth RPers who RP as a mutterer but I do see where you are coming from. :3
  4. Also, idk if you know @Saku it is a lot easier to just type "/e [insert action here]" than to put the "/e" in the left box as you won't continuously be talking in "/e" the only commands I ever put in the left box is "/t" when I am just wanting to talk to my team or a players name when I wish to whisper them for a long time. More tips on RP is that you should never carry out your hatred for someone IC (In character) into OOC (Out of character.) it's all fun and well having rivals and enemies within your RP but don't let someones actions against you within an RP define how you see them OOC.
  5. I think he was asking when will it be online as it has been offline for a while now
  6. Can't even get in game lol