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  1. I like Konahri's idea about intelpoints like village specific points. I'm assuming the points that we sometimes get when we do certain missions? That contribute to the village, saying it's for the village economy and so and so forth. What are these exactly? If I'm not wrong it doesn't really have a use, right? I think a well structured system utilizing that would be interesting. For example, a village with high economy contribution would have better missions with better pay. I don't know honestly for now. I can't think of it right off the bat, but I do think utilizing that system and making it to use would be very interesting! I don't want to specifically tie it to a buff because I feel like we already have a lot of buffs and it will get too complicated. I think those RP missions should be RP missions that are done for fun/optional on the side (do not necessarily need a host). While keeping the current RP mission structure for the chain missions like the official RP1,2,3,4, but better structure, specific missions, paying Chunin/Jonins without breaking the RP. Because I feel like the current RP missions are unorganized and poorly structured. It's overall well set like the idea of RP1,2,3,4 and using tokens needing a host and a team. However, it's badly established? I feel like giving players freedom is good to an extent but in order to unlock the full potential of the gameplay the devs should give a better setting for a player to indulge into the gameplay and RP. When too much freedom is given with no outline/proper structure, it becomes dull easily and unmotivating. Instead of giving the player an RP mission saying, "Ok do the RP mission with a ranked ninja and hand in the token for more exp", it should be like, "You are a Genin who just passed the academy exams. In order to do missions as a Genin, you must find a team and a sensei. Comeback when a team is formed!" & after that given a special RP chain mission for that team. This would be way more exciting to the players because it's easier to imagine and indulge into the scenario. It also brings nostalgia because most of the players play this game because of the anime Naruto. RP doesn't always have to be this forced conversation or act, it should be more like a natural exciting experience, where you feel like you are a part of the game's universe as your character. Like you are joining the Chunin Exams just like you watched in the animes and you get to fight on your own and make your own decisions with your character. It's cringy because it's forced and done out of the blue without any outline/storyline. I wouldn't say I'm a good RPer myself, but following a story and making up a story on the spot is totally different. Basically, what I am suggesting is that RP questlines should be a storyline related to specific events in the anime or made up, etc. It should be special and unique. If a host is required, the host should be paid. For example, find a team and host will unlock the RP questline. You will be given specific missions that are given with a scenario. This should be the storyline quest because the normal daily missions are just repetitive "daily" missions for exp. The questline should be the official Nin online story. If this makes sense!
  2. I had a similar suggestion/idea just now but I like this better! I totally agree. I believe the RP mission system should be worked on. I like ur ideas for the missions like bell training, cleaning kage office etc. Actually speaking of which, it just gave me another idea. Like Oneshot said above, I think the RP missions should be a chain mission with an assigned host. It should be done like "3 genins must form a team that they would like to play with" & the team should apply for finding a chunin/jonin that would take over the team. The host will report to the kage [Team 4 - Chunin/ Ueda, Genin / Habibi, Oneshot, Bogdan]. This team will stick together till the RP chain mission is finished. It's like a mentor program but naruto style/ninja way. This will definitely solve the problem of unfriendly gameplay for beginners and would increase interactions and become more fun. The host definitely will get paid more for the RP missions completed depending on the rank. I feel like a good amount of exp. would be enough for the genins as a reward. The hosts can also train their genin team to apply for the CE as well! Chunins can also have a team with a Jonin host. But for now I think the Genin team would be more of a focus. Since there are not much Chunins, Jonins, Special Jonins.
  3. I don't know how to reply to a previous comment above but I agree with Fujima. About the RP aspect for charms. I think it would be better if a player gets another charm by lvl 50 when they get their 2nd mastery since it is called horoscope. Like the Sun and Moon sign. It's a part of the character trait. When a player hits lvl 50 they can unlock another charm, which is their moon sign. Now the players have an option to switch back and forth with the charm and has 2 options now. I don't think overlapping would be a good idea so when they use one charm the other charm would be on CD to avoid any overlapping. I do agree that the ranked ninjas should have a certain benefit to keep them active and unique. It came to my notice that Mist ranked ninjas were charging players for RP missions. I think it should be better if an official system would be implemented related to this. Instead of players paying for it. Since that doesn't make any sense RP wise. A genin paying a sensei? Paying to do a mission? No matter how big or small the amount is I just don't think that is appropriate or healthy for the long run. It would be nice if the devs can include a system where both genins and ranked ninjas have to pull the RP mission. For example, when a genin asks for an RP1 mission the host will go to the RP NPC by the desk and pull an RP1 mission & receive the tokens. The host will receive a specific mission with a scenario or prompt (since I noticed the lack of creativity between some players and I understand the missions can get repetitive and boring so this will maybe help a little?). After finishing the mission, the host will hand the genins the token. The genins hand in the specific token and when the host hands in the mission as well the host will get paid with a specific amount of ryo fitting the mission rank.
  4. Love it! I want to carefully add in maybe an option for players to suggest a trade [Habibi wants to trade a Veiled Sakkat for a Pumpkin Mask] Instead of the ryo or even posting that as the payment or an offer to another player's item. This will be sent to the player's mailbox. A category/tab or system where it sorts "ryo" or "item" for trades. Ex.) trading 50 scorpion tails for 300 ryo / trading 100 cocoons for 50 scorpion tails It would be great to be able to sort them by time, ryo, item trade, but also to find the price range. Least to most. etc. If this ever gets implemented!
  5. That's actually a great idea! But instead of the bosses (since there are a couple), I feel like this would be a better fit for if the Jinchuriki spawns as the world boss. There could be a world boss added like the Jinchuriki, which spawns in random spots in dz. If you leave this Jinchuriki unhandled for a certain period time it will start invading villages. So players have no choice but to fight it & would be nice if something good drops from it too! *I meant tailed beasts, etc.
  6. I love the game and I see many changes, which are exciting, but I do think it's a little unfriendly for new or returning players because they are not up to date with the updates and modifications. I wish there was an official tutorial for new players, which would be updated every time if any significant changes are made. + I wish there was more content. Specifically, Rp content. I really do think it would be nice if the Rp content would be worked on and have some changes/additions. For instance, player interaction. I've noticed that the devs were implementing new systems, such as auto-tournaments/events. However, I thought it would also be nice if it could also be in a form where players are free to participate for fun, increasing the interaction/flexibility without relying on the GMS and every other events. Ex.) An Rp NPC like the ones in mission room, but in a different destination. RP missions that are given for fun but also can give certain rewards, exp. But these missions are done in a different map that you are teleported to. [Mission: You are a genin in a team of 3 and got lost in the woods. You encounter an enemy's trap and have to escape safely through the hidden escape tag without getting caught by the enemy near by!] So and so forth, with given RP scenarios and often meet another RP team that you may have to fight or mobs, npcs. This is just a quick example that's poorly done, but I really would like the RP aspect to be worked on. Being able to play dodgeball just for fun against ur friends would be nice as well. Reward or not. I feel like this would also make the dodgeball tournament more interesting when hosted! Like a dodgeball NPC in a specific location that are not in villages. You can talk to the NPC and get teleported to the dodgeball map and play with ur friends. It can be done like the boat at mist with a set timing of waiting 10~30 seconds before getting teleported. The dodgeball map can be just a random map with just a plain floor split into half. Players can pick a side to join by hitting the door red or blue. & then just play. Or can use the original dodgeball map, which doesn't matter but I wanted to give an example. Matter of fact it would be nice to make a new map just for RP related contents, missions, etc. Like a "playzone/RP zone". When you enter that map you can see the dodgeball NPC, RP Npc, etc. The RP Npc can give you a mission to kill a zombie or wolf at the south of the map or whatever, but the drop in the "RP zone" would be like certain currencies or candies, etc. You can gamble with the candy or try to get a reward from the reward NPC at the casino. I personally feel like Tanzuku isn't really utilized properly. It would be a great "playzone map". It's just that the location isn't fitting to be a playzone for all the players. This was me just going on about my random ideas, but I do think it would be nice to start with the dodgeball NPC and so on. Where players can play together freely. There can also be a NPC for PVP matching up players randomly with an official ranking system. That can also be in the playzone map later on. There's so much we can do and so much potential in the game. It's always exciting to see it improving! ++ forgot to mention but for the RP NPC there could also be a form where you have teamfights. 3v3, 4v4 with a given scenario. or even. a war map would be fun too. where you pick a side and whatever village, you can fight against the players in the map with a given scenario as a team. EX.) catch the flag and whoever has the flag by the end of the time wins. Blue team and red team fights for the flag, the dead person drops it. They respawn automatically when they die, with a given time of certain seconds of "time out" before rejoining. This can be done against no limit of 2 huge teams or 4 different flag sections representing the village or whatever works. & the teams have to fight against each other trying to obtain the flag. etc. etc, I can go on and on. Please read this Ueda ;-;