
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Battousen

  1. Thank you! I tried to emulate the style as best I could.
  2. The irony of this post should never be understated.
  3. Let the people enjoy a new feature, sheesh.
  4. Happened to me as well today straight after the update, but then I closed the launcher, tried again, and it worked.
  5. So, I recently began trying my hand at doing pixel art. If anyone has any requests that aren't too demanding for a beginner, feel free to message me. Here's a few recent examples, the Nin Online portrait I made today and a Discord banner style commission I worked on for an OSRS friend; I would also say that if you're looking to commission, approach me in DMs over Discord or over here. Do offer any tips for improving, also, if you're experienced in the field.
  6. That could also work, yeah! A bit more than a Mode, since changing the gameplay would be redundant. I personally really want to see the resurgence of Organizations, it'd be a great outlet for role-play. I getchu! However we do have lore, in a sense. At least the bare basics of it- we have a history of Kages and what they've done for their Villages over time, we have had Chunin Exams with victors and there is lore there, there is continuity. In a sense, we've created our own lore in the game and even though it's very barebones, it's also a start. Maybe the admins could host some RP events with a focus on lore, though, in the future. RP can only go so far without characters interacting with a lived-in world.
  7. You really don't have to enforce role-play on anyone who's not role-playing with you in a specific scenario. What you have to do, and that's an important attitude to foster, is to rely on people to not kill you at any time. A system I was figuring out is <RP Mode>- where you may type /rp in the chat and enter a mode tailored specifically for role-play. Ideas for it so far have been to be unable to be attacked by outside sources like NPCs and players, and equally unable to attack anything until you're out of the mode. You would still be visible, but practically invisible from the interactable world enough to role-play in peace. I really don't get the idea of you having to enforce role-play on anyone. No- the other players just have to respect that you don't wish to be bothered. Is that too much to ask of a community that wants to see their game grow? That's why I came up with the RP Mode idea; because ultimately, other players seeing that you have an icon or <RP> written over your name in-game means two things. First, it means that you are openly role-playing and that will encourage more people to do it. Second, it means that you really don't want to be bothered by a stray Mud River or kunai or something of that nature. I wholly agree. Nin Online is touted as an RPG and in some elements it definitely is, but you'd be lying to yourself if you said that the devs didn't intend role-playing to be a big part of it. Why have RP Missions, Chunin Exams, organization initiations, organization robes etc- if you don't want role-playing in your game? The most eye-opening experience in this topic, for me, has been the sheer amount of people who join events like the Exams and they talk as though their characters are IC (in-character)- which means that role-playing is interwoven in the game as a whole and it being with one foot in the grave means the game is suffering in that regard. Sentences like 'you can't fix or change anything' just serve to obfuscate the problems and pretend that everything is fine. That's hypocrisy. However, we shouldn't really be operating on rewards solely. In most MMOs where you see role-play in rampancy, there are no rewards for it. The part where you get to escape the world, to write as though you were a completely other person, to exercise your creativity- that's reward enough for most role-players. A good journey taken in-character is a reward in itself. Still, rewards would be nice for incentive.
  8. Dramatic titles aside, there's an obvious elephant in this room and it's not close to shrinking any time soon. Rhyming aside, there's something we need to discuss. Something that the community needs so that they can finally get an outlet other than complaining about builds, macros, and damage values. Nin Online is an RPG (role-playing game). We need role-play. I know how we can start; by showing each other that we do care about it. I urge you to take this topic seriously, as it's been on the forefront of my mind for the longest time since starting out in Nin Online. For context and as a bit of a history lesson to those that don't know me, and that's most if not all of you, I have been a part of various role-playing communities in the past and remain so in the present. From the high fantasy of the World of Warcraft universe, to the cyber-core aesthetic of EVE Online, to the space odysseys of Star Wars: The Old Republic, and many, many more, role-playing has been my favourite creative outlet from the beginning. There are people in this community that feel the same way, that have had similar experiences but never got to foster them properly in Nin Online. There are likely people with more experience in the topic than me, because a decade of role-play is just enough to claim I understand the genre's intricacies, but not enough to claim any sort of higher ground. I think we ought to start from these sorts of introductions. I was told recently in the forums that not many people role-play here, and that the only form of it exists in a strange space within RP Missions and RP events that don't exactly offer the best dose of immersion. Still, they are a start. They're also the reason that role-play is so confined in this game. I want those that want to role-play in Nin Online to put forward a reply to this post with their characters, with their history in the role-playing genre (even if they have none, and operate on interest alone; we have to remember that there are still people who want to engage and enter the space that don't know how to begin). I want people who are interested in fostering a greater audience for the role-playing aspect of this game to tell everyone a bit about why they want that, about why it's important. Put forth your ideas, your characters, even past role-play events that you've been in. Put forth suggestions for role-play. And always remember; there's another person behind each screen. Don't sling insults or derail the conversation. This post might not get a single reply, but it's worth a try. I should probably stop rhyming while I'm at it.
  9. I don't know if there's a way to link your Steam account to your Nin Online account before the game airs on Steam. I imagine the game masters have a plan for that, given a lot of players might want to do that. Then again, I still think you should make a lucky toss and try playing before the Steam release, because you'll need all the EXP head-start you can get to keep up with the player base. Whatever your choice ends up being, welcome to the game! Make sure to join Mist, this isn't propaganda in any way.
  10. Not to be incendiary but when your game is very tightly wound and created around PvP and grinding (which is true, even in spite of its false RP narrative that isn't properly enforced or perpetuated), you kinda need player-run guilds and not three premades to lump people into. People don't wanna have to jump through hoops to get into an Org that will be seasonally dead most of the time, so why not let them create the playing field themselves?
  11. I get the original post and I feel like it feeds into part of the playerbase's general... lack of roleplay. People in Nin Online will often trade immersion to their character for PvP kunai-measuring contests and that's honestly inherent of a system that perpetuates PvP far more than it promotes RP. As Nin Online touts being an RPG with an immersive roleplay element more often than not, you'd expect these sorts of quests to already exist. And.. honestly? Some of what you're saying does already exist, and we'd benefit from it existing more. I can only speak as a new player here, but I've found, for example, the interactible poster in Takumi to be a very immersive way of introducing a mission. The challenge there lies in asking the player even passively 'will you follow up on the curiosity of finding out who the champion is, and taking their place?' It's something small, but it goes a long way. Just like how putting no visible quest markers on quest NPCs (e.g. the gaudy exclamation mark type of thing) helps the player feel moreso like a whimsical explorer of the world they've been put in. As a parenthesis here, maybe we'd also benefit from Summoning Toad and all of the Arc NPCs being named to show their importance. Sorry, that was a tiny tangent. I'm currently also working on ways to suggest the promotion of roleplay as I have been since day 1 of joining the game, but I really find your suggestion for immersive quests enticing. There's something amazing, if implemented correctly, about the reward a player feels when they figure out that 'hey, this item starts a quest!' or 'look, why is this key way out in the forest?'. I trust the game devs to come up with creative ways of implementing immersion, since as I've mentioned they already have managed to do so in other fields. An RPG is as much a roleplaying experience as it is a game of progressive and felt growth for the player and their avatar in the world.