
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Atrox

  1. Atrox bad and offensive pick-up lines 101 : Are you a gipsy? Because i think you stole my heart.

  2. Atrox


    Recently a lot of big mmos and games took payssafe card as one of their shopping options,and yes it`s really big in Europe and even for me it would be easier using it
  3. Love the update, i dont mind if the outfit will only be for a NPC but be sure to make that NPC important ( i wouldnt mind seeing interesting NPCs in game they make you feel like you are interacting with the world more, which would be epic). You also essentially will be able to pick the path your character will go in the game. You mean like, we`ll get to choose our actions, with them having different outcomes? Cause i hope you do... Saw that golem before Fernando finished it, looks freaking epic. Too bad he skipped leg day
  4. that last page in this naruto chapter

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Atrox


      not even kishimoto is stupid enough to forget that he cut off their hands,anyways the movie will be sshit

    3. Atrox


      its still lame if they get their arms back

    4. Destructo


      Sasuke talk no jutsu'd himself. With the sith always two there are a master and an apprentice. Naruto has taught him well. And im guessing they'll just do what they did to heal neji back at the end of part 1.

  5. Good Naruto chapter, had that old Naruto feeling to it, also that Hashirama and Madara...

  6. am i the only one who thinks that jenifer lawrence is the most average bitch?wtf is wrong with internet people

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Satsugai


      That is the reason why people love her so much. She seems like a normal girl you prob went to high school or college with. Can be awkward at times and looks approachable. With that said I could care less about her or any of the women who nudes got leaked. Haha.

    3. Nassim Sr

      Nassim Sr

      Still haven't seen any nudes.

    4. Atrox


      Ive seen them, nothing interesting, dunno what people are so excited about

  7. School Rumble is so awesome !!!! Why does it have to end with only 2 seasons (>_> ) Now im going to feel nostalgic watching the last ep

  8. Today i`ve spent 7 hours playing Swordsman Online, without a break... my no-lifing skills are lvlnig up

    1. Destructo


      7 hours ? that's cute.

    2. Nassim Sr

      Nassim Sr

      In mother Russia, you don't play Swordsman Online, it plays you.

  9. Damn, i will be back one day after the open release...will they update the game then?

  10. Izuna and south got muted? lawl, and i did say that someones getting muted today

    1. Nassim Sr

      Nassim Sr

      Don't forget Wolf. That Canadian got muted too.

    2. Atrox


      It`s already something usual for Wolf

    3. wolf-OLD-2025


      its not a mute its a 24h shoutbox ban

  11. Hunter x Hunter keeps getting more and more fucked up, and i love it

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Akiro


      Epsiode 20 of HxH Killua if i recall confesses his "friendship/love"

      about gon to the ugly face pokey dude

    3. Atrox


      So you did watch it <3

    4. Akiro


      I'm slowly watching it, waiting for it to finally become good

  12. damn nin has one of the most well designed forum i`ve ever seen, it`s really taken care off

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Atrox


      you`ve been here for 3 more days than me lol don`t brag

    3. Feinz


      All 3 of us can brag in the future(2 years away) when the newbs come.

    4. Musab


      can I brag a little?

  13. Being sick at home makes Seppuku look like fun...

    1. Ueda


      I know how it's like, but that's exaggerating. Nevertheless, get well soon, Atrox.

    2. Electron
    3. Feinz
  14. Aah , Izuna S, Senpai ,Orcnan- kun stop touching Shauri-chan in that naughty spot

  15. [spolier] What a pathetic way to go for Madara, exactly the death this mega giga incredibly overrated character deserved

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ryoshi


      I demand cake. I win!

    3. Akiro


      Then go sit in a corner somewhere and be quiet :p

    4. paramontana


      Agree in a sort of way. However, i admit it was very unexpected. Atleast for me.

  16. Fire feet no jutsu ! Makes your feet spit fire... Not even Chuck Norris could do that...
  17. RIP Mandela, yu wus ma fav Fast and Furios personage :|

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Rod


      im from south africa and they are making me hating him more with every night and day tlaking about him and i would like to wake him up from the dead and kill him again he isnt a very nice guy

    3. Feinz


      I don't need love, love doesn't keep me surviving..

    4. Akiro


      Neither does your grammar it seems

  18. My fucking god, this One Piece chapter...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Electron


      Huh? One piece getting amazing.. I thought sabo was insignificant..

    3. Atrox
    4. Electron


      no cuz u guys are overreacting.. Like who cares about sabo.

  19. Adolescents are so full of drama...

    1. Destructo


      One of my "friends" was bitching over my use of grammar in text. No time for that, deleted him.

  20. I know this might sound weird but the Shiro character looks hot...
  21. Not gonna be around for a while...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Akiro


      i would say i will miss you but that would be lying

    3. Nassim Sr

      Nassim Sr

      I don't know how I should respond to this.

      I guess this'll do.

    4. Atrox


      but...but i thought i was loved

  22. Atrox


    Meh count me in, i act like my bio character anyways...
  23. You should support the game first, before telling others what to do...