
Silver Ninja
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Pakku last won the day on September 14 2023

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About Pakku


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  1. Mission Adjustments Dailies I personally would like to see Daily missions fixed. Daily missions before level 25 do not give enough experience and then 25-26, you start getting all these un-accomplishable hunting missions that would give you enough experience. Then later on all you want to do are hunting missions and abandon the rest... - Remove lower level dailies from higher level roster (i.e. 31k relaxation for people needing millions of xp) - Increase experience for lowbie missions like hawk down that give less than grinding for the time spent. - Add more missions to the daily roster so it's not always the same thing. Arcs I think the arcs would benefit to some DLC. - Add a part 2 or extend missions to 20 arc/ toad arc/ 40 arc/ LOI. Side Missions Late 30s and 40s are pretty slow and could benefit from some side missions. - Add side missions to Sewers, Scarabs, Ant Hill etc I am happy to come up with some missions that could be added too just lmk if it's something worth investing in.
  2. Sorry for the delay! @Shukou wins first place prize of 10 coupons! @AfroKage wins second place prize of 5 coupons! Thanks for participating you two! Hopefully we will get more of the community in on future events. To claim your coupons, feel free to DM me in-game or discord.
  3. DESCRIPTION Hello to the Nin Community! Everyone here has been through the thick and thin of things throughout our lives, but this game has always brought us together. I wanted to create this event to bring forth an opportunity to celebrate each other and give thanks. RULES - Pick an honorary member of the community. It has to be a player in the Nin Community and must be their in-game name, not their IRL information. While you may select Staff members, please note that picking Staff members will not give you points/rewards to prevent bias. - Attach a positive message to the honorary member of the community that you picked. These must be legitimate messages and can be funny. All messages must not target members in a disrespectful, harmful, targeted or sarcastic matter. - Draw a picture of your honorary member. This picture can be landscape, portrait and include background images. The picture must be appropriate. The picture can be performed in both amateur or professional manner. The picture can be performed in any art styles, but make sure it appears on the forum. Outside links/downloads will not count for safety reasons. - Make sure to only submit one post. You may edit them until the deadline. Note: If you break rules you may be susceptible to punishment and become banned from future events. DECIDING WINNER - At the end of the deadline I will vote on each members piece. The points will be 0-3. 0 being you did not put anything, 1 you tried, 2 it's good, 3 its perfect. You will get a score of 0-3 for both message and picture for a total of 6 points. Ties will be settled by Deathmall. REWARDS 1st Place: 10 Coupons 2nd Place: 5 Coupons 3rd Place: 3 Coupons DEADLINE 2 WEEKS // July 23rd - August 6th @ 8 PM EST
  4. Pakku


    Hello! Welcome to Nin. Please go to our home page and look at our wiki & discord server if you need any help. Otherwise, you are always free to message here.
  5. Haha, why are you all responding to a post from 2 years ago? P.S. Don't get dating advice from rando's online!
  6. Ooookay, we have heard your point and now this topic has turned another direction. Locking it down. Thanks for your input and please be sure we always have our players best interest at heart. *Notable Suggestion for Staff: Please rename Holiday Events to Neutral Friendly names.*
  7. Hello ThirdTry, Official organizations are still in the game. Only player organizations have been removed while they are being reworked.
  8. Hello seylen, With the seasonal changes and additional staffing we are hoping to bring more events soon! We are just waiting on some programming issues and planning. Thanks for your interest in Nin & stay tuned!
  9. Int WM's insta jutsus just adds a lot of damage to rolls, flickers, and sub punishes. As the game is now it's one of the strongest, however it would be fine if there was no free damage with it. Str WM is very weak, but those end game 90+ dmg swords are just insane in combination with a fort stat meta. I'd scale up str swords up to around a 50 damage cap, possibly rework the jutsu and buff damage.
  10. Hello, Gnik! This feature is a work in progress. Right now it's currently for RolePlay purposes. The mentor part is to show who your squad leader/teacher is and your spouse is apart of a marriage system. Currently, players cannot select their own mentor or spouse. Only select staff are capable of setting it until full release. While we always appreciate and encourage enthusiasm, please be patient in asking for mentor/marriage requests until we can work to implement this feature fully into the game. Sincerely, Your GM Team
  11. Welcome to the Community! Here is our player-ran Wiki and our rules: If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me or other members of our community either here on the forum, discord or in-game.
  12. If you have to ask probably shouldn't. DM me thru Discord Eternitywolf#7369 or Forums. Thank you.
  13. Every GM may react differently to "Offensive Language". But the general rule of thumb is, you will get warned/muted for cursing out members of the community on a personal level and potentially banned for Racial/Homophobic/Religious/Ethnic/shaming slurs. Comments such as: "I hope you flaping die IRL" -- Will result in warning/mute (unless it's a repeated offense then potentially ban). Racial/Homophobic/Religious/Ethnic slurs/shaming can surpass warning/mute and end in a ban whether temporarily or not. We look to make the Community a safe place for *all* of our members. That being said we look very closely to see what is within RP insults and what are personal attacks. If you have any complaints about Staff decisions you are free to message me for further review although I cannot guarantee action/reversal of decision for every case. Thank you for your understanding and for playing Nin!