
Gold Ninja
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Tenshi last won the day on July 31 2013

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  1. One thing I think would be cool is to add "skins" either to the shop or as event rewards. The yin yang character skin that was recently used is a good example. Another would be maybe a cursed seal Lvl 2 skin or auras. Nothing that gives any in game benefit but that adds some flash to your character.
  2. Is there a way to tell what date we purchased gold? I've been a member since July 2013, and I purchased Gold not to long after I joined.
  3. Is.....Is she wearing pants? So side note. Only people who achieve S class should be aloud in the Akatsuki I think. Otherwise it'll just be one strong ninja with all of his weak ass friends that he invited. We need requirements. Of course these requirements can be thought of later. It's not a pressing matter.
  4. Tommy as the green ranger in the original. Hands down.
  5. Another Idea to add to this, That 1% drop rate could be a unique justu scroll. For example, Shukaku's drop could be a sand manipulation justu. Kurama's could be a chakra cloak. (Enhanced speed and defense at the cost of continuous damage,) Nibi, blue fire justu and so on and so forth.
  6. I trust Rory to balance things effectively. Also, I do hope the requirements to get chidori and rasengan and the techniques that have been developed from them are worthy of how sought after the two justu will be.
  7. Tenshi


    Yes. Yes. And yes again. I want a platypus. #PlatypusSannin #PlatypusSummons
  8. I dont have friends, just people I use as canon fodder ^ :rolleyes:
  9. Congratulations. And thank you. We're all very happy this project is in the work, and we appreciate the time you guys are putting into it!
  10. Very well thought out. I like it alot. I hope some version of it is incorporated eventually. Supported.
  11. Tenshi


    I think summoning should be largely based on the amount of chakra you have, since that is the main component on performing the justu. (I.e a lvl 10 cant summon gamabunta, but could summon small toads because Bunta has a chakra requirement of 500 CP) As for how to obtain the summons. Meh, there are many ways to do this. Quest chains through Npcs, or like how some people have said just fight, beat, then interact with an animal. Summoning is an exciting part of the universe and I'm glad its being added, but making it work is going to be very complicated I think. But Im interested to see how it goes
  12. Tenshi


    The speed at which you can throw shuriken is actually ridiculous. (As fast as you can hit the hotkey) And if you have enough to spam you can take out a good chunk of health with them before your opponent even knows theyre being thrown. This is of course assuming that the damage from shuriken isnt static. If it is static, then yes after level 5 shuriken are worthless.
  13. I believe Rory said running speed will be the same for everyone no matter what.