
Gold Ninja
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Kare last won the day on May 28 2016

Kare had the most liked content!

About Kare


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  1. What about the second one? Yeaaaaaaah, it'll matter then, or at some point.
  2. They won't pass it in their first try, but most will fail in their second one, problably like 3 people will pass it, if not 2 or even 1. 3rd is gonna go higher etc. etc. Everyone will pass at one point. It's not like they won't pass it forever.
  3. Kare


    Damn, I wish I knew these programming things. That way I could've helped. Though, I still have a chance to help by another option..... maybe... hopefully.
  4. Don't know why I didn't comment before. But, hey! I'll do it now. These look pretty nice. I love the style you guys are goin' with. It fits the area.
  5. This guy has some talent! Good work, man. DEFINETLY check this guy's work.


    1. Master Ant

      Master Ant

      Thank you Siluk. :)  

    2. Kare


      I am just tellin' the truth. No need to thank me.

  6. Love the profile music. 

  7. This guy has a great mind, definetly gotta look on his shit. 

  8. Hey, seems like this is going to be fun.
  9. Kare

    Thank you.

    Hi again, internet person. I appreciate your respect, sir. We definetly need more people like you, other than the ones that are not thankful and disrespectful. Thank you for your respect.
  10. I see some people have already replied. But hey, it's never too late for anything. Cash Shop for sure! First of all it helps you guys, second of all, logic. Cash Shop=$$$. $$$=More people in the team. More people in the team=Content and new GUI.
  11. Kare

    Finally Akiro4Cyan came true. Now we need Akiro4Kage let's make this happen people! Also this is my first time posting on a person's Status Feed ;)

  12. Man I never really thought about it till now, but I have a seriously dry sense of humor. Explains my sex life.

    1. Lunar OLD

      Lunar OLD

      Ummm.. why are you talking about your sex life here!! Your weird dude lol

    2. Kare


      Meh.... If you knew me you would've known that I am a LOT more weirder than this.

    3. Konpon
  13. So, I decided to do a status thing... I guess I am supposed to post something.Well... I have changed my profile song. I think that's a status thing, isn't it? 

    1. Marcus94X


      I like the profile song.. its definitely really great!

    2. Kare


      Somebody replied, that's new. Also, thanks. 

    3. Marcus94X


      Crynime-Cyberverse, Good Song..