
Gold Ninja
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  1. so we can't delete our chars at all anymore?

  2. Thanks for your amazing/hard work guys!
  3. @Rory I noticed the Account Manager NPC is "temporarily disabled" is there any other way to delete our char? Have Gold Ninja and would like to not have to create another account just to continue playing......
  4. Agreed. I play a female, would be nice to have some girl clothing instead of dressing like a lesbonic ninja.
  5. I agree with this. Please kick AFK players after a certain amount of time.
  6. As far as we know. I'm sure there will be a post when it is back online.
  7. A better idea would be for people to get some patience and realize this is a fucking alpha test. There will be bugs, crashes, maintenance and updates.
  8. It is amazing, these big companies leave bugs for months, usually through alpha, beta and release. I would think people would be grateful these guys are putting in so much effort. If they'd just legalize beating idiots...
  9. All of you complaining did read the part that said the game is in ALPHA TESTING, right?
  10. Is the server down again..?

    1. Zenshi


      I do believe so, potentially an all night maintenance for bug fixes and other things is what Seth said.

    2. GendR


      Oh ok. Thank you :D