
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Yassrab

  1. More clothes = More looks , Who dont want all the ninjas looking the same do we?
  2. Kiri Ninja or a Rouge/Missing, No way im staying in Leaf for long
  3. Yassrab


    Welcome back to NinOnline
  4. Yassrab


    Hey Tenshi ! Were all super excited hehe , Welcome to NinOnline
  5. Money Spent 60 % Car parts, 40% Food
  6. Welcome to the community
  7. Yassrab


    Welcome to Ninonline !
  8. lool ^ Welcome to NinOnline
  9. Afternoon of Aug 1'st ? I live in Canada so just wanted to know, I wana get on right when its up
  10. Yassrab


    Ou so you've known about this for time, Welcome again then !
  11. Everyones bringing up fact that they'll be populated numbers of Uchiha's but the Alpha wont have a clan option right?
  12. Yassrab

    What's up?

    Another Kiri member , Welcome to NinOnline !
  13. Yassrab


    Welcome, gotta love a girl that likes Naruto. Alpha comes out Aug 1'st stick around.
  14. That means Leafs gunna be OP
  15. Looks amazing, Not everyone will be able to climb the hospital like that correct? Will there be beds inside so that they heal your wounds like Goa ? or a different system
  16. Yassrab


    In most games its hard to get alot of money, plus there's not much to do with money anyways other than buy supplies and clothing apparel. Im not too sure how the PVP is in this game but It should have a bounty list, a list for who ever is the richest shouldnt really matter in the shinobi world this aint sims or runescape.
  17. Yassrab


    Hey Guys , Kyor showed me this game today. Beta comes out Aug 1'st correct? Many of you may know me as the Kiri nub on Naruto Goa, anywho excited to play this hope it turns out good !
  18. Looks like an amazing Naruto game, Cant wait to play