
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Atrox

  1. i like those ideas,i believe that the events should have a naruto feeling to them and not look out of place
  2. When i read *Toad Contract Scroll* suddenly that idea became very exciting. Edit* But this idea could have its downside as some elements like wind and lighting have more AoE jutsus making it easier for them to kill mobs, which puts the other element affinities and the other professions (forgot how they called) at a disadvantage
  3. Just to clarify this for myself,the next early acces test is in 3-5 weeks or the Open Alpha 3?
  4. That was my response god damnit.Also why the fuck is Akiro even taking ownership of what i said
  5. Well im pretty sure thats the point of a village is to be big, image a new kid in the Leaf village you think they know every corner of it or what? Also there will be tutorial like quests like in every game which show you where is the vendor and so on
  6. The time to change this 2 years old cringe worthy BIO has come

  7. You get used with the Leaf village pretty easy,then it actually seems quite average in size. U just too newb
  8. If you think it would be too much work, you can always just make the kage building and since nin is 200 years in to the future we can say that the old village was destroyed and re-built around the KageHouse which remained both for the Kazekages use and as a monument of some sort.
  9. Im very excited to see new development on Suna, it looks amazing i keep annoying Nemui and others telling them that it will be a long way until it will be released. BTW i know we dont necessary go with the exact anime way, but will Sand VIllage have some round shaped buildings? It looks great either was, im just asking
  10. I dont see the need for a second video so soon.\ @ I hope you will be back to work soon, the game needs u D:
  11. It is, i looked at it 5 times already
  12. Has anyone seen Avengres 2 ? I stated to hear a lot of bad stuff about it

  13. One day until next season of game of thrones

    1. wolf-OLD-2025


      first 4 episodes are already leaked lol

  14. Lol? Who exactly lost hope...
  15. Viking new season is out *_*

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Atrox


      It`s good, Ragnar is a very interesting and entertaining character

    3. Atrox


      Its not like Gotham which became kind of shit after the 6 th episode tho

    4. Hermit


      Let's go to Uppsala!

  16. Another kid shot his parents in America, oh you America, oh you...

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Crosswise


      So not only have you failed to elaborate on our gun laws and why you think they're fucked, but you've also misrepresented my position by implying that I think, "giving a gun to every redneck is an acceptable thing." You are also oblivious to our statistics which show a steady decline in homicides involving firearms, while the total number of firearms owned has been on an incline. School shootings don't happen once a week. Moreover, states like Texas which allow for the open carrying of firearms (including assault rifles) boast among the lowest rates of home invasion incidents while states like Illinois with strict gun laws boast a greater frequency of gun-related crimes.

      You haven't done your homework. You're talking out your ass on a subject you know almost nothing about, and I'm calling you on it.

    3. Crosswise


      When a drunk driver runs over a kid, we don't ban alcohol, nor do we ban motor vehicles. When negligible gun owners have accidents, we don't ban guns. Adults don't need babysitters; if they fuck up, they will pay the price for it. You're welcome to have the opinion that guns should be regulated differently, but at least make sure you're not objectively wrong in your representation of data. Otherwise someone like me comes along, and you end up looking ignorant.

    4. Musab


      I think that he had no intention of representing any data until you asked for it.

      Looks like he just came across the article and felt like posting what he did.

  17. I want HunterxHunter back already ;(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nassim Sr

      Nassim Sr

      Was a great manga.Went so fast through it.

    3. Musab


      lmao, dat nickname

    4. SupeaV6


      there needs to be a mind reset. so i can watch it over and over!

  18. why does everyone keeps repeating that, ive said that like 10 posts ago
  19. Lol youre going extremly far away from just the base. What you said there is a complete version of Nin
  20. He wasn`t an active community member. Im not bashing you for giving him early access but i do agree with Akiro
  21. I bet Saito is a douche... Chunnin exam is going to be so epic.
  22. Not sure if i should feel flattered because random people know and are looking for me, or should i fear because they are looking to beat me...

    1. Destructo
    2. Atrox


      but you aren`t just a random person for me <3

    3. Rod
  23. we need crosswise back for this kind of comments
  24. Atrox bad and offensive pick-up lines 101 : Are you a gipsy? Because i think you stole my heart.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Akiro
    3. Atrox


      tf dude dont summon them here

    4. Crosswise


      I have been summoned.

      "Are you white? Because I think you worked hard to earn my heart."

  25. Atrox bad and offensive pick-up lines 101 : Are you a gipsy? Because i think you stole my heart.