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Everything posted by Blastcore

  1. <Download Removed> Also, first download the Updater as It'll need to download the update.
  2. I don't see why we can't have a separate forum, I mean, I speak spanish too, but I don't have any place to do, and doing it though PMs it gets a bit tedious. Maybe not adding the forum now, but adding it into the future so we can make some guides (I'd be willing to if you want) for spanish-speaking players.
  3. Will they be added? Since when I requested them it was like a "No" from Rory
  4. Inb4 some random coming and claiming they're Naruto sucesor.
  5. Nice. If it's possible, what's the link to the Updater repository? I'd like to see it.
  6. That seriously... Hurts. lol
  7. I have to go to sleep now, and for the next 10 - 11 hours won't be here. (I have class)
  8. It'll be on the same server, just a different map instance for each player / group.
  9. [suggestion] Instance Missions Well, this suggestion is about doing missions in separated generated map instances. It would be something like this: Player (With his group in case there's one.) talks to the Mission Guy selecting any of the available missions.After selecting the mission, player (and it's group, in the case there's one.) will be teleported to a new (or used map instance in case it's empty) generated map instance just for them.Then the process of doing the mission would be the same as you do always. It would avoid kill stealing, and also, if there's a lot of people doing the same mission as you, map would be full of people making it a bit annoying. It would also make group missions (in case they're added) way better. ---------- Instead of deleting the map when players have finished the mission, it could be used by other people.(It'd avoid creating more maps, and it would just need to set the NPCs, sort of a restart.)
  10. It's just a game, team them up.
  11. For some reason, I start fine, but then I have an inmense lag that makes me need to log off and log in back.
  12. Even with lag it was funny, hope those issues are fixed.
  13. I accept your opinion. However I don't accept two randoms (Envy & Sam) both insulting me because I made a suggestion they don't like. If it's added it's because it got developer's & community.
  14. Hell, people is strong mad today. Every place you go, if you see lot of inputs, you can easily switch to next input with using TAB. -- Unless you're going to give a decent opinion about a suggestion, I'd suggest you not posting here.