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Gnik last won the day on April 13 2023

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  1. Shut the hell up Jabroni. You sandies will cry about anything the second you get punished. NIK AND KIN GET MORE PIE THAN SAND GETS IN A LIFETIME BABY!!!!!!!
  2. I think all things considered; we just moved to fairly recently and we should all be just a little more patient instead of jumping to immediate negatity when it comes to the staff team or the game regardless of who makes what announcement. I'm sure everyone experiences burnout every now and then. Everything will be fine, give it time.
  3. They say when you keep thinking about someone you will them into existence, and haha I've been spreading your name around. Amazing to see you Oriax. Please return. I'm on a hiatus myself but I wanna see you in game when I get back. That's gonna be so exciting.
  4. I'd report you but.... well no reason I guess. Fish that mf.
  5. To add onto this: @King Nagamushi Creating alts just to talk to yourself on forums. Repeatedly breaking Forum Terms of Service and wondering why @Erox is spam banning you. Causing problems left and right with players. Pretending to be your mother's brother's sister's uncle's nephew's niece's grandson in order to get out of a ban. Always a different age. "Casually" making forum posts yet identifying racism that doesn't exist on Nin Online. Need we go on tbh?
  6. Bro, beating you at Toad won't shut you up. You lose consistently on a daily basis. The only other option is bullying you. You say incredible things that are extremely insane and unusual. Stop doing drugs and go seek mental help. I'm not gaslighting, I'm dead serious. You need medical assistance asap.
  7. @Average Dude what even is this conversation???? This entire article is spam yeah?
  8. Dude, how come you don't know how to keep your fat mouth shut? Seriously dude. Go get a job. You're so annoying.
  9. So I noticed that there is this little section on my ninja tab that says Spouse and Mentor. I think this should be replaced with Student/Mentor (why does having a spouse in this game create relevancy?) Now, the question is; how do I select what mentor I have? If I type /m Esty nothing happens. If I type /mentor Esty nothing happens. The other question is; how does a mentor select what student they have? When is this feature going to be playable?
  10. I have a counter that counts the amount of times I use a technique. I used water prison 250 times on the Asoki Port Boat to Mist and it barely, just barely if at all even moved and it feels like it didn't. I used the water prison 250 times on @Pitabread and @nakamyama and it instantly jumped from half of level 1 to almost level 2. I leveled fire bullet until the raid point was destroyed at Mist. It didn't move.
  11. You can't even spell advice correctly. You didn't even read or understand what he was saying. He didn't ask for an explanation, he asked for it to make sense. He's absolutely right; calling something a safe zone while allowing deaths doesn't make sense. But I'm gone, right? Get real. You give him nonsense; he asks me to train him. You need to focus your negativity elsewhere; I'm only trying to help people. You're disrespectful for no reason.
  12. Some advice: Play the game super drunk and stop taking it seriously. Fk em all. Just kill. They get salty anyway. I am a firm believer all zones should be danger zones. I personally believe that safety is an illusion.