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Stephen last won the day on December 29 2017

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  1. You should write your bio, Stephen. 

    Again, again, again.... 

  2. Nin Online In-Game Rules *Please note that all rules are subject to change The Core Aspects of the Rules *Note that all rules may not currently be written to specifics, however; if any action taken is found to be in violation of the core rules listed below you are subject to punishment 1. Respect any and all players, staff members and NPCs 2. Do not harass anyone in any way, shape or form. 3. Do not use racially charged statements towards another player (includes religion, gender, etc) 4. Do not knowingly abuse a bug, exploit or feature 5. Do not use multiple accounts/clients/computers to give yourself an unfair advantage over other players 6. Do not intentionally ruin another person’s Nin-Online gaming experience The "Precedential" Rules 1. Do not spawn camp another factions territory, meaning you are not to intentionally hang around a spawn point for the purpose of killing another factions players 2. Do not abuse any form of bug, including but not limited unfinished gameplay mechanics or programmer oversights. 3. Do not obstruct another players path through the usage of multiple accounts, clients or machines. The Punishment Clause All punishments are to be decided on a case by case basis, all reports will be read and treated as equal with only a player’s reputation being used as a reference for the severity of the punishment. If a player is known to be a problem then they will receive a much harsher punishment for less serious offenses. If an offense goes unreported then it may not be used as evidence in an attempt to avoid being punished. **** Just because a rule does not currently exist does not mean that it will not be enforced on the basis of the Core Aspects.
  3. The Election will End on: May 5th 2017 at 12:00am EST Welcome my Fellow Leaf Ninja, today we will be handling a very important topic. For the next 24 hours this topic will be open to any and all leaf ninja who are willing to help shape the future of the Leaf Village. You will be voting for the three seated members of the leaf council, both from a list and through the political system known as a 'Write in' and after that we'll conduct another in-game election and cross reference the results. These results will effect the very future of the village so I expect you to take them seriously. Before I allow you to vote here are several ground rules. 1. You may vote for yourself, anyone on the list or a person of your choosing. 2. In order for a random person who is not on the list to be accepted as a a member of the council, they must receive at least 10 votes 3. You may only vote once, and if you're caught voting twice then your vote will be subtracted from the Final Tally 4. Your vote will not be counted with an account age of less than 3 months. 5. If you write more than one name on your post, only the foremost person will be counted as your vote 6. Any post made outside of a vote will result in your vote not being counted. THE OFFICIAL LIST OF CANDIDATES: Indra Zintosso Shigure Shirou Man NOTE: A write in is just writing the name of the person you want in, so please if you don't like anyone on the list then please vote for someone you feel would do the job good. (Leaf Village members only) THE WRITE IN LIST OF CANDIDATES: Riley DeathMall
  4. Hello Ninjas, As of recently we've been running into an issue with various people bug abusing and exploiting things in the game that would normally be impossible to do. This will be a warning aimed at the entirety of the community, for anyone who is reported with evidence will be placed on a privately held list for punishment to occur on the first day of the open beta. Please be mindful that you will not be told if you are placed on this list, outside of a warning for your initial offense. We'll be searching and inspecting all reported players for any form of abuse, however any report which is given with a satisfactory amount of evidence will be expedited to immediate list adhesion. The only way to avoid being added to the "list" will be to report the bug immediately on the forum in a satisfactory manner that is organized and concise enough to be replicated and then mended, and then subsequently never touching the bug again. If a topic for the bug already exists, and you're caught abusing the bug then your attempt at redemption is immediately ignored. Thank you for your time, Stephen
  5. Hello Ninjas, For the sake of clarity I've decided to post a bug report template, this will further aid in the staff's ability to squash any of the bugs found in the game in an accurate and timely manner. // BUG REPORT TEMPLATE <strong>Map the Bug happened on: </strong>(Leaf Village, Sand Village.... etc) <strong>Type of Bug: </strong>(Graphical, Mapping Error, Technical... etc) <strong>Description: </strong>( A short yet detailed description of what the bug is, how it happened and what led up to the occurrence) <strong>Steps to Reproduce the Bug: </strong>(Optional but exceedingly helpful) *Screenshots, Gifs or Videos of said bug here*<br> <strong>Detailed System Specs: </strong>(Processor, Operating System, RAM, Graphics Card... etc) Thank you for your time.
  6. It's awfully scary in this cave....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stephen


      Not just WiFi but a Kunai and a level 50 Ninja.

    3. Saku


      Oh come on man ;-;

    4. Stephen


      Content Teases for dayssssss

  7. Someplace wet and dark would be nice to explore too....

    1. Indra
    2. Saku


      Arent sewers usually like that?

  8. It's getting closer and closer ninjas!

    1. Kuraen Wilkor

      Kuraen Wilkor

      I will let Vegeta explain this 


  9. We're still recruiting Developers for the creation of content and maintenance of existing content, however we're actively and selectively sifting through all new and existing applications to ensure productivity remains where it is currently.
  10. #BringTheBenchBack2017

  11. Late Nights and Puzzling Motivation - Stephen's Dev Log Sup Ninjas, Some of you might have noticed that I haven't posted anything in this section of the forums since I revealed the "Underground" and some of it's mysteries. However before you get your hopes up and think you're going to see some sweet sweet teasers I just wanted to warn you that this post is going to be a bit... wordy and less visual. Over the past couple weeks, I've been planning and re-organizing myself for what only can be called the longest working month of my NinOnline career. As I write this at about 5:09am on the eastern coast of the United States, I am reminded how grateful I am for the opportunity to work on such a lively and recently.... expansive project. No amount of gratitude could fully be given to @Rory, @Seth and even @Akiro for giving me the chance to work on something that I've been part of the community of since the early 2000s. Thank you to each of you, however; for the community members reading this I bet you're wondering why I'm even posting this as a development log? Well question it no further because for the last few days I've been hard a work cushioning the current content that you know and love with a bit more fluff to make your stay with Nin Online a bit more comfortable. What is cushioning, and why would this effect everything you know and love about NinOnline? Well to be completely honest, I can't tell you the exact details. Consider this entire topic to be a verbal teaser of things to come, for now enjoy a brief look into my near-daily process and what I've been doing for you! Design These past few days have pushed me towards an amazing growth spurt of creative ability, I've designed things that we haven't previously used in any of the current areas of NinOnline's world and hidden them in such a way that you'd never guess they were even tucked away right below your bloodhound-like noses. From the most obvious changes to the smallest tweaks of existing areas, you'll find more things in areas that you've probably written off as "completed" or "dull". My goal for the next month is to design puzzles, areas, mazes and even encounters that will push me and perhaps even you to the limit! I've thought about what I've wanted from this game, and I'm even thinking of things that weren't even thought possible before. I can't show you what I've been working on mostly because it'll ruin the fun of you figuring out how it all works, but I absolutely believe that you will love what I've come up with and have placed gently into certain areas of the game Inspirations Pardon me for this but I've always considered myself to be a bit of a thinker and puzzle-geek so when I started to design these new experiences I put my mind in a place that even I haven't put myself in since I first picked up my Nintendo 64 Controller and embraced the puzzling world of Ocarina of Time. I'm a fan of brain games, challenges and having to use your mind to advance through a series of tasks. I'm not exactly a fan of hacking and slashing your way through a situation so don't expect my brain children to be as linear as previous experiences. However, much like a classic RPG, I couldn't have you walking through a treacherous area and expect you to happy with the reward of just making it through... Right? Low and behold, I'm not exactly a seasoned professional at these things so expect my inspirations to be deeply rooted in my experiences as a gamer, and also an avid Role-player. I'm sure there will be tons for you to learn, and even more for you to unlearn before you can find your way. Conclusion I bet you're wondering when you'll get to see all this stuff I'm very very gently insinuating to exist, well when the flood gates of the Closed Beta raise then the precious expansion of sandbox-style content I've been working on will surely begin to leak out in all forms of guides, instructional and tutorials. Oh and before I leave you with a sore taste in your mouth, I figured I'd give you a little bit of candy for all the trouble I cause by making you read this rather.... plain development log. I didn't say it was the best candy, just a little bit of mystery... Where does it lead? Stephen