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Saurio last won the day on December 23 2015
Saurio had the most liked content!
September 27, 2019
June 12, 2019
August 21, 2018
July 27, 2018
July 24, 2018
The moon is soo beautiful how is it this gorgeous
Looking forward to Christmas ._. the uchiha will rise (i really need another name for this)
Saurio replied to topic's Ueda in Announcements
Yahwah Elohiym
lots of food
Zero Yuuko
Where o.0
Saurio replied to topic's Seth in Development Logs
It's almost here
i can't wait!
my emails were getting filled up with a bunch of stuff from nin online
Saurio replied to topic's ReubenNick in Introductions
Tagged with:
the hype is real
Summer Yes no School
nin online coming
You'd Think Can i find A Teacher For Pixel Art It Would Would Be Easier if someone were to teach me personally if so i will get it in a few days
i checked ur profile i heard sao i was listening then XD good one
Saurio replied to topic's Ueda in Development Logs
imaging how will the alpha look like