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Everything posted by VelvetGrit

  1. Velvet's fast hands were felled by a pack of wolves and scorpions. After an unconscious fight for her life, she was put back together in the medical facilities. Nightmare filled sleep awaited her, but she rose with the morning light. Determination coursed through her body as she radiated hope. He hands would become faster.
  2. A close friend told me about the premise and laid-back atmosphere of this game. Blood, Tears, Puns. Long live Legs.
  3. Velvet was eager, bright eyed and bushy tailed. A newly minted Jakusha hopeful sped down to the killing fields. Hundreds of dead local fauna would lie lay in her wake as the day wore on. This gal had fast hands!! Any reason to keep the early level items over selling them? I'm a new player on a blind run in the sand so I don't want to wiki too hard. The world is so big right now.
  4. I am making a ninja girl to live a tragic life of adventuring in brutal lands. Is the sand village the place for me? When I played the first time, I was a low level Leaf Village man named Legs. He had weak arms.
  5. Nin online, here I come!

    Swingarm Bandit.jpg