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Everything posted by GodOld

  1. Alpha testing is going excellent!

  2. GodOld


    Thanks for supporting guys
  3. GodOld


    Yeah actually that sounds better, or they can make certain spots multi-combat and some single,
  4. GodOld


    Yeah but it would be easier for everyone if the kill would just go to the person that has done more damage.
  5. I know the developers are most likely to improve this by later on, but I feel like PVP is one of the most important aspects of a MMO. After playing the combat which runs smooth, I realized that taijutsu damage/speed should be based on how much you've used it, same with swords. I also realized how people can easily run up to your kills and steal it with a punch or two. The experience and drop should go the person who attacked first, in my opinion. Thank you for your time