
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Jinxp

  1. Welcome back mate , i look forward in seeing the progress made since i last played the first open test
  2. The animations is looking good ! ^_^ keep it up
  3. Keep up the good work guys, i look forward in seeing the progress since i last played
  4. Looks great , keep up the good work
  5. cool I cant wait to see the updates made
  6. Jinxp


    I like the idea of unlocking titles in game
  7. Thanks for the update and the image looks cool
  8. This is really cool, thanks Rory
  9. I cant wait till all the villages are added , it sounds like a great system. keep up the hard work
  10. I hope your able to fix the problem. keep up the good work
  11. I cant wait , I guess ill play more GTA 5
  12. I cant wait , it will be great with the community all online together.
  13. Good job everyone. thanks for all your hard work
  14. Thanks for letting us know . lol my names being covered by Takezo XD
  15. damm i wish it was on the weekend. more time to play. for me it will be released on the monday
  16. I cant wait . i just wish it was released before the weekend so i could play more lol
  17. it looks so damm good . i cant wait to play
  18. I cant wait to play this game and help with bugs etc...
  19. I think his just misunderstood like most of us in the world