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  1. This is looking seriously good! Keep up the great work, developers!
  2. Many, many years ago, I googled something like, "Naruto MMO." Been following the game ever since.
  3. They are both equally awesome, I only voted for the one on the right because she looks so crazy. xD The left one is super adorable though.
  4. Haven't been on in forever!! So excited to see the game is up right now!

  5. Aomea


    English, but I was born and raised in Chile for my childhood and teen years. My years in Chile made me fluent in Spanish, but I went to an international school, so I'm just as comfortable with English as I am Spanish.
  6. Keep up the great work, everyone! This game has come a LONG way. I was very impressed when I played the game yesterday. I actually expected a lot less and I was quite satisfied. The gameplay just feels so smooth and right, y'know?
  7. Thanks for helping out the new guys in the shoutbox!

    1. Aomea


      My pleasure! =) The same help was shown to me, so why not?

  8. I've been getting into Phantasy Star Online 2.
  9. To be honest, I absolutely hated the Power Rangers, even as a kid. xD
  10. I sometimes like to fall asleep on my keyboard.
  11. Aomea

    Help me out guys

    The game server has been down a lot. Even if you manage to download the game, it's not like you can play all the time. We just have to have a little faith and patience for right now.
  12. I used to play LoL a LOOOOONG time ago. I was never really that good at it, though. =/
  13. Aomea

    Xbox anyone?

    I'd play with you, but I'm too poor to be able to afford even an old console at this moment. T-T
  14. Awesome work! I'd love to see you do the different stages of Naruto as well.