Their was no truce, its very hard to stand in the leaf village for a min without getting attacked and I have tried, I have even asked for a 1 on 1 battle and was attacked as I yet spoke, when I asked the ninja to stop, he did nothing of the sort, so I had to defend myself when I was near death in the only way I known how to and it seems that the leaf are blind to when their members attacked but as soon as I attacked, every ninja and their brother attacked me, somewhat to say in a technical way that they were defending themselves as the Hokage commanded to do if they are attacked. If I wanted to do my kill mission I could just kill ninjas in the Tiger map but I had to do as the truce said and ask for a fight and I wanted it to be ninjas that could fight back. If we as sand (most) can play by the rules why can't the leaf do so also?
It seems to me that the Hokage can't control his ninjas, It looks to me that the council have no power to stop the killing of the weaklings and now it is apparent that we at sand should not wait for their punishment, for it will not come.