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  1. From a new players perspective, i logged on during non-peak hours (37 players online), the grind felt tough like an oldschool maplestory of some kind. I dont mind grinding mobs with no quest but the fact you cant afford potions or throwables makes the grind unbearable. I feel like the mobs should always have at least the one base drop weather it be a fur or skin or whatever, so at least you can somewhat grind faster than a snails pace. Seems like any of the worthy content is not till way later in the game at level 50+. Some better outfits, maybe some basic Area Attacks with throwables. For example i wanted to go lightning first and weapon mastery second, unfortunately, i know i wouldn't enjoy grinding lightning to level 50 without any area attacks. it seems making money getting any gear or decent grinding skills will not happen till much later in the grind. So overall it is a really cool game, but just to grindy without much reward in the early stages. Also kinda weird seeing maxed out players not even ranked to jonin.