Sol Invictus

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  1. Heated topic. My two cents, man up. Bullying is only bullying if you're actually harmed from it. Someone you've never met and likely never will calling you a bad word over the internet is hardly something to bother yourself with. You won't meet him, he will likely never see your face, and he will never lay a physical hand on you. You will probably never even hear his voice. That being said, if cyber bullying that never evolves past that point actually bothers you, report it to the administrators, or moderators or whatever. But like I said, man up. On another note, just curious. A lot of administrators recently. What exactly do the new guys contribute?
  2. SMH. This is the problem with men today, always objectifying woman as if they are nothing more than sexual toys or something. #Feminist
  3. I never played the original GOA, only the rips so I've always referred to all of them as GOA. Yes, I was talking about Exodus and the like, I see what you were saying now. In response to my comparison being invalid, I don't see how. From my experience in gaming people who pay to win and people who cheat to win (botters) are all in the same boat. In both instances, the player takes a shortcut. They don't put in the time or dedication to build their character and opt for a shortcut, which gives them an unfair (in my opinion) advantage over people that actively play the game. Granted grinding is supposedly going to have little effect on how quickly one levels, but cheap is cheap.
  4. That mind your business shit doesn't really mean anything. You mean to tell me you've never had an opinion on something that wasn't your business? We all have, because we all have opinions. You just happen to disagree with mine. Besides, botting affects everyone that will play this game to some extent, so it is our business.
  5. The purpose of the comparison was to establish a correlation between botting and buying edits. Both are cheap ways to win at the game. That is where the comparison ends. I am not comparing games, I am not comparing Exodus to the Original GOA, I'm comparing botting to edits. Because they both take effort and hard work out of the equation. Which is cheap.
  6. @Sipher When making a comparison one must have two points of reference, or it isn't a comparison. That being said, I compared botting to edits on GOA. This isn't by any means a bold, or far fetched statement. As far as I am concerned, botting is cheating, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this sentiment. Botting in any capacity detracts from the quality of game play of those looking for a fair and balanced gaming experience. There is no such thing as a reasonable amount of botting; any amount of botting is too much botting. Your response to this thread leads me to believe that you yourself intend to use a bot ingame, in which case, you're pathetic. Lets hope I'm wrong.
  7. Also going to agree. Bots ruin the fun for everyone else. Like edits on GOA, smh.
  8. Sol Invictus


    The banner on the homepage looks nice with all of the gold members together in one place just something funny i noticed though, the ninonline logo says "A 2D NINJA ONLINE RPG GAME" in the top right corner. "RPG" means role-playing game right? So putting game at the end of it would make it role-playing game game which is pretty silly. Could just be "A 2D ONLINE NINJA RP GAME" or, "A 2D ONLINE NINJA RPG" Switch Online and Ninja just because it rolls off the tongue better.
  9. But what is there to feel iffy about really? Video from more than one angle shows the guy planting cocaine on the counter. Yeah it's an obvious spot, but I'd imagine the officer has gotten careless because he is so used to getting away with it. If there were no camera's recording, it would just be his word against the store owner's word and we all know how that would turn out. He probably didn't plan on getting caught because he's done this so many times before, and that led to him being overly careless.
  10. And they say it's all in our heads... I wonder how many people are in jail right now because they weren't able to have cameras rolling when they get framed. I doubt this is the first person that this guy and his associates have planted drugs on; it's probably happened before. Which means there are people who are most likely black sitting in jail for doing nothing at all. Literally trying to ruin someones life just because he's black. That's America for you. Land of corruption.
  11. My suggestion is that that there be a level cap depending on a players rank. I make this suggestion because of my experiences in GOA with high level players basically trolling the shit out of low level/new players. If it is possible for someone to become a level 100 genin, then the other genin who are say level 20-30 will be at a major disadvantage during chuunin exams or other events. Furthermore, a level cap for ranks will force people who want to become level 100 eternal genin to move up in the ranks and experience whatever benefits/risks come with higher ranks. I suggest a level cap every 30 levels or so, meaning once you reach level 30-40 you will be forced to take the Chuunin exam and advance in the ranks if you want to level past that point. The level cap should be adjusted depending on the experience rate/training methods once the game is active.
  12. Will it be possible to run the exam solo? Like if we are confident we can do it