Well everybody it's been nice stalking the forums and looking at all the interesting things that everyone here has been posting, but according to this VERY large negative number in my bank account and my full-time student course load I will have to cut back on the rewarding of gold memberships until the later weeks of October.
This saddens me but until I can balance work and school, I'll also have to cut my 24 hour forum stalking down to about 8 hours of stalking.
I still will have time for people to send me suggestions for my first October competition.. I was thinking of a Halloween Themed, Nin-Online fan-sign contest....
Of course... Megablue5 and 'Mizu' will be the first two to get their rewards from prior contests.
Anyways, back to work! And have a great week, I WILL BE HERE EVERYDAY.. Do not get me wrong.. Just informing everyone of situations outside of my control and my lack of money due to college putting me in the metaphorical hole.