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  1. i hope your happy about this... and im not going to play the game since my health is important also lol i know what you would think in your mind and say this infront of me '' you deserve all the hate, bully, those who dont trust you, those who dont need you, those who wont help you, those who wont be friend with you,e.t.c'' lol guess what? i didnt do anything wrong... i was the best player out of two of you... im the best person, good person and all the good things that i do to help you two... and yet this is what i get from you two? i thought you two will become mature and friendly towards me but in truth of word '' you cant change a persons attitude... if a person is being toxic for no reason then that person is toxic and wont redeem itself.''

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Narutoishere

      Narutoishere i dont talk to those who betrayed me or not giving appreciation to me.. unfortunatly you two lack many things mentality,maturity, respect, kindness, intelligence  unfortunatly you two treated me like a slave that does chores every single time you two are one of the worst players in existence of my life and im saying as a fact since you lack intelligence of mind and act like immatures who dont give a crap about those who help and also i dont consider you two as real players or players that helps players you two have become like the nin community members who are toxic and dont give a crap about players and i hope i wont see you two in my life since you are immatures and lack mentality, maturity.

    3. Shinichiro Sano
    4. Shinichiro


      I would like to clarify that Shinichiro sano and Shinichiro are not the same people I became aware of this post that there was a leaf with the same nick as mine, he plays on leaf and I play on mist, "sano"'s account is new and Mine is old, I don't know what he did to you or what he did to someone else but I'm not part of what happened, thanks to that I'll have to change my nick ;)