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marywiza last won the day on September 21 2024

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  1. The Temari hairstyle, which I think is a very pretty hairstyle reminds us of a very important figure in the world of manga and anime alike, and even inspired websites such as 4chan and other chans around the web. Meet Yotsuba: Originally born with the same vibes from Azumanga-Daioh the previous 4 panel manga title from Kiyohiko Azuma, this time Azuma decides to give it the same feeling of Azumanga-Daioh and bring in the comedy slice of life feel to life with Yotsuba-to. In Yotsuba-to, you will notice the funny day to day life of a girl form the campside of Japan that is moving to a more urban enviroment, she is probably not like the kids form the city life. The manga still ongoing to this day with many fun adventures to read. The thing behind the 4 winged hair style is the sillyness and goofy situations that Yotsuba brings along with people around her, or by herself. Sadly there is no Yotsuba anime yet, but who knows one day it'll air somewhere hehe.
  2. um prato de trigo para três tigres tristes.