Guts Na

Gold Ninja
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About Guts Na

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  • One Year In
  • Collaborator Rare
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  1. The Great Na Clan Exodus 

    Ninja leave the Na Clan to return to leaf village under a direct pardon of the current Hokage.  Some leave to other Na allied clans.  Few remain after 24 hours of the Exodus. 

  2. wow you leveled fast!

  3. Na on Top!!! Hey bro ^^

  4. Just stopping by to say Hello ^^


    Na Clan on Top!!!

  5. shoutout how goes it Na Ninja!!!

  6. Hello, for some odd reason i list my permission to view nin forums. Ty
  7. UPDATE: 

    Na Clan under the lead of Inner member Mimasu Na during the absence of Lewis Na.  Currently accepting new recruits please message for more information.

    Na Clan on Top!

    Na Clan.jpg

  8. we need one of those leveling systems that keeps going but has a soft cap at 60. That way those that do want to grind for years can get lv 100.
  9. $$$ Property Rework $$$ Allow beds to be assigned to co owners so they can spawn so we can create proper sect halls. Rework housing to not look so pasted in. Features (Optional) New Houses and housing features Co owners can use house beach front properties and sect multi story buildings when logged out inside of house allow for the player to be sleeping in bed
  10. sure the last reply was AI.... No Nin videos on youtube? All i see is GTA which is a cool game ^^.