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    Hidden Leaf Village

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  1. Maybe if Bijuu are in the game it can be uncommon drop from Kurama, or other bijuu.
  2. Most likely if not maybe jutsus similiar to it, but there probably won't even be a clan for Namikaze. You might have to obtain it through scrolls.
  3. Rory already said that there won't be Sand Manipulation, including the other Kekkai Genkai as clans.
  4. Never realized Leaf village was that open for attack, but yeah I agree I think we should be able to choose where we start our destiny.
  5. Well I've seen posts about mobs, so maybe add mobs in that area to train.
  6. GodOld


    Yeah a certain amount of summons every 30 levels or something, sounds good. @Rory
  7. GodOld


    I think you should be able to find certain summons, outside the village wondering around. Then maybe KO it and interact to have available as a summon?
  8. I like the idea, but I think having real bijuus in the game will give many people goals, and with goals motivation. Maybe adding something else into the game like ninja scrolls that villages can capture for temporary exp boosts for the villagers. Having Bijuu like this would leave Akatsuki without motive, and I'm sure other missing factions motives. There will always be a stronger player, its not hard to work with your allies and bring them down.
  9. This is a link to a post Rory made earlier regarding some of what you want to know.