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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. This is literally just a way of further eliminating the players which I have started to title as 'Hunters' due to the fact they wait for the perfect time and steal drops from players who killed the mobs in the first place. It is common knowledge to most serious and casual MMO gamers that your drops are under your ownership until a timer runs out, which allows others to take your drops from you.. if you even wanted them. I'm only personally suggesting that we add a drop timer or drop proximity which makes it so you can't pick up drops that are near the player who caused them to drop or under the 'timer'. If this makes sense to anyone, considering I'm half-sleep... It just means no more DSers.
  2. Fixed it by re-installing the run-times and then rebooting my PC.
  3. I'm experiencing a white screen problem after logging in, and creating my character. The map seems to be loading fine for the first few minutes but then after completing I simply get this stupid and somewhat teasing white screen.
  4. Twenty Minutes of Raw Footage... 1.3 Minute Video...
  5. Just another day in the life of a philosophical enigma

  6. This test won't be under a none-disclosure.. right?
  7. Well everybody it's been nice stalking the forums and looking at all the interesting things that everyone here has been posting, but according to this VERY large negative number in my bank account and my full-time student course load I will have to cut back on the rewarding of gold memberships until the later weeks of October. This saddens me but until I can balance work and school, I'll also have to cut my 24 hour forum stalking down to about 8 hours of stalking. I still will have time for people to send me suggestions for my first October competition.. I was thinking of a Halloween Themed, Nin-Online fan-sign contest.... Of course... Megablue5 and 'Mizu' will be the first two to get their rewards from prior contests. Anyways, back to work! And have a great week, I WILL BE HERE EVERYDAY.. Do not get me wrong.. Just informing everyone of situations outside of my control and my lack of money due to college putting me in the metaphorical hole.
  8. Sorry for my lack of description, but just because I said 'Mobile App' doesn't mean it has to be a simplified 'faux' app. We're in the era of Windows, Android and Apple phones... I'm sure creativity is the limit when it comes to those things, and I'm only suggesting it because my mobile service has a limit of 2GB per month and with the amount of web surfing, video watching and hot spoting I do with my phone every little bit of data counts. But it's just a suggestion, I didn't mean a built in mobile app for the forum.. I meant more along the lines of an app for the Android/Windows Phone Platforms. Everyone know the built-in crap sucks Rory
  9. Where we can occupy the chat box and things like that, check the forum and crap without the insanely long load time of a mobile browser.
  10. I could of swore I offered to do this.. A Month ago...
  11. I'm sure @Rory has something in mind for donators and such things. Doesn't really matter to me though, just a way to curve my alcoholism.
  12. Refer to the following topic for the winner of this competition and for the date of the next competition...
  13. Whack They're competing to be your personal harrassment doll.
  14. Double posting doesn't really matter much, considering if I upped the required post number it'd go to 2,222...
  15. It's either POST 1,111 or 1,112 if Izuna or a quiter gets the post.
  16. Considering Izuna won for the 2nd time in a row...
  17. Oh look the fun part starts soon...
  18. GOA is a BYOND game, therefore anything they did is irrelevant... No offense to any other BYOND developers but the alpha of this game is far far far behind any alpha of a BYOND game considering the amount of work for a stand-alone game is about double.. :/