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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. You know what.... #YoshimitsuForNothing

  2. All of the conditions related to this weird run-time error/bug are on screen.
  3. When you log out with your Chat Box scrolled all the way up, you receive this issue until enough invisible chat is built up to use the arrows and slider.
  4. I'm not going to break this down very far, but when other players acquire the scroll, I am prompted with the text.
  5. Upon logging into to the game I received the prompt to select another element, not sure what is causing this but I'm sure you guys might already know.. just showing proof.
  6. I'm sure you realized the flaw in the Economics plan, which is why you don't like it.
  7. But when the system has to calculate or solve equations with larger numbers it consumes slightly higher server CPU.
  8. A majority of the people who hate botters are the people who are familiar with the term 'powergamer' and the ones who realize that botters tend to shit on the whole concept of a 'role playing game'
  9. This suggestion has nothing to do with the monsters, do you guys not get that?
  10. You clearly are not listening, bots are NOT cool at all! No matter what the freak you do, bots will always be as effective as quests if not better due to the fact that the player has to do absolutely nothing but go about their normal lives. They can go to school, work and all that other crap while still gaining all the Drops, Experience and Ryo that they would normally gain in half the time by performing missions. Botting should be a Bannable offense if caught, because I'm sure even BYONDers know that EZing is the BYOND equivalent to any stand-alone games botting. I'm sure you're going to want to show off all your hard work to other players, instead of having a botter one-up you all together due to the fact he decided to cheat and bypass all of the hard work you put into your character?
  11. Leveling isn't just quest based and botting will work in Nin-Online, how else do we have level 11s running around when we only have a Level 2 Monster? If grinding can get you that far, imagine if someone just bots for days and months and years... Level 100 Genin.
  12. That is very much the point of this, but having to calculate smaller numbers also helps the server.. Blah blah blah y'know that kind of crap... and it's WAY less intimidating.
  13. Updated a lot of formatting and junk to be less messy when editing the guide.
  14. I'm going to assume that botting isn't discouraged, but just about everyone in the forum will agree with me that it will lead many people to quit, and/or stop funneling their time into this game and become more and more disinterested.
  15. Economics and Rewards! This topic is just going to be another brief and simple suggestion to the staff to improve upon what is already apart of the game. I will mostly focusing on the fact that this game needs some form of economics and reward scaling for monster and player killing. Economics in Nin-Online would equate to the simplistic idea of item prices increasing and decreasing based on the amount of player owned money in the world versus the amount of money that the NPCs have in their 'pockets'. If the players hold a higher amount of money then the NPCs then the items would be significantly more expensive but if the opposite were true then the items within the shops would be significantly less expensive. This can also factor the amount of money that one would receive for the drops they get from a monster or a boss, if the 'economy' has little to no money they would receive less for the item then they would if the 'economy' had a shit-ton more money then the players did. The opposite is also true that if players horded their drops in a warehouse until a better economy arose that they would get significantly more money. ----------------------- Experience and Rewards! My other point to writing this guide is that I believe that the experience being given to players by monster is by far to generous. And the amount of experience required to level up could be severely lowered by adding this little suggestion of mine. Here, I'm going to use myself as an example! As you can see I am a Level 7 Genin, and I am required to earn/grind 4,200 experience to get to level 8.. This is my buddy Wolfie! He is Level 2, with about 25 Health and a whole lot of muscle to chomp on those lower level ninja! Normally if I were defeat this little bugger I would receive about 8 Experience, and 0 Ryo. But with the system that I half-devised using every other game in existence as an example at my current level of 7 against a level 2 monster I would receive half the experience because my level is more then twice it's. For example... //MY EQUATION IN PSUEDO CODE!IF(WOLF LEVEL * 2 > PLAYER LEVEL ) { EXPERIENCE EARNED = 8 }IF(WOLF LEVEL * 2 < PLAYER LEVEL ) { EXPERIENCE EARNED = 4 }If experience were to be filtered this way or some way similar then the equation to increasing experience wouldn't need to be [Max Experience * 2] but could instead be replaced with something less serious like [Max Experience * 1.5 ] with the same end result as the previous version without the need for the so much more intimidating numbers. This system of calculating experience would also help to prevent this; Oh and this also would technically mean that if a player were to beat a monster of a level way higher then his own that he'd receive a slightly higher amount of experience... For example) Level 1 Naruto vs. Level 4 Alpha Wolf would yield Naruto about x1.5 normal experience as opposed to a level 4 or Level 5 player fighting the Level 4 Alpha Wolf and only getting the normal rate. I think I've bored you enough though and I'm sure there are a ton of you who can add onto this system with your own suggestions, but until then.. Peace out my fellow ninjas, Yoshi
  16. Updated a few pictures, adding the rest of the clothing shop at later today.
  17. That would be a developer error unfortunately.. xD
  18. Three Seconds is long enough to save your shit, give me two and I'll be fine XD
  19. See even the drop hunter agrees xD
  20. Make Out Tactics! SPOILER WARNING! This topic is just an ongoing compilation of things that could be helpful to you and your character, especially when the first thing just about anyone asks for is what is this and what does it do to or for me? This thread also contains the crap that people tend to skip to get into the action side of most games, the MECHANICS! Make-Out Tatic's Credit list! [*], Izuna, Anarchy and the entire staff of Nin Online Brought to you by: ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!