
Gold Ninja
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Mart456 last won the day on February 8 2016

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About Mart456


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    Palo Alto, CA-United States

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  1. Decided to come check on the site after so long.  How have things been here?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Makoto


      I came back recently as well.

    3. Fenyx


      Muhfuhkin Shawn Jones

    4. Mart456




  2. So how's the game coming along?

    1. Indra


      Closed beta is soon(beta for gold and silver ninja only)!! alot of new stuff will be there. Also,the game will be faster/better

    2. Ueda


      It's picking up :)

  3. Gonna update my entire profile.  Man, my old song was just horrible ha ha

  4. Wow I now my membership is old to the site.  ha ha Looking at all these new names in the chat box is making me feel like an elder.  O.O

  5. Seth! My man! It's been a while since I've been on here but I just wanted to say that I DO come back to check up on things every now and then and every time I look back on this site I am always amazed by the new content that is being released. I'm so glad that I invested in this game years ago and that you and the rest of the development team have not forgotten about us and have not given up on such a game. Words can't express how, not only the gaming community, but the anime community as well, are anticipating the release of this game and I know that it will be a success in the end. Awesome job as always and damn! It's about time we got this cash shop up and running. I'll be sure to buy one or two things Friday just to further support the game.
  6. Whoa! This looks really freaking good. I love it! That puppet master though...dude, he looks freaking sick and that female ninja....I see what you did there you cheeky bastard, you ;-) ha ha ha.
  7. I seriously need to re update my profile lol

  8. * logs onto watchnarutotv*
    *goes to latest episode*
    *checks comments, keyword filler*
    *checks back next week*
    *repeat process*

    1. PrinceLoliFutanari


      Don't say that. Enjoy Naruto while it still lasts. Anyways, I'm interested because Hidan is about to kill Naruto :P

    2. PrinceLoliFutanari


      But I hate how they ruined Sasori and Deidara's image with that Killer Bee Rappuden shit.(It wasn't even Killer Bee rapping) Thank God Itachi left. He knew he was too OG for that filler.

    3. Mart456
  9. Awesome! Glad to have you back officially Rory
  10. If the Infinite Tsukuyomi did happen in real life I honestly would be happy.  People today with their limited minds can't fathom a world where you always get what you want, when you want it.  I would love to know that after I pass away from this life, I could live in my own fantasy world where things will go my way for all of eternity. The one thing I hate about this life is unpredictability.   I don't like surprises, and I like to know that if I do something, that it will work all the time.  A man can dream. 

    1. PrinceLoliFutanari


      No, not necessarily. Your forced to live a fake reality. I would never want that. Also some people could tell they were in the genjutsu. What if the genjutsu was undone? All that time spend in the fake reality, wasted. Then you would be even more sad.

    2. Mart456


      I'm just using the Infinite Tsukuyomi as a reference.  Like imagine living in a universe where things always go your way whenever you want them to.  I would love that.  That's just me of course, however, a fake do you know we aren't living in a fake reality right now as we speak?  Do you remember anything before you were born?  Or at least what happens after you die?  It's a mystery.  

  11. My profile song is FIRE!!!!!  Listen to them words, ish make a ninja be like.."bruh"

    1. Akiro


      Sounds almost as bad as rorys song

  12. I know that I role play it, but in reality, my version of heaven would just be with that one perfect women that I could love forever.  Having multiple women means absolutely nothing without love and love is everything.  

  13. Asian women only love men with money huh? :-(  Well now, in that case I guess I should just stop being the perverted hermit, because I'm straight up broke.  I got just enough to pay the bills and buy some food for myself.  O well, this life sucks anyways.  Not like I was going to get any luck with Asian women in the first place. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mart456


      I shall take your advice Shifu!  And I will not give up!  That is the POWER OF YOUTH!!!! T.TT.T<3:D;D

    3. Akiro


      I have both, guess i'm set for my trip to asia-land

    4. Nassim Sr

      Nassim Sr

      Nobody like the Irish.

  14. It's a change for the better. Honestly, while there are some things I know were taken away, Rory has promised that this will be better and the same came from Seth as well, I'm just going to put faith in their judgment and see how this plays out. I know they will do a good job, they always do.
  15. Voting for this is more of a "between" the lines kind of thing for me. I do like the new change as it seems more modern for a web page, however more features have been taken out then what have been brought in by this new change. For one, the whole profile deal is sort of bothering me. I spent a lot of time on my profile with the music and pictures, and even creating my character bio. However with this new update, I can't even have the background of my choosing anymore and now my profile looks so bland and tasteless. Everything else on the site looks pretty good, but I still feel like there was more taken out then added in with this new change.