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  1. I suggested it not to be in since it was basically made for plot convenience, but Rory said it will be, so I just asked about balance then everyone attacked the topic... feel free to close it, probably best.
  2. @Tydon I get what you are saying, I was making the suggestion not to have itin at all due to how it has been in other games. I only say this because it seems like a very difficult move to balance in most game... (yes I am going to use BYOND Play Station w/e as examples BECAUSE I don't know how this PvP system works) I understand increase/decrease in drains is a good way to balance it, but the damage is what I'm concerned about. These are just suggestions, no need to take what is said to heart.
  3. Yea, I only made this topic to point out that every other game that I have played has a messed up Rasengan, so that it will be tested and balanced properly before it's made. I do have high hopes for this game though, so I'm pretty sure everything will work out fine! but the doubt lingers...
  4. Noimo will let us know what the 2nd part is , but if you aren't on the list in the first topic, then do not worry about it.
  5. D: Are you sure you can handle that kind of effort balancing such a move? I would like to see how it is done on Nin Online, as with anything, but I will remain doubtful. Nothing personal, of course! Just too many disappointments...
  6. OK, can we all just agree that it does not exist? I think that's a great thing to suggest for the game, seeing as how EVERY (BYOND, Play Station, other) game about Naruto makes it a 99% unstoppable, spammable, death ball. Also, if it is nerfed in any game, then it is too weak and rarely ever used. Naruto Manga would be better with Naruto actually knowing Fuuton than only Rasengan and clones (no arguement there, seriously).
  7. D: I read it wrong, my bad. -walks away-
  8. Nothing in particular that you don't like? These moves are just what I could find in Narutopedia with my own twists. If you want, you can post ideas here to make a good list of Medical Jutsu all in one topic, but either way, interested to see what your Jutsu would be like. So far nothing on Gen/Taijutsu medic moves. I haven't given it much thought, tbh, but I would like to see some suggestions flowing ^_^. I will think up some of my own, and will hopefully have them up here soon.
  9. Joker1480


    For Rp events, maybe fighting big summoning creatures, (if it's possible to do that in this game) but regular pvp one sumon at a time and keep them player sized, I say. Maybe they can be just like the scorpions we fought, but with 2-3 moves they can use that would be specific to the summon you use? Some would move faster than others and all that technical stuff for balance, I guess. The one summon per person, and only summoning during 1v1 matches would probably be the best way to implement it with the least amount of lag. Edit: @Kazume maybe the player can fight a big creature on his/her own in a Rp fight to kill the summoning animal's leader and break ties with them for a new summoning? Idk about multi-summons though. If it's just one summoing per match limits then multi-summon contracts wouldn't be so bad.
  10. So... is 28,623 close enough to 20,000 for me to enter part 2? Didn't specify how close to 20,000 it had to be @Noimo.
  11. Akatsuki could have their own hideout where-in they can store all the bijuu. It would be hard to get into like in the manga, except you can fight the bijuu and bring it to your village while Akatsuki members (players are Akat, or Rp NPC?) try to stop you. I think this would work out fine. @God One issue, is Akatsuki even going to be in Nin-Online? In the game I played it wasn't selected by the strongest missing/traitor nins, and always ended up being the same group every time they wiped the player base for big updates, and a new beginning. (I don't want to seem like I'm trying to start a new topic here. I figure Akatsuki are all about the Bijuu, so it is related)
  12. Idk, with plenty of people (although 100k is a lot) half of the numbers might be too little. I could be wrong here -shrugs-. Just saying, if this gets more attention, you might want tough contests.
  13. Good Suggestion/topic. I think I read somewhere there will be the possibility of Jounins creating a squad, but I would like to know more. I've seen the 2nd part of Chuunin for scrolls done very well in a BYOND game (which I will not speak the name of <.<) where the scrolls are randomly placed on a set map disconnected from every other map. Everyone gets a random scroll, (Even amounts of both I'm sure) and it played out really well. The only issue was too many free scrolls allowing waaay too many people to pass into the third part. This kind of made the fights boring and take too long. I suggest it pretty much the same way it is in the show, maybe add corpses throught the map (big forest I guess) that have a chance of holding a scroll left behind from previous Chuunins. This would be rare, of course, but give the ones who are down on their luck a chance. Fighting near the exit to the 2nd part seems to be on everyones mind, so I wouldn't worry about that. The players will most likely set up their own traps and things to lessen the competition. Also, with my 'corpse scroll' idea, you could add random traps that the corpses left behind, probably to defend themselves from creatures (from what I've sen so far, creatures could be a huge part of Chuunin part 2). These traps could be very simple, a single kunai slinging trap, for example. The creatures in the 2nd part should have a lot of aggro and not be restricted to a specific area. Random movement, and maybe for effect, attacking certain other creatures (natural food chain kinda deal) that could get the player caught in a triple fight. I would understand if some of this is too much to code, but I would like to see creatures in part 2. That would be cool .
  14. Scroll through the topics that are made to avoid spamming ideas. Everyone knows the game's window is bugged, and everyone has been told it will be fixed in the other (2 or 3?) topics about Full Screen. Just helps to things organized imo.