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Everything posted by Daiji

  1. I would settle for that, Let the grind to 60 be super relaxed and easy so you can play the PvP and enjoy the faction system and then let the grind to 100 be the real challenge with giving a significant reward for reaching it like a lump some of ryo or benefit.
  2. I unlinked my discord from another account and put it on this one and now I can't seem to get into the discord because the discord link isn't following through.
  3. You mean the only 200 something people who are still playing right? because what the game has now is not sustainable and basically saying "Peace & Friendship Will Carry The Player Experience" is such an awful mindset, Especially when there isn't much of a community to begin with anyways. You have to make some sort of change to the new player experience because the game is hurting for new players and eventually all the long time players will quit and move on. I mean hell just getting an RP group going is a nightmare due to a lack of players who even wanna do those types of missions and just wanna PvP or Raid or just be straight toxic and bully new players because they are bored with the endgame like you've stated. Seems like all of the issues the community is suffering with is because of a lack of player retention and new players quitting consistently.
  4. That's exactly what I mean, All of the issues this game has always leads back to new players quitting and the grind.
  5. That's not the consensus of new players or the community, How can people know that it's not worth the payoff if they'll never get to experience it and quit long before getting the chance to even try it?
  6. Which will never happen because I quit playing a year ago back in April lol, I just logged back in to see if anything had improved with the grind and nothing had changed. I really love this game but then again it's completely unplayable and it sucks because this is the only Naruto MMO out there that's worth a damn and the lead dev just doesn't care about player feedback. When you got you're whole community telling you something horribly sucks and needs to be changed, that's when you need to listen and make changes. But since he has no real competition he just does what he wants and it hurts the community overall because it's not growing, Instead it's saying the same or it's losing players and it's only maybe 200 people or hell even less than that are still even playing daily. All it would take to fix the grind issue would be to massively increase XP gained from doing literally any activity, you wouldn't even need to add more missions or dailies. Just add way way way more XP for kills, missions, dailies etc. Also making XP gains scale with levels would be ideal seeing as every MMO out there does this.
  7. tbh I'm just not a fan of the grind and a ton of other people aren't either, that's why every new player keeps quitting and the game keeps a extremely small player-base. It's the biggest reason why everyone quits the game but at least I tried to enjoy it, everyone kept telling me it gets better at so and so levels but honestly this is awful in general. I feel like I'm not being rewarded for my time and effort and it takes way too long to effectively enjoy the game, Also I understand the lead developer loves this type of gameplay but I seriously doubt he actually grinded all the levels and just gave himself everything right off the bat. So the way the game is and how it functions is not fun in the slightest, especially when endgame takes forever to achieve and a majority of players will never see or get to experience this.
  8. I see, But are side missions tracked and if they are who do I get them from in the sand village
  9. it's also because the grind is genuinely a very very very horrible experience, I spent 3 weeks straight grinding the same scarabs over and over every day and I only got to lvl 21 and then I quit the game for good. I expect to be rewarded for my time and effort not to be spat in the face by the game and then insulted by the community.