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Yugure last won the day on September 7 2022

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    Last seen at the Mist Village Bounty Station

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  1. Violate me and I will violate you, and I refuse to entertain the idea of a 1v1. It will never happen. I snaked you, fool. HA HA. @Sonido That's what you get for killing my alt. @Nin Community Don't let players like this scare you or take advantage of you. They'll do everything they can to try and scare you away. Fight back. Fight long. Fight hard. Don't just give up on Nin. They're like infectious worms, but they are beatable. And remember... "Never trust a Jakusha." - Sun Tzu or smth
  2. I'd come back if they dropped the last two villages (Cloud and Stone). It would obviously mean a lot to us all if we had all five villages after all. It's so boring having just missings, mist leaf and sand. In our brain it's like going to half of a Walmart. At this point the majority of us explored most of the content offered. It's a no brainer why people don't play. The only content left for most of us is Land of Iron but it's more grindy than life itself.
  3. I MEAN IT! Let me explain, because I seriously doubted this at first. If you're looking to download a game and you have ferociously terrible download speed, fishing is what you want to do. (My speed takes me 3 days sometimes for one game). If you're looking to cook and you also want to play Nin and don't want a little mini game to do, fishing is what you want to do. The most important; if not amazing feature about fishing is that it allows peaceful farmers to collect ryo while doing a simple task, which is important for lowbies trying to pass the time for the next daily reset or those who are tired of mindlessly grinding mobs and players for 1.3 trillion ryo items. IN FACT In fact, in just four episodes of Dragon Ball Z, I was able to successfully haul 1,000 ryo in a fun way that allowed me to presently idle. I request more content like this, because administrator team, whoever thought of this concept has God level brain energy.
  4. Yugure

    Hi Everyone !

    I got Seth on instagram, I'll message him and tell him you came back. Furthermore; welcome back. Remember that this community is pretty toxic and to make use of the Report and Ignore features. Don't let people get away with whatever they want, and enjoy your stay.
  5. Never trust anyone from this community.
  6. *****BREAKING NEWS******** A local Nin Online competitive player is so furious, so angry that a game administrator wiped him from Akatsuki after paying 300,000 ryo; after crying for six hours in his bathtub full of ramen noodles, he mentally snaps. Today is the day, that Steezo, formerly known as Steezo Hozuki of the Sand Village is no longer a Nin Online *businessman* but is now has completely gone rogue, but in real life!
  7. I wouldn't sleep on Steezo if I were you, he invented the whole harass concept. Watch your back if he gets his motivation back, not like the two players above me would log in to fight Steezo anyway knowing the guy could just set his macro anytime he wanted. Steezo's not alone either, I'll help him especially if he comes to Takumi.
  8. Steezo I can't tell you how many times Akatsuki was recruiting and I said no when they were really desperate for people, you didn't have to pay 300,000, and if they're willing to take me they're more than willing to take you. What you should have done is gone rogue and wait around for Akatsuki to show up and ask if you can challenge, and if it's a no just wait for the Akat Leader to cycle out. When it comes to politics in this game for any village or organization patience is key. I'm still waiting out Sand Ninja to switch to another village so I can have a peaceful non-toxic Sand arc at some point, and I've been waiting two years knowing Sand wasn't always full of my enemies' cronies. Akatsuki wasn't always in the hands of those players, and it won't always be. There are tournaments for entry all the time, and seeing as how you've been playing just a little bit longer than me I see no reason why you can't just compete your way in. Toughen up, harasser King. Besides, Steezo you're a WM. Come join Seven Swordsmen with me. Mist is so dead that there's no competition, and even if you do get beat if you utilize patience you'll get your spot back because the village dies more than the times we've spam killed Akuma and Akali lol I think my boy just wants the odds evened. Then again... meta is more of a discussion than a reality at this point if a few changes are made..
  9. I remember the day I first joined Sand when @TetsuHawk was Kazekage. My name was Red Shadow, and I had reset from Leaf Village because of how weirdly toxic they were. The second I said that, I reset from Leaf at level 14 and I really was new, all hell broke loose. I was cursed at, harassed, picked on, for being an "alt." Thus, started the alt wars where I had gotten many people exiled from Sand for that exact same reason. This community makes the effort to be as toxic as possible to you while calling you the bad guy, and that in itself makes almost everyone here a hypocrite.
  10. Boat Ride is 5 minutes estimated. Instead of complaining about how long it takes like the way I used to and like generations to come, here are things that you can do for the remainder of your boat trip. - High Knees - High Plank - Low Plank - Side kicks - Front kicks - Rear kicks - Thrusts - Squats - Lunges - Pullups (on your door if you don't have a pullup bar just don't hurt yourself) - Stabs - Forward punches - Pushups - Situps - Bicycle crunches - Side straddle hops - Rinse off in shower - Write - Make your bed - Brush your teeth - Shave - Play a round of Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel (Believe me they take forever to make 1 turn smh) - Use the dummy and train your moves - Macro train cloak sub or clone - Sweep - Vacuum - Mop - Swiffer your floor - Dishes - Put clothes in the laundry - Check phone calls - Go outside and breathe for a bit - Put some food in the microwave - Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich (literally by the time you're done the boat ride is done, you eat it at Asoki Port) - Fold your laundry - Feed your pets - Change song Like c'mon... it's just 5 minutes. Don't tell me you just sit and stare at the screen.
  11. PvP doesn't do that. PvP is fine. Going out and hunting people and killing people in the danger zones especially solo is a fine reward when you win, especially when you kill someone you dislike. I, a veteran player have temporarily quit because Rory was issuing out so many updates I was tired of not being able to utilize the fast log in he gave us, (my download speed is garbage) and yes also because of Nin's very toxic community. I've asked around to some other old players and we all came upon an agreement that we would be more than happy to return to Nin if the toxicity ceased. It will never happen. Toxicity will never die in this game or in any major MMORPG, hell I got my router DDoS'd because I told some guy to stfu on Battlefront 2 after he was raging and he cost us the match because he didn't want to cooperate as a team. You can only control the toxicity and tear it down to a minimum. Even on major MMORPG's, like Star Wars: The Old Republic the admins don't even make a presence because if you utilize their report system and their support tickets, they will easily take care of the situation as fast and as soon as they can, but that game has been around since 2010 and the point is that people are still toxic to each other. Understand that realistically we are in a time of global pandemic, panic and almost everyone is considered mentally unstable and very stressed. The minority are medicated, the majority (a huge majority play this game) don't even realize that by being toxic,, discriminatory or disrespectful they are indirectly admitting to being mentally ill and are not medicated. Sometimes, it's enough for someone to just say "Shut up trash" to actually piss somebody off. The argument that words don't hurt is bullshit. Practice empathy for people. I firmly believe that @Ueda should hire admins specifically for handling toxic reports and should crack down on the toxicity that the players are so willing to give. Let's not forget that most arguments go toward somebody's real life status because players on this game can't handle losing in a PvP 1v1 for some reason, even though skill isn't the only factor (Ping and FPS can still improve someone's Nin performance). I've had players flat out tell me that they hope my mom died soon, that they hoped I get cancer, I've been told to kill myself countless times, I've been jumped for hours in game, I've been followed to other game's, I've had account passwords hacked and more (it sucks because I'll never get those accounts back, and that's another reason I refuse to play Nin Online; until Rory figures out how to increase security I refuse to play), but you really don't see me complaining about it, especially because this community is so hellbent on painting me as a racist homophobe despite the fact I'm sexually attracted to both sexes. This community picks and chooses the days when it can handle dark humor or when they want to paint you as the bad guy, but God Forbid you throw their energy back at them. They will make you the villain. The only way you can combat against this is to report them to the proper authorities (i.e FBI handles Cyber Crimes // DDoSing and Doxing are imprisonable for up to 15 years), or the Nin Online Staff Team.
  12. This is literally what I tell people but of course I'm a crazy incorrect wrong retard for saying this. Sigh.
  13. Yugure

    Balance team

    Err... I just don't think players should be telling the admins how to balance the game.